Ye Fei thought, moving towards the landing of Divine Kingdom under the stars again.

At the same time, at the barracks of the black clothed Armored Soldier, a general wearing a Vermilion Bird armor was looking at the corpses of the black clothed Armored Soldier all over the floor with an indifferent expression, “The enemy means nothing. These black clothed Armored Soldiers have Half of them were killed by sonic shock, and the other half were killed by sword light. This person must be good at sword dao and sound channel!”

“General, the major event is not good, black clothed Armored Soldier Feizhou is gone!” Suddenly, an Armored Soldier rushed over to report.

The general wearing the Vermilion Bird Divine Kingdom had indifference and murderous intention in his eyes instantly, and he said firmly: “The one who extinguishes the black clothed Armored Soldier must be the remnant of the anti-thief and the fire! Ride on the flying boat. , Escape into Smaller Thousand Worlds is also the consistent style of the King of Thieves Lihuo! Unfortunately, no matter how fast the flying boat is, it is not equal to me Divine Kingdom’s warship fast!”

“Come on, prepare the ship quickly , Eldest Prince of the sun is dead, no matter who is against him, he must destroy his whole family, warn others from following bad examples!”

hong long!

Soon , A huge Vermilion Bird battleship rushed to the starry sky, and its speed was ten times that of a flying boat! If it is tracked at this speed, perhaps, before the flying boat from the fire enters the Heaven Realm, it may be found by the gods on the battleship.

Ye Fei knows nothing about this.

Farewell to Lihuo, Ye Fei is subconsciously wanting to come to Divine Kingdom again, and then buy a flying boat to go to the legendary sect Holy Land, the sea of ​​stars.

Just before he really came, under the void, suddenly a huge warship had swooped up, Ye Fei’s brows were frowned instantly.

Although this warship is not as magnificent and huge as the one that Heavenly God is riding on, it is undoubtedly the Vermilion Bird Divine Kingdom, a unique Vermilion Bird warship.

“And looking at the place where it appeared, it happened to be the black clothed Armored Soldier, near the exterminated camp, the government of Vermilion Bird Divine Kingdom, the reaction was quick!” Ye Fei’s mouth showed a hint of irony.

When the black clothed Armored Soldier was in the city of Lihuo, killing and arson, commiting any imaginable misdeed, the officials of the Vermilion Bird Divine Kingdom ignored it. When the black clothed Armored Soldier was destroyed, Vermilion Bird The government of Divine Kingdom, but immediately, is tracking, trying to find the murderer.

“Vermilion Bird Divine Kingdom, a false name!”

Ye Fei’s mouth showed a sneer, not at all intervening.

After all, before leaving, he had already explained to Lihuo, he didn’t have to worry that Lihuo might be overtaken. Immediately, Ye Fei just turned around and wanted to let the warship flying over. , Re-appearing in Divine Kingdom.

At the same time, the god general on the battleship also discovered Ye Fei. When he saw that Ye Fei could be alone, bearing the pressure of the starry sky, when he came to Divine Kingdom, the eyes of the god general , A strange color flashed violently, but after seeing the direction Ye Fei was coming from, which happened to be the direction where the anti-thief of the palace had fled, the eyes of the god general suddenly showed a hint of indifference.

This look was immediately seen by the lieutenant next to him, “General, my martial artist of Great Thousand Worlds enters the starry sky, usually there is a flying boat! This person does not have a flying boat, but dares to walk in the starry sky. Either boldness of execution stems from superb skill, or those who have just come out of Smaller Thousand Worlds, this is a fat sheep!”

You know, because from Smaller Thousand Worlds into Great Thousand Worlds , Must come to Divine Kingdom. Therefore, many powerhouses of Divine Kingdom specifically focused on these people and ransacked them.

At this time, Ye Fei is likely to be alone. From Smaller Thousand Worlds is coming, this lieutenant naturally does not want to let go of the opportunity for open exploitation. In addition, the direction in which Ye Fei is coming is exactly where they are tracking the anti-thief. This also gives the Vermilion Bird the story of Ye Fei. , There is a hint of doubt.

