At this time, the Stoneman Celestial Emperor was covered with grey blood. Only his stone eyes were still full of fighting spirit and full of shocking fighting intent.

“10,000 years ago, when my stone world was sacrificed by Asura’s Divine Stage, old man and Stone Race should be extinct, is Master, gave us a second life! Ye Fei, you have to remember… “

Stoneman Celestial Emperor’s voice is gradually fuzzy. It’s not that he doesn’t want to tell Ye Fei more, but that under Zheng Batian’s crazy killing, Stoneman Celestial Emperor has completely reluctant to speak. What is left is to concentrate attention completely, to deal with every attack of Zheng Batian, in order to sustain a longer time.

At the same time, the words of the Stoneman Celestial Emperor will undoubtedly change the faces of the Stone Race, the ancient gods and the Elders of the Three Great Sects who are still fighting.

“Zheng Batian, there is actually such a method, he is now combined with Battle Puppet, Stoneman Celestial Emperor, simply is not an opponent!”

“I lost, I can’t think of me Three Sects , I tried my best, but I still couldn’t beat this Sacred Domain and Zheng Batian?”

Chapter 3002 The Last Hope

Looking at the bloody Stoneman Celestial in the void Emperor, at this moment, even the most determined ancient gods were shaken.

And the top executives of Sacred Domain, to be wild with joy, cheered for victory, “Victory, this Heaven Realm, my Sacred Domain is the strongest!”

“What about the Three Sects unity, huh, if it weren’t for the Holy Lord to repair the rune Battle Puppet, it would take time. How can you Three Sects survive to the present?”

“Now, Holy The Lord has suppressed the Stoneman Celestial Emperor, it is time, it is time to completely destroy the Three Sects! Raging Fire Sect, Myriad Poison Sect, Zhantianmen, Beasts God Sect, it is time for you to take action!”

Suddenly, a certain Sacred Domain high-level person raised a firework signal in his hand and launched it into the void. After all, with the strength of Sacred Domain, although it could defeat Three Sects, it was unable to keep alive.

And Zheng Batian’s goal is to dominate Heaven Realm and establish the only Divine Kingdom. Then, the Sacred Domain executives’ attitude towards Three Sects is to kill them all!

“Your Majesty is dead. Except for Ye Fei, Three Sects, whether men, women, old or young, are all killed, even chicken and dog doesn’t remain! You wait for it!”

The senior members of Sacred Domain, high-spirited and vigorous, directly issue orders to other sects. At this time, the Raging Fire Sect, Myriad Poison Sect, Zhantianmen and Beasts God Sect, who were always watching the battle, did not dare to hesitate at all. Their ancient gods, ancient emperors, Elder, and discipline all took action, forming four terrifying torrents. From all directions, the entire Emperor Tian was surrounded in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the Three Sects Elders and the disciplines were all in an uproar, even the Stone Race powerhouses who were still fighting, their faces changed drastically, “Nine Big Sect, there are Four Sects, become Saint domains Servants of patriarch, now that patriarch is suppressed, how do we fight?”

It can be said that the addition of these four Big Sects instantly made the original balanced situation completely out of control. The sky is Suppressed Stoneman Celestial Emperor.

The ground is surrounded by Three Great Sects.

“This is clearly a dead end! Now, I regret that I let Xuan Nvzong participate in this matter.” A painful expression appeared on the face of Xuan Nv Ancient God.

The elegant expressions of the ancient gods of Xiaoyao have also become pale. Although the battle is not over yet, many Elders, disciplines, and expressions of Three Sects show deep despair.

And in this despair, a sudden thunderous roar resounded throughout the emperor sky, “Who can be an ancient emperor, an ancient god, who has never killed anyone, who has not stepped on the bones of an enemy, Ask the world, who does not die? But we can choose to kneel and be slaughtered, or we can choose to fight for the last breath and shed the last drop of blood!”

Ye Fei’s hair was stained with blood, suddenly from the sky, Falling at the forefront of Three Great Sects, even if defeat is a foregone conclusion, he still has to fight, not for other, just to live up to his fighting intent.

