Suddenly, all the boys present were angry.

Chapter 3556 Immortal King Li Dongji

Chapter 3556 Immortal King Li Dongji

They can ignore anyone’s ridicule, and only regard it as theirs Envy and jealous, but facing a woman’s insult and contempt, these dudes can’t bear it.

When talking, there were two Suicide Squad members close by. They were crazy. They quickly threw Ye Fei into the seven-kill formation diagram of the brazier and snatched them out.

“Captain, the formation diagram can’t be lost! Who are we being despised, and we can’t be seen by a woman?” Zhang Feng was angry.

“The trifling is just a seven-kill battle. This young master will now conquer the Yulong Court, and completely conquer!”

“Yes, just do it! At the beginning, we must make the Yulong Court look good!”

Start cultivation now!

bang bang bang!

So, under Dugu Jian’s stunned gaze, I saw those young Masters who were too lazy to die after he had scolded for three days and three nights. One by one, it was like a sudden bloodshot, full of energy in an instant, and gnashing teeth, and practiced on its own like life.

“Ye Fei, this…this…” Dugu Jian was a little silly, and then secretly asked: “By the way, when did General Yu say those insults, like me? Stimulate them, in case they wear a gang…”

“Don’t worry, they won’t wear a gang. Besides, these people are just like Dragon Tortoise. It’s not assiduous cultivation. If you don’t believe me, go and tell Dragon Tortoise now that the army will usually choose the fattest ominous beast in the army to reward the three armies. What do you think of Dragon Tortoise’s reaction?”

Dugu Jian Mo couldn’t help being curious, and he really walked over and whispered a few words to Dragon Tortoise, who was lying on the ground after eating and resting.

I saw Dragon Tortoise, who was originally lying on his stomach, his ears were erected instantly, and a person stood up, carrying a big black pot, sweating like a rain of frenzied exercise, and even the time of breathing and eating was omitted.

Dugu Jian was stunned on the spot.

But this kind of excitement is a huge motivation for both Dragon Tortoise and the Suicide Squad members. Under such motivation.

The entire Suicide Squad miraculously mastered the Seven Kills Battlefield in twenty days. When Ye Fei took the formation diagram and went back to hand over the order, even General Yu did not I can believe what I heard.

“Ye Fei, what did you say, you Suicide Squad, you learned the Seven Kills in just 20 days?” General Yu was suspicious.

“If the general does not believe it, you can review it yourself!” Ye Fei and Dugu Jian are very proud of them. At least they can prove that Suicide Squad is still very useful.

“The review will be avoided. Forgive you two. You have not had the courage to deceive the general. Now that you have merit, the general will make an exception and take you to meet the Immortal King. As soon as the Immortal King arrives, The war may break out at any time, and you must also be prepared.”

After all, on the battlefield, swords don’t have eyes, General Yu has to command a large army. She is impossible. Take care of Ye all the time. Fei three people.

Furthermore, the Immortal Palace is different from the Immortal Kingdom. In the Immortal Kingdom, the Immortal King often holds the real power. In the Immortal Palace, most of the time, the Immortal King will be sent out temporary Immortal Kings to obtain the military power only during the battle. At the end of the battle, Immortal King must immediately give up his military power and return to the Immortal Palace.

Only the Qing Mysterious Immortal King is an exception. Because he is responsible for monitoring the heavenly demon sword, Xiandian makes an exception and allows the Qing Mysterious Immortal King to always control the military power, but even so, the Qing Mysterious Immortal King is under his The fairy soldiers will also frequently investigate and ensure their loyalty to the fairy palace.

As for the rebellion of Immortal King in Dongli, it was even more accidental.

If it weren’t for Dongliye, gaining the Evil Emperor’s inheritance in immortal city, killing Beiyaochi and Mo Ecstasy cruelly, causing an unsolvable disaster, Immortal King would not be forced to raise troops. , Betrayed the fairy palace.

So Dongli Immortal King’s rebellion had a huge impact on the Immortal Palace. Especially the army that conquered Dongli Immortal King last time was completely annihilated, which shocked the entire Immortal Palace.

For this reason, Xiandian not only issued a rare Xiandian conscription order, but also sent a super Immortal King from Xiandian to control this army!

When Ye Fei followed General Yu and walked into Thunder Cloud City, from a distance, he felt a breath of Immortal King like Heavenly Might, assaults the senses.

Furthermore, this aura is stronger than the Immortal King that Ye Fei has contacted. In addition to Thunder Cloud City, the thousands of generals and hundreds of generals who were ordered to greet each other one-knee kneels and face the sky.

“pay respects to Dongji Immortal King!”


This claim shocked Ye Fei’s heart, what, Dongji Immortal King ? He remembered that Martial Ancestor Iron Guard said that in the East Jitian, Martial Ancestor once had a Head Disciple named Li Dongji, but later betrayed Martial Ancestor and led Baixian to besiege Martial Ancestor.

“Is this Dongji Immortal King, Li Dongji, Martial Ancestor’s Head Disciple, First Senior Brother who is bigger than me?” Ye Fei looked up in amazement.

I saw that in the distant sky, there was another large army, but the number was relatively small, only 10,000, but it was the real elite of the fairy palace, compared to the Thunder Cloud City convening The new recruits are essentially different. The leader is an Immortal King wearing purple cloth.

This Immortal King has a cold face, his eyes are like an abyss. The whole body is filled with a kind of domineering domineering that is not to me.

“This person is Dongji Immortal King, Li Dongji! Ye Fei What are you doing in a daze, why don’t you hurry up to salute?” Yu Longting glanced at Ye Fei with some confusion.

Ye Fei reacted suddenly and hurriedly lowered his head. But there was no one-knee salute. After all, it was a military salute, the etiquette needed only for the generals who belonged directly to the fairy palace.

Whether Ye Fei is okay or most of the immortals in Thunder Cloud City, everyone has come to melee. Even if they are incorporated into the army, they are only a temporary army.

So, whether these salutes or not, Immortal King of the East Pole of aloof and remote, will not care. His eyes just glanced at the barracks below at will, he has calmly retracted his gaze, and looked again. towards General Yu, who is in charge of the army, said: “General Rain, you did good this time. You did not expect that you could gather tens of thousands of immortal army in such a short time.”

“Now, the legendary king Order, within ten days, the army will set out to conquer no ministers, and raise my celestial power!”

“If you don’t conquer, raise my celestial power!”


The army behind the Immortal King of Dongji, everyone shouted, and the atmosphere of the entire Thunder Cloud City became high. Obviously, no one thought that the rebels of Immortal King in Dongli would be the opponent of the Immortal Palace. Even if the Immortal King in Dongli once destroyed an army of the Immortal Palace, it was only a matter of time before the immortal Palace was destroyed in the face of seriousness.

Only Ye Fei smiled bitterly in his heart.

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