“Wrapped on us, you are not only Captain, but also our idol! We can’t do anything else, which is to cause trouble. That is our old profession. Tomorrow’s celebration ceremony, we will go there Make trouble, when the time comes, cover Captain you to leave.” Zhang Feng and Chen Hua snapped their chests.

Ye Fei finally showed a pleased smile.

After talking for a while, it was getting dark and the barracks that had been noisy for a day finally became quiet, but in this quiet, there was a silhouette, quietly got up and walked to The military camp of Suicide Squad.

Not long after.

In the military account of General Rain.

General Yu face sank like water, looking at the extra black clothed Armored Soldiers in the military tent, “Now you are satisfied, Ye Fei really blamed the general, and he was celebrating his success. During the conference, make trouble and leave! Do you really have to force Ye Fei to completely rebel against the Immortal Palace?”

General Yu admires Ye Fei’s talents and talents very much, even if Ye Fei’s background , It can only be regarded as a civilian True Immortal.

What’s helpless is that these black clothed Armored Soldiers, even though they are only True Immortal, have very big backgrounds. They are Li Dongji’s confidantes. This time for Ye Fei, they are said to be the Immortal King. Li Dongji personally subpoenaed and gave the order.

Since the coach gave the order, General Yu naturally did not dare to disobey, so he could only let this group of people target Ye Fei secretly. It was not until the probe that Ye Fei might leave the barracks, and General Yu finally couldn’t sit still. Now, scolded these people.

Only in the face of this kind of scolding, these black clothed persons sneered constantly, “hahaha, General Rain, you are wrong about this. It is not that we are trying to force Ye Fei to rebel, but he, himself. It is the rebellion that is not tolerated in the fairy palace, even if the gold medal is not dead, it will not be able to resolve his sins.”

“Do you know this Ye Fei, his true identity? He is not from some shit too Mysterious Immortal domain He is the person named by the evil ancestor! And this person is not from too Mysterious Immortal domain. This damn junior is from the East Pole Immortal domain, a traitor from the deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors!”

“He not only destroyed the sect we were waiting for, but also took advantage of the absence of the Immortal King of the East Polar, and made the East Polar Immortal Terrible a miasma. Today, we are specially ordered to arrest this evil obstacle. A sea of ​​blood and hatred.”

When talking, these black clothed persons all showed great anger and cold light on their faces, even General Yu was shocked, “What, Ye Fei actually came from the East Pole Xianyu? He actually offended the evil ancestor? Really or fake, no, I have to ask Yudi about this!”

“hahaha, Yudi? Sorry, Dongji Immortal King said, since this evil obstacle comes from the East Pole Immortal Territory, we should do it ourselves! As for General Yu, all you need to do is to immediately order to control this Thunder Cloud City, a mosquito is not allowed to fly out !”

Chapter 3575 to clean up the sect

Chapter 3575 to clean up the sect

At the same time.

In the Suicide Squad barracks, late at night, the lights are bright.

As Captain, Ye Fei stood coldly in front of a bonfire. By his side, he also stood by Dugu Jian, Dugu Aoxue, Zhang Feng and Chen Hua.

all around, surrounded by Suicide Squad members, but there was one person, trembling on the ground, just kneeling in front of the campfire.

“Captain, I was wrong. I really didn’t mean to betray you. I was also forced to be helpless…” This person was already scared of weeping bitter tears, but no one sympathized. He, Ye Fei, also felt sad in his heart.

If it weren’t for him to have more thoughts, even when he fell asleep, he would let Xiaocao open the Divine Eyes and observe every move of the barracks. Otherwise, he really didn’t know that inside Suicide Squad, There has been a traitor. This traitor not only monitored him secretly, but also told the outsiders of his plan to leave the barracks.

“Captain, we are not good, we didn’t expect, among us, there will be traitors!” Zhang Feng and Chen Hua both blame themselves; they have a dull side, but they also have Talk about the side of loyalty, otherwise, they will not organize this Suicide Squad, and become even more impossible to become the leader of these dudes.

Helpless, people’s hearts are always fickle.

Not everyone in Suicide Squad, they talk about loyalty like Zhang Feng and Chen Hua, these two people are fake dudes, really rebellious, but it is inevitable that there will be those dudes who flatter them and vote for them. So, here comes a real boy, a fake rebellion!

For example, this chapter is like this.

“But this is fine, at least, in Suicide Squad, so far, you have only appeared as a traitor. If there are a few more, my Captain would have failed too much. Ye Fei shook his head slightly, then patted Zhang Feng and Chen Hua on the shoulders and said: “You are not wrong, to be honest, you can know you, so I can look at the dude with admiration! Some people look bad on the surface, but are actually good people. , Some people look kind on the surface, but they are very vicious. Everyone sees the wrong person. If you see the wrong person, I don’t blame you.”

Although this is the case, this kind of Ye Fei still feels very upset with the feeling of being betrayed. Zhang Feng and Chen Hua’s faces are even more cold.

As Ye Fei said, as dudes, they are not some kind people. They can get along with Ye Fei because they feel like Ye Fei. But this is not to say that they are soft-handed people, especially when facing people who betray themselves.

“Captain, please give this person to us. Even if you can forgive him, we will never forgive him. If you can betray you today, he may betray any of us tomorrow!” A fierce light appeared in Zhang Feng’s eyes.

“Come here, drag Zhang Jun down, I will teach him an unforgettable lesson!” Chen Hua’s expression also suddenly became gloomy.

This is very different from the usual frivolous appearance of the two. After a while, the army that was dragged down made a sound of fear and mournful scream.

Zhang Feng, Chen Hua and the others walked back again with their hands covered in blood, “Captain, that traitor, we have to clean up the sect.”

“You killed him?” Dugu Aoxue curiously asked.

“Why, although Zhang Jun is the scum among us, his dad is the Great Protector of Xiandian. Kill him, the problem will be very serious, we just cut him off A grass.” Zhang Feng returned to smiling hehe again, but the group of dudes behind him shuddered.

Be aware that when Zhang Feng and Chen Hua were cutting the grass just now, they took action by themselves. Not only did they punish the traitors, they also placed a curse on all the dudes present, which also scared some of their hearts. The shaken person once again strengthened his confidence.

Only Dugu Aoxue, with a face full of confusion, “Mowing the grass? What does that mean?”


Many Suicide Squad members He didn’t speak, just made an inexplicable laugh, and even heard Dugu Jian’s legs are cold, Ye Fei also has a tingling scalp.

Others don’t understand, but Ye Fei, who has been familiar with these dudes a long time ago, can understand as soon as he listens, and I sigh in my heart that these dudes are really cruel to torture people.

However, if it is not so ruthless, how can it deter those traitors?

“Ye Fei, now our plan has been exposed, what should we do now?” Dugu Jian magic facial expression grave said.

“Captain, how about we form a battle formation and forcefully kill it. Making trouble in a military camp is very exciting to think about!” Many Suicide Squad members are inexplicably excited.

Ye Fei was suddenly speechless.

“There are troops everywhere in the barracks, and there are thousands of generals and ten thousand generals. If it is a trouble, it is not a lamb in a tiger’s den? Rest assured, I have a way! Big black, come out and do it. Alive!”

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