In the sky, there was a huge roar immediately, “Madman Chu, Piff, you alone want to block my Sacred Domain?”

“hahaha, Madman Chu is not enough, What about us!”

Suddenly, there were three powerful ancient gods silhouettes, rushing up, and seeing these three, many high-level members of Sacred Domain, they were even more furious, “Long Mountain” Monarch, Fish Mountain Monarch, Yu Duo, you three Sacred Domain traitors!”

“Shut up, because we betrayed Sacred Domain. If we don’t stop you at this time, are you still waiting for you to kill Kill us like pigs and dogs?”

Chapter 3003 Fights the Nine Yin Kings

Chapter 3003 Fights the Nine Yin Kings

Dragon Mountain Monarch, all three Not a fool, naturally understand that the Three Sects are here, and they still have a way to survive. Once Stoneman Celestial Emperor and Three Sects are destroyed, they who betrayed Sacred Domain will inevitably die miserably.

So, there is no need to threaten Ye Fei this time. Dragon Mountain Monarch and the three of them have tried their best to stop these Sacred Domain seniors.

“Master, no matter what you do, you must be fast, even if it is us, it won’t last long…” In the distance, there was a roar of the Fish Mountain Monarch doing their best.

Even in Sacred Domain, they have never fought like this before, but at this time, under the pressure of life and death, they did it.

Ye Fei’s silhouette also shook suddenly, but he did not look back, but rushed to the deepest part of the emperor at a faster speed, and then here, he saw a huge valley in which Half of it has become a blood pool. In this blood pool, all are martial artist’s blood essence!

I don’t know the emperor, how many people have been killed to find so many martial artist blood essence!

“Ye Fei, why did you come here, damn it, are all the people in Sacred Domain changed from pigs?” Suddenly a roar of extreme anger came from the blood pool.

A closer look, in the blood pool, there is actually a blood man sitting cross-legged. This blood man is not someone else, but the ancient god Longyang controlled by the Nine Yin Law King!

“Nine Yin Law King, it was you!” Ye Fei was also surprised. “It’s no wonder that in the battle just now, your sneak attack suddenly stopped after my sneak attack. I thought you were I was seriously injured and escaped. It seems that you are still thinking about hitting the remains of Sacred Dragon.”


Xiaoyao ancient bell cried long, Ye Fei did not retreat, and he could not retreat. In order to save the crisis of Three Sects, let alone the ancient gods, even the Celestial Emperor, he would not retreat.

even more how, the current Nine Yin Law King was first severely injured by Zheng Batian, and later when he was sneak attacking himself, he was madly chased and killed by the madman of Chu. At this time, he was the weakest Ye Fei didn’t come unprepared at the time, after all, there was a rune Battle Puppet on his body!


At the moment of discovering the Nine Yin Dharma King, Ye Fei had already controlled the Battle Puppet and turned into the most terrifying metal giant palm, directly blasting towards the blood pool below.

This also made the Jiuyin Law King, who is still healing, completely furious, “surnamed Ye, deceive the witch too much! If this King does not kill you today, he will not be a witch! Witchcraft, Hell Sect !”

hong long!

The entire blood pool shook violently. Following the singing of the Nine Yin Law King, blood inside the pool, filled with crazy resentful spirits , Emerged from the blood pool, that feeling, as if the whole blood pool had become a portal to hell.

And the Nine Yin Law King, standing in the middle of this portal, launched the witchcraft, and at the same time launched the most terrifying ancient gods, “Ye Fei, die, the emperor’s heavenly sword!”

With a loud roar, the infinite sky turns into the most terrifying sky and aurora, whizzing out, the feeling, as if the rules of the whole world, are held in your hands and killed.

Ye Fei also took a deep breath, Tai Chi Taoist Soul, and suddenly at this moment, it burned completely, “Dao Soul, burn me!”

“Battle Puppet, break for me!”

hong long long!

The huge metal giant palm collided with the emperor Tiangang, and the howling Tiangang instantly burst into huge cracks.

Even if the Nine Yin Law King controlled the fleshy body of the ancient god Longyang, he couldn’t defeat the terrifying metal giant palm. After all, this is the terrifying point of rune Battle Puppet.

After all, this is a puppet treasure that can withstand the impact of Taoism, and the more powerful the Tao soul is, the more powerful it is to control the puppet, the more it can exert its formidable power!

“Nine-yin Dharma King, die! Da Luo Tianyin! Smash me!”

Another loud roar came from Ye Fei’s mouth. This time I don’t need the ancient bell of Xiaoyao The increase, Battle Puppet, has directly raised the Dao Yin to the most extreme level. The sky seemed to be thundered, and countless wraith spirits approaching Ye Fei instantly burst into ashes under Dao Yin’s strikes.

However, when Ye Fei’s sound wave hit the Nine-Yin King, the Nine-Yin King suddenly laughed wildly and suddenly shattered the approaching sound wave with his bare hands. The dragon he controlled The fleshy body of the ancient god of sheep, the real body of the fairy demon unexpectedly appeared, purple golden rays of light.

Ye Fei was really shocked this time, “Nine Yin Law King, you actually learned the real body of the fairy?”

“ga ga, didn’t expect Now that Lu Mohan can learn, how can he not learn this Dharma King? Ye Fei, you and I are both smart people. Although this Dharma King’s true body is incomplete, this ancient god’s fleshy body can also make up for a certain gap. , Even if you have this Battle Puppet, you can’t kill this King, of course, this King can’t kill you either!”

The eyes of the Nine Yin King Yin Yang suddenly became crazy and eager, “So we Why not let go of the grievances and conspiracy major event, as long as you help me complete the great cause of revival of the wizard, the Lord, you can admit that you are the new wizard emperor!”

“Are you done? You can die!” Ye Fei coldly smiled, without blinking, he has already killed again.

The Nine Yin Law King was fierce, and roared angrily, “Why, why do you refuse? You stubborn idiot! You actually refused to become the Witch Emperor for this group of doomed ants, and the revival is too Witch The glory of Clan!”

“First of all, I am a human being, not you inhuman wizards. It is up to me whether the wizard is revived or not!”

“Secondly, I am not as cruel as you. I can sacrifice everything for profit, the Nine Yin Law King, staring at your dog eyes to see clearly, those who are fighting in blood are not strangers! Those are my Master, Senior Brother, elders, friends and brothers !”

“I don’t want a Witch Sovereign, I only want my Master and elders to be safe, friends and brothers to be safe, what I want is that one day, everyone in our land, whether it is Human Race or Foreign races or witch races can be dignified and live peacefully under this sky!”


When speaking, Battle Puppet controlled by Ye Fei, Already clenched his fists, fighting frantically with the Nine-Yin Dharma King, the expression of the Nine-Yin Dharma King, also in this brief moment, was completely distorted and ferocious, “Bullshit, everything is bullshit! As long as there is absolute power, as long as To reproduce the splendor of the Great Wizard, it is worth the death, even if the Heaven Realm is destroyed, the Lord must reproduce the glory of the Great Wizard!”

“Ye Fei, you can’t stop Three The destruction of the Great Sects, you can’t stop the defeat of the Stoneman Celestial Emperor. This remains of the Sacred Dragon, you are also simply not qualified to own it, gā gā gā, hehehe…”

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