Even after discovering the leak, Ye Fei came up with another secret way to leave the barracks, that is, let Dragon Tortoise dig a hole.

Knowing the danger this time, the Dragon Tortoise that came out didn’t ask for any benefits anymore. Without a word on the spot, he started digging frantically on the ground.

And soon, a big black hole was dug out.

“Oh my God, this Dragon Tortoise actually digs holes? Why don’t the turtles in our house, other than basking in the sun, will not?”

For the unique skills of Dragon Tortoise, Zhang Feng and Chen Hua were shocked again, and even Dugu Aoxue couldn’t help but look at Dragon Tortoise more.

Only Dragon Tortoise, with a arrogant face, digging in the ground while pouting the tortoise shells, and not forgetting to be taunted: “che, how can a group of turtles compare to this baby?”

bang bang bang!

While speaking, I saw that the ground continued to bulge, and a large number of pits began to appear, and a long cave began to appear underground, constantly following the Thunder The outside of Cloud City is constantly digging.


Ye Fei is also welcome. Seeing that Dragon Tortoise has dug a hole, he took the lead and jumped into the cave on the spot. A group of Suicide Squad members also watched, again Admire the prostrate oneself in admiration.

“I have decided that in the future, I must raise a peerless Dragon Tortoise, so whether it is running away from home or being locked up, it will be too convenient.”

“hehe, said You can dig directly to the Fairy Palace, where is the Fairy that gathers the most in our Fairy, if you can dig it…”

A group of Suicide Squad members, staring at the dragon Tortoise giant tortoise, are all The eyes of Dragon Tortoise, who were also scared, were inexplicably frightened, even Ye Fei would not have thought.

In the future immortal palace, keeping Dragon Tortoise in captivity as a battle pet is not only a symbol of strength, but also a symbol of the status of the top dudes.

If you don’t have a black and fat Dragon Tortoise and go out for a walk, you will be sorry to go out and make trouble.

It’s just that Ye Fei has overlooked one thing, that is, the group of black clothed Armored Soldiers, their deep hatred for him, and this hatred, let them know that Ye Fei might make trouble and leave the barracks. , The most correct decision was made.

So, while digging a hole all the way with Dragon Tortoise, and then digging out Thunder Cloud City, a group of uninvited guests also came to the Suicide Squad army camp.

Chapter 3576, a big vote

Chapter 3576, a big vote

“Come on, block this barracks for us, even if An ant is not allowed to go out.”

“Ye Fei, Ye Motou, you never imagined that there will be today, right? Today, the Sect Founder, we must personally take action to destroy your deceiving Masters extinguishing ancestors!”

Under the fire, the black clothed Armored Soldier headed by, finally revealed his true face, gray hair, eyebrows and beards, and dragged directly to the ground.

If Ye Fei is here, it will definitely startled, because this image happens to be the statue of Beiluo Sect Founder inside Beiluo Shimen.

The black clothed Armored Soldier in front of me is the founder of Beiluo Shimen, Chen Beiluo! Beside Chen Beiluo, there are also powerful True Immortal such as Nine Heavens Sect Founder and Laoshan Guixian.

They are all the last immortals of Dongjitian and traitors who betrayed Martial Ancestor. It was precisely because of Li Dongji that Li Dongji led the group of immortals to rebel against Martial Ancestor.

Martial Ancestor will fall asleep in frustration. Li Dongji, together with the remaining Beiluo Sect Founder, Nine Heavens Sect Founder and the others, were reused by Xiandian.

But reuse goes to reuse. Beiluo Sect Founder and the others will never be able to return to the East Jitian. Regarding Ye Fei’s move to destroy his own division, Beiluo Sect Founder and the others have more I dare to be angry but dare not shoot.

Only because Li Dongji was still in retreat at that time, and there was no Li Dongji nodded. These immortals of Dongji heaven, no one dare to call the shots without authorization, even if they know that Ye Fei is in immortal In the palace army, they can only hold their breath and forbear. Until the battle of the Immortal Palace ended, Li Dongji was finally nodded. He was inexplicably excited to capture Ye Fei, Beiluo Sect Founder and the others. At this moment, he was even more enraged and led his troops to surround the entire barracks.

“Suicide Squad, listen, today I am waiting for the order of the Immortal King to capture Ye Fei alone. Others must not act blindly without thinking. If you accidentally hurt you, we will not be responsible. !”

In the end, the identity of Suicide Squad members is not ordinary. Even Beiluo Sect Founder dare not act blindly without thinking, but shouts outside first, just shouting for a long time, and there is a little movement inside. nothing.

Nine Heavens Sect Founder inevitably felt weird, and then I was not polite anymore, and directly covered the entire army camp with a tyrannical thought.

“Not good, there is an empty camp inside!”

“What, empty camp, how could it be possible, the military camp is all around, there are our people watching, the entire Thunder Cloud City all The Teleportation Formation Platform has been completely shut down. Can the people of Suicide Squad disappear out of thin air?”


Beiluo Sect Founder and the others refused to believe it , Rushed into the barracks of Suicide Squad, and at first glance, Beiluo Sect Founder was stupid.

The huge barracks are empty, and none of the Suicide Squad members have seen it, let alone the Ye Fei they aggressively came to capture.

“No, there is another person here. It is Zhang Jun, the son of Zuowei Great Protector! Zuowei Great Protector is one of the few friends of Immortal King of the East, so we secretly rebelled against the Zhangjun. Surveilling Ye Fei secretly, he turned out to be like this.”

Looking at the blood-stained and painful Zhang Jun, Beiluo Sect Founder and the others, all suck in a breath of cold air, and then quickly awoke Zhang Jun and said: “Zhang Young Master, what’s the matter, who is so bold and tortured you so much?”

“Who else, Zhang Feng, Chen Hua That group of bastard! They are so cruel, they actually cut me off, leaving me not a single hair…” Zhang Jun cried in pain, but his voice was sharp, and he suddenly changed. I really can’t find a single hair.

In such a tragic situation, even Beiluo Sect Founder and the others are sucking in a breath of cold air, “The Devil Leaf, what kind of ecstasy soup has been poured into the group of dandies, actually made them so Defend it to him?”

Nine Heavens Sect Founder and the others are all stunned.

Then, inevitably, a huge cave covered by the military account was soon searched out by the immortal palace army.

When I saw such a huge cave, it was dug out under the eyes of the immortal palace army, but no one had discovered anything.

Sect Founder and the others in Beiluo, shocked again, followed by anger.

“Ye Fei, what a shameless obstacle, digging a hole, as a shameless means came up, quickly send troops to pursue, don’t let this evil obstacle run away!”

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