So, the deputy commanded that all Divine Kingdom Armored Soldiers, all carrying knives and guns, surrounded them, and when they shot, they directly attacked the dead, and simply did not give Ye Fei a defense or alive. opportunity.

The anger in Ye Fei’s heart was completely ignited at this time. For the first time, he realized how humble these Divine Kingdom’s martial artists, such as Smaller Thousand Worlds, are, because he did not accept each other. These people can kill him on the spot!

“What a Divine Kingdom, what a Great Thousand Worlds, today, this Ye can be regarded as a guide! Give me death, the great darkness breaks the Destruction Sword!”

Ye Fei whispered Roar, he originally wanted to hide his strength, and there will not be many incidents, but the tyrannize of the Divine Kingdom Armored Soldier completely angered him, and then the endless sword light, in an instant, swallowed the void and tore apart these Armored Soldiers. body.

It’s just a sword, and all Armored Soldiers around are destroyed!

This is the battle strength of Ye Fei today, and it is also the terrifying of the Destruction Sword of the Great Darkness. Under this sword light, the darkness is still shattered, even more how is the flesh and blood of the ancestor?

“Anti-thief! This person is the anti-thief who killed the black clothed Armored Soldier!” On the battleship, the god general was remaining calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, looking at the joke, After all, in the eyes of the gods, simply look down on the lowly martial artist from Smaller Thousand Worlds. Even if Ye Fei is talented, it is a joke in front of the mighty Divine Kingdom.

Ye Fei’s sword light really shocked the gods. The sword light that devours darkness is simply not an ordinary Martial Arts Divine Ability, but it is Great Thousand Worlds, unique Dao Fa!

Furthermore, this method is exactly the same as the one that killed the black clothed Armored Soldier. After the shock, the god general on the battleship was immediately furious.

He didn’t expect in his dreams. The black clothed Armored Soldier was not the powerhouse he supposed to be hostile to the Divine Kingdom, but an unremarkable Smaller Thousand Worlds.


not at all pay attention to the roar of the god general, Ye Fei’s sword light is still erupting, and the terrifying darkness swallows the void, and at the same time envelopes the quasi-imperial lieutenant. At this time, the lieutenant But there is no contempt and greed for Ye Fei in his eyes, but endless fear and disbelief.

“How is it possible that you are the murderer who slaughtered the black clothed Armored Soldier, the Heavenly God general, save…” The voice of the lieutenant stopped abruptly.

Ye Fei’s sword, also at this time, pierced his chest from his front chest, and the bloody sword tip appeared from behind again,

“Heavenly God general? Does your name have a source?” Ye Fei took out the sword and retracted it. Then he stepped over the corpse of the lieutenant, walked towards the warship, and walked towards the Heavenly God general.

The calm posture also made the town’s Heavenly God look dignified, but he didn’t back down, but looked down at Ye Fei extremely indifferently, “The name of the general, of course, has a source. , This is the prestige that I will follow the Lord of Heavenly God to suppress the Heaven Realm!”

“Today, I will kill you, the anti-thief, and die in the name of Zhentian. Black clothed Armored Soldier pays for life, kills, Vermilion Bird swallows the sky!”


Knowing that Ye Fei has a very difficult to deal with method, he will fight Heavenly God. It was his strongest attack. A cluster of flames appeared behind him, and soon the flames turned into the terrifying Blazing Vermilion Bird, swallowing the sky, moving towards Ye Fei suppress and kill.

“The late ancient emperor? No wonder you are so confident!” Ye Fei frowned, he is now only in the middle of the ancient emperor, the two sides have one small realm.

However, Ye Fei not at all shrinks. Sometimes the gap in realm is not absolute!

“Da Luo Tianyin, the great darkness breaks the Destruction Sword!”


The sound of the sky trembled, the sword smashed into the sky, Ye Fei stepped on the god figure and waved a sharp sword, and directly collided with the Blazing Vermilion Bird of the Heavenly God general in this town.

Chapter 3023 rune power

Chapter 3023 rune power

“How is it possible, this look seems familiar…”

Ye Fei’s heavenly sound and sword light made Heavenly God in town startled and faintly feel familiar, but this god will follow the Lord from Heavenly God into Heaven Realm, but he is only responsible for guarding the Vermilion Bird battleship. Not at all has really entered too empty, so not at all recognizes Ye Fei.

Nevertheless, after learning that the Heavenly God general of the town had once followed the Lord of Heavenly God and entered the Heaven Realm, Ye Fei’s heart still had a huge murderous intention unbearable.

“In the beginning, he was away from the Lord of Heavenly God and sealed Heaven Realm! Now, he has canonized some shit town Heavenly God general, despising Heaven Realm, really my Heaven Realm is no one?”

Ye Fei’s identity is the Heaven Realm Holy Lord. How can he tolerate the name of this person?

Immediately, the ancient bell of Xiaoyao rang long, shaking off the Armored Soldier all around, while Ye Fei’s strongest dark sword light has collided with the Blazing Vermilion Bird that will be condensed by Heavenly God in town Together, but what shocked him was that his sword light was unable to smash this Blazing Vermilion Bird.

Instead, this Blazing Vermilion Bird uttered a long cry, and the scorching sun in its mouth suddenly turned into a terrifying flame beam, resisting the dark sword dao, and moved towards Ye Fei’s body and burned down .

“hahaha, the turtle from the lower world! Don’t think that you can destroy the black clothed Armored Soldier, you can underestimate the general and the elite army of Vermilion Bird Divine Kingdom!”

The town’s Heavenly God general, laughed wildly, a ray of flame, but he urged his own flame Dao soul, and in one breath, he released more than a dozen flame rays in succession, and moved towards Ye Fei, blasting down, along the way, it was the void , Are all fused by the flame light to produce terrifying cracks.

Ye Fei suddenly realized that the black clothed Armored Soldier is just a private soldier away from the sun. It is more than vicious, but the battle strength is insufficient. It can only be regarded as a mob, and the army in front of him is The elite army of the Vermilion Bird Divine Kingdom, the town of Heavenly God, is the powerhouse of the ancient emperors.

Not only is the realm stable, it also masters the human-level Peak Taoism, and the realm is one small realm higher than Ye Fei.

So, no matter how strong Ye Fei’s Great Dark sword dao is, it still cannot withstand the terrifying flame beam. “It seems that I still underestimate the power of the Great Thousand Worlds ancient emperor!”


In the sky full of flames, Ye Fei sword light shattered, and the god figure dissipated, but his hands showed the most terrifying death God seal.


Following Ye Fei’s angry roar, his hands, the Divine Seal spread out, and suddenly one after another flame beam was shattered.

“This is impossible!”

He couldn’t believe that Heavenly God would change the complexion big and kill him. Ye Fei’s seal of life and death would be terrifying, and he would not believe it. Xie, the flame Taoist soul behind him, burned completely, suddenly making the temperature of the void burn like a soldering iron, “I will die, the flame hurricane punch!”

hong long!

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