Nine Yin Dharma King laughed wildly, and even ignored the damage of the ancient god fleshy body. He just kept fighting with Ye Fei’s Battle Puppet and blocked Ye Fei’s approach. The remains of Sacred Dragon, Ye Fei’s complexion, suddenly hard to look.

While fighting, he moved in his heart and suddenly threw Dragon Tortoise out, hoping that Dragon Tortoise could take the opportunity to get close to the remains of Sacred Dragon, but his ears suddenly heard the evil laugh of the Nine Yin Law King.

Chapter 3004 at the crucial moment

Chapter 3004 at the crucial moment

“One day, the Lord will break the broken tortoise Tortoise shell, chew raw!” After eating a loss, how can the Nine Yin Law King let Dragon Tortoise succeed for the second time?

He summon the blood pool wraith spirit, not to stop Ye Fei, but to stop Dragon Tortoise.

wū wū wū wū!

As Ye Fei threw Dragon Tortoise out, blood was inside the pool. Those broken wraiths had reunited, and countless bloody hands were stretched out, crazily wrapped around Dragon Tortoise. Dragon Tortoise is just letting go, roaring, wanting to breathe fire, but being tightly tightened by the huge palm of the wraith spirit, trying to shrink the shell, limbs and tail, and being grabbed by countless bloody hands at the same time, simply unable to move even a little bit, let alone go to grab the remains of Sacred Dragon.

The words of the King of Nine Yins are the soul flew away and scattered that scared Dragon Tortoise. For the first time, he regretted that he usually ate too much and grew so fat that he didn’t even have the chance to resist. Entangled by countless resentful spirits, “Roar…”

The voice of Dragon Tortoise, sad and frightened, it is still a little turtle cub, and it hasn’t grown up yet. If it is chewed like this Come on.

Receiving the rumors of Dragon Tortoise’s soul, Ye Fei’s complexion was instantly ugly. He knew that the realm of Dragon Tortoise’s ancestors was still too low compared to him and the Nine Yin Law King.

At this time, seeing Dragon Tortoise in danger, Ye Fei not even think, he rushed over, “Da Hei, hold on, I will save you!”

“ga ga, Ye Fei, Ye Demon! You have repeatedly bad faithful deeds of this French King, how can this French King forgive you? You just watched, the black turtle was bitten to death! Give this King alive and swallow it!”

wu wu wu, wu wu wu!

Thousands of ghosts were crying, and the pool of blood was boiling. With the chanting of the Nine Yin Law King, all the wraiths in the opened Hell Sect instantly turned into terrifying hunger!

These are hungry, eat everything, they are the scariest hungry ghosts in the legend. Seeing this scene, Ye Fei eye socket cracked, is he going to watch Dragon Tortoise? died?

“No, I can’t!”


Ye Fei and Xiaocao were anxious at the same time, and they were confused. And Jiuyin Law King, waiting for this time, he grinned, suddenly a feminine and vicious wizard curse, patted Ye Fei’s defenseless back, “You know, the fleshy body that this Law King values ​​most is not a dragon. The sheep, it’s you, Ye Fei! Now you can choose whether to avoid this witch curse, or desperate to save the black turtle!”

The Nine Yin Law King, his vicious eyes showed a trace of joke .

The terrifying witchcraft is more like a phantom poisonous snake. It opened its mouth wide and swallowed it, moved towards Ye Fei. Cold sweat appeared on Ye Fei’s forehead. He dodged it, and Dragon Tortoise might die, he If he doesn’t dodge, he may be controlled by the witch curse and become a puppet like the ancient dragon sheep god.

“Ye Fei, after I die…Don’t use ingot candles, just a lot of meat, remember to…ten meals a day…”

In the blood pool, Dragon Tortoise tears down The face is full, and he has already planned for the life after death.

When hearing this sound transmission, Ye Fei and Xiaocao’s hearts trembled suddenly, “Da Hei, no!”

“Scum! Hei fatty, A group of hungry people are so scared that you still eat that many!”


Without sound, the sky suddenly rushed towards a huge fire bird, and it sprayed A terrifying Vermilion Bird divine fire, this divine fire, is Vermilion Bird divine fire, the most Firm most Yang, it is the biggest nemesis of the hidden souls.

With the fall of this flame, in the blood pool, the countless hungry that entangled Dragon Tortoise, all screamed and turned into blue smoke, even the other resentful spirits squeezed out from Hell Sect At this moment, he became frightened and hesitated no matter how urged by the Nine Yin Law King.

The Nine Yin Law King, vomiting blood on the spot.

Ye Fei was in ecstasy. The moment he saw Dragon Tortoise was safe, his Dao soul had already bloomed with the brightest radiance. When he turned over, he was a terrifying Purple Gold fist, which was with the Nine Yin Dharma King. The voodoo palms collided.

Boom ka!

With the increase of rune Battle Puppet, Ye Fei’s immortal body has become more terrifying. He punched out, not only shattered the vicious witch curse, With a direct punch, the booming Jiuyin Dharma screamed, half of the ancient god’s arm was bombarded.

The huge anger made the Jiuyin Dharma mad with hatred, “Ye Fei, this Dharma will not let you succeed. Since it cannot reproduce the glory of the Great Wizard, the Dharma would rather drag you , Destroy together, witchcraft, the sky Poison Blood!”


Under the madness, the Nine-yin King, sacrificed with the entire blood pool, and the sky suddenly began to bleed. The witchcraft actually caused the Heavenly Dao of Heaven Realm to have wounds, and a drop of terrifying Heavenly Dao Poison Blood dropped. When this drop of Poison Blood fell into the blood pool, the entire blood pool instantly turned into the most terrifying poison. Pool.

“Not good, this witchcraft is too poisonous!”

The golden Vermilion Bird was grabbing the Dragon Tortoise to fly into the bleeding pool, but was still attacked by Poison Blood and dizzy. The bulging one is with Dragon Tortoise, falling into the void.

“Leave Fire Big Brother!”

Ye Fei trembled, although I don’t know why the golden Vermilion Bird did not leave with the Lord Leaving Heavenly God, but in the end, the golden Vermilion Bird is At the most critical moment, he proved himself, how could Ye Fei, looking at the golden Vermilion Bird, fell like this.

He instantly activated the Demon Venerable False Step, and he was about to rush over and rescue the golden Vermilion Bird and Dragon Tortoise from the attack of poison qi, but what made him angry and angry is that at this time, Jiuyin The King, who also controlled the fleshy body of the ancient god Longyang, was usually wrapped in brown sugar.

Obviously, the King of Nine Yins is to stop him at all costs, obtain the remains of Sacred Dragon, Ye Fei’s mind, and become anxious, “Is there really no way to save the current Lost?”

“No, Ye Fei, you guys, there is still a chance…”

The golden Vermilion Bird that fell on the ground suddenly pulled out a strange fan with difficulty. The door was thrown out, and that door was the door of immortal spirit!

It turned out that after leaving the Lord of Heavenly God, Golden Vermilion Bird not only stayed with guilt, but also went to the Divine Dynasty of Tianwu, and brought the gate of immortal spirit.


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