n’t that mean that he is always making trouble?

As for the Demon Dugu Jian, after a lesson, this time in front of General Yu, he watched his nose and his heart, a serious expression of silence to the end, and it was even more impossible to reveal something.

General Yu suddenly became a little discouraged and shook his head and said: “Don’t tell me, I’m not interested in how you surrender the dudes. I’m just reminding you that Suicide Squad is extraordinary. Now that you have become the Captain of Suicide Squad, you must fight your life to ensure the safety of this group of people. Otherwise, if they dare to die, not only will we be annihilated, but you will also suffer!”

Chapter 3555 Seven Kills formation diagram

Chapter 3555 Seven Kills formation diagram

One dare to die, the whole army is wiped out, one dare to die, the whole army suffers!

This is Suicide Squad.

If at first, Dugu Jian is still a little envious of Ye Fei’s ability to become a Suicide Squad Captain, then there is only sympathy left.

After all, as the Captain of Suicide Squad, if the group of dudes dared to die, the most bad luck would definitely be the Captain of Ye Fei. Upon hearing this, Ye Fei almost didn’t vomit blood.

Helpless, he has already taken this Captain, and General Yu has also recognized him. All that Ye Fei has left is fiercely’s training of these dudes.

Fortunately, the dude returns to the dude. As the most immortal Suicide Squad in the Immortal Palace, even General Rain, he dare not wait to ignore it. Instead, he directly took out a battle formation and gave it to Ye Fei. Let Ye Fei go back and practice.

“A battle formation is a battle between a large army. The most commonly used array, a set of battle formations, can gather the power of a thousand people, or even ten thousand people, to form a powerful attack. If a thousand True Immortal gather together A completed battle formation can easily slaughter an immortal powerhouse! If ten thousand people form a battle formation, it can also pose a deadly threat to the Immortal King!” It is no exaggeration to say that the battle formation, It is a weapon for killing on the battlefield, and it is also very important to any general of thousands.

It’s just that Suicide Squad, which is composed entirely of “emperor relatives”, has different treatment for the battlefield. Generally speaking, a battle formation requires a thousand immortals to be formed. However, due to the particularity of Suicide Squad, General Yu actually gave Ye Fei a set, a special battle formation that can be formed with only a hundred people.

This kind of battle formation is called the Seven Kills battle formation!

Once formed, the battle strength of the person who controls the array can be instantly increased by seven times, and the stronger the fairy who controls the array, the more terrifying the formidable power of the seven-kill battle array.

Now, Ye Fei is working with the members of Suicide Squad to practice this kind of battle formation, and then Ye Fei discovered that the members of this group of Suicide Squad are dudes, but their talents are still very high. Not bad.

“The fairy soul is divided into five grades, divided into ordinary grade, heavenly grade, king grade, holy grade, and Emperor Grade! The worst of these dudes is also Heavenly Grade fairy soul, which shows that they are still talented. It’s a pity that I’m too lazy to practice for a while, and I’ll complain all the time, so let’s not talk about killing the enemy in battle. When I get to the battlefield, it’s a fortunate not to be soft.”

After practicing for a long time, there is no improvement, Dugu Jian magic , Inevitably became irritable. He came here, not to play with these pampered young masters, but to go to battle to kill the enemy and make achievements.

Especially Ye Fei, because he killed Duantianya and forged a death feud with the Qing Mysterious Immortal King, he is also the most urgent and needs military exploits to obtain the gold medal for avoiding death.

After all, only by winning the gold medal for immunity from death can he let the Qing Mysterious Immortal King not dare to act blindly without thinking, at least on the surface, and dare not seek revenge from him.

But looking at the lazy drill progress of these pampered young masters, Ye Fei is completely speechless, but fortunately, Ye Fei has his own way to deal with lazy people.

Looking at the drill for a while, the group began to cry again, saying that they would take a day off, and Dugu Jian’s magic complexion sank would speak up.

Ye Fei waved his hand slightly.

“They are not ordinary soldiers. If they could use the training methods of ordinary soldiers, General Yu would have used it long ago, and it would not be enough to arrange us in specially to protect them.” Ye Fei shook his head in a deep voice.

“But if you look at them, you can’t even practice a seven-kill battle formation. Swords don’t have eyes on the battlefield are changing rapidly. How could we protect so many people? If one dies, we will not only have no credit, but we will be punished.” Dugu Jian demon, full of grievances.

To be honest, watching Suicide Squad’s feeble training, Ye Fei was also speechless. Knowing that these pampered young masters have long been used to eating and waiting to die, even if it’s a battlefield of killing, they In other words, it’s just a formality.

But the more so, the less vigilant it is.

First of all, Immortal King in Dongli, by the strength of oneself, actually wiped out the army of Xiandian, always giving Ye Fei a strange feeling.

Xiandian is now the overlord of Great Thousand Worlds, and the Immortal Emperor is also in charge. Even if the Immortal King in Dongli rebelled, he should hide in Tibet from the east. Avoiding confrontation with the Immortal Palace is the best policy.

However, Immortal King Dongli didn’t do that. Instead, he clung to his immortal realm, and fought a tough match force with force battle against the immortal palace. In the end, it was a miraculous fight. Won!

This incident itself is weird!

It is also this weirdness, which made Ye Fei a little more careful about this battle, and blocked the Dugu Jian demon. Ye Fei even more simply ordered: “Brother, since you are not willing Practice the battle formation. After that, this battle formation does not need to be drilled. Anyway, General Yu said that he never expected our Suicide Squad to play any role on the battlefield. As long as we don’t drag the army back, it won’t Scared Witless, who was scared by the enemy on the battlefield, flees without fighting and affects the military’s morale. General Yu will write down a great achievement for us!”


Ye Fei It’s okay not to say this. After hearing this, the dudes who were cheering without training just now showed obvious anger on their faces.

After all, they are not really dudes, they are just rebellious. For rebellious youths, the more you let them do, the less they will not do it, but the less you ask them to do anything, Instead, they scrambled to do it.

Especially Ye Fei’s words were extremely ugly. Suddenly, these dudes were fried on the spot.

“What, General Yu looked down upon us so much?”

“This Yulongting, so bold! She is just under the door of Emperor Yu, why is she so? Look down on us?”

Zhang Feng and Chen Hua are angry at hearing this.

“Hey, I also refuted it at the time. After all, I was also a member of Suicide Squad. I told General Yu at that time, don’t underestimate our Suicide Squad. Although we are dumb, we are not waste, let alone A coward who pees his pants on the battlefield! I don’t want her to be pitiful, do nothing, just give us a lot of military exploits, that is not a reward, that is an insult, it is a charity!”

” Brothers, why do you want to train you so hard? For what, I don’t want our Suicide Squad, not only to be despised and despised by a woman, but also to be happy and accept her alms and insults? I think too much, anyway, it’s a woman, even if she looks down on us and gives us alms, why should we care? Anyway, it’s enough to get the victory in the end. Everyone is gone. When the war begins, at worst we Suicide Squad , Hide in the back, the situation is wrong, and run right away.”

While speaking, Ye Fei was even more casual, and threw the formation diagram of the seven kills battlefield to the brazier not far away on the spot. Dugu Jian was shocked.

“Captain, the old woman in Yulongting, did he really say that?” Zhang Feng and Chen Hua’s complexion instantly turned red, and they were obviously extremely angry.

They are dudes, they are mixed eating and waiting to die, but they also have a bottom line and dignity, and Ye Fei’s words undoubtedly put their dignity and bottom line, fiercely stepped on On the ground.

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