A group of dude Young Masters are also astonished at each other, “What is it, disappeared in the blink of an eye?”

Ye Fei’s face is pitch black. Everyone was talking about things with style and elegance. , And as soon as Dragon Tortoise came out, it instantly destroyed the atmosphere.

But now that I know that this group of people are not dudes, but rebellious, they will be on the battlefield in the future, and they will still fight side by side. Ye Fei has no good concealment, so he caught Dragon Tortoise directly, “sorry, My turtle is a bit greedy.”

“Oh my God, is this a turtle?”


Looking at the round tuo in front of me, black and black The big black tortoise, the dude present, all have a feeling of soul shock. In fact, with their experienced and knowledgeable, they have never seen such a peculiar Dragon Tortoise.

Chapter 3554 Becomes Captain

Chapter 3554 Becomes Captain

Zhang Hua is even more blunt and shocked: “Dragon Tortoise is rare, but It’s not that my family has never raised it, but my Dragon Tortoise has never looked like this.”

“hmph, how can a group of domestic Dragon Tortoise compare with this baby?” Dragon Tortoise don’t look. He was dark and fat, but he was still very arrogant.

The exit of this remark made many dudes more surprised.

“Oh my god, this little tortoise can still talk?”

“Isn’t this nonsense, the ominous beast of Immortal Realm, even if it is a cub, what’s so strange about talking? Yes? But Ye Demon, there is one thing I still don’t understand. How exactly do you feed Dragon Tortoise? The turtles in my house are served by the delicacies of the Tiantianshan Mountains, but they are not fattening.” For this, Zhang Hua I was puzzled, but Ye Fei felt sad after hearing this.

Dragon Tortoise is full of contempt. There is grass around it as a backing. Naturally, you can eat whatever you want. You don’t have to worry about being too fat and being served on the table. Those Dragon Tortoises are different. If you eat a little more and get a little fatter, it may become a Chinese meal of some great characters in the fairy palace. Even if you eat well, you don’t dare to gain weight easily.

Of course this remark, Dragon Tortoise won’t say it, the elated one ate a Sacred Dragon bead, maybe it’s not good to refining like this, Dragon Tortoise habitually took out a few fairy meteorites to eat Up.

“Oh my God, that, that, that is actually a fairy meteorite!”

“Ye Devil, you actually use a fairy meteorite to feed Dragon Tortoise?”


Looking at Dragon Tortoise’s act of eating fairy meteorites, all the dudes present were shocked. Even Dugu Jian was shocked.

Only Dragon Tortoise, with an innocent face, as a young turtle cub growing body, it eats a few fairy meteorites, and it is worth these people to make a fuss about nothing.

Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise are subconsciously ignored. The value of a fairy meteorite is so great that a fairy meteorite is a hundred million cents.

In other words, the few bites that Dragon Tortoise eats are hundreds of millions of immortal stones. Such a huge number of immortal stones makes many True Immortal Sect pie jealous, and because of the invention of the fairy meteorite, It is the mysterious Pavilion Lord of the Immortal Pavilion, and this Pavilion Lord also has a high position in the Tianyuan.

So out of respect, Xiandian also stipulated that fairy meteorites can only be used by martial artists, and cannot be used to feed war pets, otherwise it would be disrespectful to Tianyuan. Therefore, even if these pampered young masters were present, they never thought about it, nor did they have the guts to use fairy meteorites to feed their pets.

Only Ye Fei did it without even thinking about it. Just now I want to change, but the few foodies on my body have long been used to eating fairy meteorites. If I want to change my mouth, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension, so Ye Fei can only hold back his sadness and pretend to be very indifferent. Wrong, I usually feed Dragon Tortoise with fairy meteorites. Why, is there a problem?”


The seemingly plain words, but like a thunder, shocked To the hearts of all Suicide Squad, Zhang Feng and Chen Hua, headed by them, looked towards Ye Fei with awe.

“It’s worthy of being an idol. Sure enough, we top dudes, compared to idols, there is still a huge gap.” Zhang Feng worshiped.

“Everyone, in our Suicide Squad, I, Chen Hua, have never convinced anyone. Only my idol, Ye Demon, I am convinced! So I have a suggestion. We might as well let Ye Demon. Head, when is our Suicide Squad Captain?” Chen Hua suddenly said.

With this proposal, none of the boys present actually opposed it.

After all, I have heard of Ye Fei’s glorious deeds and witnessed the process of Ye Fei feeding Dragon Tortoise with fairy meteorites. All the dudes admire Ye Fei’s prostrate oneself in admiration.

And for this group of rebellious youths, because they have seen too many powerhouses, it is difficult for Immortal King Immortal Imperial Capital to really admire them. Instead, Ye Fei is a kind of fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth. The demon style is exactly what they pursue and yearn for.

So under Dugu Jian’s stunned gaze, Ye Fei unfathomable mystery became the Captain of Suicide Squad. Zhang Feng and Chen Hua were also anxious on the spot to refuse.

“Idol, before you come, we made an agreement, who among us is the most kind, who is the Captain of our Suicide Squad! And idol, you are our most admired and most admired People, you are not a Captain. Who will be the Captain? It was so happily decided. The idol is the Captain of our Suicide Squad. Whoever dares not to accept it will have trouble with Zhang Feng.”

” I, Chen Hua, can’t make it!” And Zhang Feng and Chen Hua are obviously the heads of this group of dudes. Their family background is even more terrifying. Both Zhang Feng and Chen Hua belong to the Immortal Emperor family.

Especially Zhang Feng, and even the seventeenth son of a certain powerful Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Emperor, which shocked Ye Fei and Dugu Jian.

Of course the most shocking is not Ye Fei and Dugu Jian. It is General Yu who leads this army. Originally, General Yu put Ye Fei and Dugu Jian demons into Suicide Squad. In fact, it was also a bit of a trial and test for Ye Fei and Dugu Jian demons. I want to see if these two people are It is a manufacturable material.

But as a result, it shocked General Yu’s mind.

The Ye Fei and Dugu Jian demons who entered the Suicide Squad, not only did not clashed with the group of rebellious youths who claimed to be top dudes, they were still talking and laughing.

In the end, I didn’t know which of those gangsters was wrong, and was unfathomable mystery, so Ye Fei was elected as the Captain of Suicide Squad.

“Come here, let Ye Fei and Dugu Jian demons come and see me.” General Yu gave the order in a deep voice, so it was not long after he left General Yu’s account.

Ye Fei and Dugu Jian Demon, once again depressed back to General Yu, but they did not see Dugu Aoxue, Ye Fei is inevitably a little strange, “General Yu, where about Dugu Aoxue?”

“hmph, Aoxue, as a hundred-man general, naturally leads her own soldiers, Ye Fei, let this General look at you with admiration, those dudes, even the generals are headaches, you are How did you surrender them?”

General Yu was curious.

Ye Fei is incredibly embarrassed. He can’t say that the more deviant and fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth for those dudes, the more they will be recognized.

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