“This person is suspicious, maybe he knows the whereabouts of the anti-thief, come here, go and put this person on the warship, and interrogate carefully!” The Vermilion Bird general said coldly.

The lieutenant next to him immediately took the initiative to invite Ying, “No! Come, come with me to catch the fat sheep, no, it’s a counter-thief!”


Ye Fei was surprised to find that when he evaded the warship, the warship suddenly stopped ten thousand meters in front of him. After that, it was a lieutenant of the quasi-imperial realm. A large group of Armored Soldiers wearing iron armor flew over quickly.

“The boy in front, you are from that Smaller Thousand Worlds, do you have an identity waist token, have you paid the tax?”

You are also welcome, the lieutenant, as soon as you come over, open your mouth and ask Good thing, Ye Fei almost laughed out of anger. In Heaven Realm, he always ransacked others, but when he arrived at Great Thousand Worlds, there were people who wanted to ransack themselves?

Chapter 3022 Burns in anger

Chapter 3022 Burns in anger

Identity waist token is also the token of Divine Kingdom’s management of Smaller Thousand Worlds martial artist, only It takes a huge price to obtain the identity waist token, the martial artist of Smaller Thousand Worlds, to survive in Divine Kingdom, otherwise you will suffer endless oppression and exploitation.

I glanced at Ye Fei’s waist coldly, and found no identity waist token. The Divine Kingdom lieutenant’s expression became more and more excited, “haha, you don’t have a waist token yet! Boy, you are like this No, you need to know that, according to the rules, if you, the natives of the lower world, want to come to my Divine Kingdom, you must get permission from my Divine Kingdom!”

“Well, I will eat If you lose money, I will sell you an identity waist token, so-so, just collect 50,000,000 profound veins! Of course, if you don’t have enough profound veins, you can also use treasure as a mortgage!”

When speaking, this deputy general Having skillfully taken out a wooden token, and threw it over, Ye Fei looked at it and suddenly became angry.

I saw this wooden token, which is worse than the black wooden token used by Dragon Tortoise to turn over the old accounts. It is estimated that it was just deducted from the tree. This thing will sell him 50,000,000 profound veins. .

This is not looting anymore, but playing him as a monkey!

Ye Fei’s expression became cold, and he was too lazy to speak, turned around and lost the wooden token and left. This scene also made the gods on the battleship look surprised. He did not oppose the lieutenant looting the natives of Smaller Thousand Worlds. After all, this is also a way for his subordinates to make money. Usually the gods will turn a blind eye.

But the natives I met today seem to be different. Not only did they lack the humble color from Smaller Thousand Worlds, they even dared to ignore their Divine Kingdom army.

The god general has not spoken yet, questioning Ye Fei’s lieutenant, his lungs are about to burst, “You dare to ignore the general! Now he suspects you are suspicious, Come here, grab him and search him!”

Hey, since this little turtle refuses to cooperate, the lieutenant simply keeps doing nothing, changing from open exploits to open fire fighting. Up.

Hearing this, Ye Fei’s eyes were no longer angry, but a vaguely killing intent appeared. He still didn’t do anything, just spit out a word coldly.

“get lost!”

The ancestor Armored Soldier who was preparing to do it was all squeezed by Ye Fei’s words, and the lieutenant couldn’t believe his ears even more.” I heard you right, this lowly native of the lower world, what did he just say?”

“My lord, this untouchable seems to tell you to go!”

Some Armored Soldier The lieutenant who deliberately fanned the flames and was angry suddenly showed great anger, “The untouchables of the lower world, dare to be rude? Now I suspect that you are an accomplice of the anti-thief and the fire, come and kill me!” /p>

Originally, the lieutenant just regarded Ye Fei as an ordinary fat sheep from Smaller Thousand Worlds, and ransacked it to let the brothers make a small fortune, but Ye Fei’s blatant resistance was completely angered. The lieutenant and these Armored Soldiers of the Divine Kingdom.

After all, in their eyes, Smaller Thousand Worlds is a low-level indigenous world, and now, a small indigenous from the indigenous world dares to resist them. Is it worth it?

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