This remark also made the ancient gods of Xiaoyao and the ancient god Xuanwu shake their minds. Yes, even if they fail, they can still choose the deadly dignified righteous, deadly able to support both heaven and earth !

“Unexpectedly, our cultivation for so many years is not as good as a junior.” Xiaoyao Ancient God gave out a wry smile.

Following a burst of hearty laughter, the Madman Chu brought the Dragon Mountain Monarch and the eight-armed demon dragon to fight from a distance, “hahaha, Xiaoyao Lao, don’t look at who Ye Fei is. “Junior Brother!”

“Junior Brother, you are right. Even if we lose, we have to let the enemy scared witless, become terror-stricken at the news, Shenglongzong, take out our backbone Come! Kill with me!” Zhang Lang angry roar, followed by an endless roar of dragons, coming from the void.

In the face of the final bloody battle, Zhang Lang unexpectedly brought out all the giant dragons in the Dragon God Valley, and moved towards Four Big Sect and Sacred Domain, who regarded death as home, launched a charge.

Stimulated by Ye Fei’s words and Zhang Lang’s bloody encouragement, Three Sects disciple, who had just been full of despair, showed crazy colors on their faces.

“Kill! Anyway, I will die, this Elder would rather die!”

“Yes, let me give my life today and fight Sacred Domain!”

“It’s a man, kill me…”

When facing a desperate situation, some people are desperate and fearful, but some people will be crazy and struggle. Even if it is a trapped beast, even if it is knowing that it will die, the oppression of life and death has completely inspired the bloodliness of Three Sects disciple and Elder.

This is something that Sacred Domain and Four Great Sects could not predict, and it was also something that the ancient gods of Xiaoyao and the ancient god Xuanwu could not predict.

Looking at the people who left their lives and forgot to die, Ye Fei’s heart suddenly felt a boiling blood burning, but he didn’t wait for him to rush up with Zhang Lang. The powerful hand suddenly pressed Ye Fei’s impulse.

“We can die, but Ye Fei, you cannot die. You are the hope of our Rising Dragon Sect. Taking advantage of the morale available, Stoneman Celestial Emperor can still support it, hurry up and take our Three Sects hope , Leave Heaven Realm quickly!” Madman Chu had a solemn expression, and suddenly he forcibly stuffed his space belt on Ye Fei.

Ye Fei’s heart trembled. Madman Chu, this clearly didn’t intend to be alive, so he gave him all his wealth.

Obviously, with the participation of the Celestial Emperor-level rune Battle Puppet and Four Great Sects, even the madman like Chu was completely desperate for this battle.

Ye Fei’s heart is particularly uncomfortable. Madman Chu, who is the Master of Heaven Realm, treats him like a parent and child, dedicated to giving without asking for anything in return. Now, he wants to watch Madman Chu. , Watching countless people go to death, just to cover his retreat alone?

Is this all right?

Ye Fei asked herself, but an amazing cold light appeared in her eyes, “No, no! I can’t watch the Master die like this! The power of Sacred Domain makes people desperate, but we, It’s not hopeless!”

“Master, Senior Brother, seniors, believe me, we still have the last hope, so you must hold on, no one should die!”

He didn’t accept the space belt of the madman of Chu, and didn’t take the opportunity to escape from the emperor, Ye Fei suddenly drove Battle Puppet, moved towards the piece of mountain valley in the deepest part of the emperor, rushed over.

“Quickly, catch Ye Fei! Don’t let him escape the emperor!” Ye Fei’s every move has long been stared to death by Sacred Domain executives; although he wonders why Ye Fei did not escape Emperor Tian, ​​but many senior officials of Sacred Domain immediately moved towards Ye Fei to chase down.


But these Sacred Domain executives who chased and killed were quickly shaken by a huge dragon roar. Although they didn’t understand what Ye Fei did more, the madman of Chu was still Charged immediately and intercepted these Sacred Domain high-levels.

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