Ye Fei discovered that the cultivation technique of the Demon Realm’s cultivation technique is very violent. For example, the Goddess Emperor, there is no breakthrough for the Void Demon, but the battle strength erupted is even greater than that of many Void Immortals. violent.

Furthermore, this kind of rage is not due to the Goddess emperor’s own reasons, but because of her cultivation technique, which is incomparably rage in itself. If it is an ordinary imaginary encounter, it is estimated that it can only be beaten on the ground.

Look at those who attacked the village. They were all dark Demon Sects wearing uniform black robe. Hundreds of them were powerhouses in the Divine Emperor or Celestial Emperor realm.

Headed by the three powerful phantoms, these phantoms, and the cultivation technique of cultivation are also very violent, and seem to have quite a connection with the Emperor Goddess.

But unfortunately, the cultivation technique of Emperor Goddess seems to be more subtle than those of the three phantoms, so it can rely on his own violent attack power to block the attack of the three phantoms.

When seeing a group of martial artists in charge of hunting rushing back, the Goddess emperor shouted anxiously, “Take the baby, hurry up!”

“Eldest Miss, But…”

“It’s nothing, their target is not us, it’s the children! While we can still block, you leave quickly.”

Goddess’s tone Full of determination, this attitude also forced those martial artists who returned to their lives, because there were hundreds of babies in the village besides the fighting women.

These babies all seem to have been born less than three months old, but on the forehead position, a dark talisman seal appears.

When I heard that a martial artist was going to take these babies away, the three fighting phantoms all sneered, “hahaha, go, where can you go? Three months ago, the master I have already told the whole city that a Thousand Infant Feast will be held. These babies are all marked by my dark Demon Sect. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, you will not escape.”

“Dark Demon Sect, it’s not what you can compete with, don’t want to die, put down the baby, there is still a way to survive, otherwise you will all die!”


Hundreds The martial artist of the dark Demon Sect also broke out killing intent, and surrounded the village from all directions. Obviously, their role was to prevent someone from breaking through.

When Goddess discovered this, his face was immediately anxious, and the martial artists in other villages also showed tragic expressions.

“For our children, fight with them! Kill!”

These martial artists, each holding a child, began to break through from all directions, and were slightly weaker The women in, are fighting desperately with the dark Demon Sect surrounding the village.

This is very different from Xianyu.

If this happens to Xianyu, the strongest man is generally responsible for fighting and breaking through, while the old and weak women and children flee for their lives.

But Demon Sect is the opposite. Ye Fei was surprised. Through the dialogue between the two sides, he also heard clearly that the reason why these people were chased by the dark Demon Sect was actually the dark Demon Sect thought To catch these children, hold a thousand infants banquet.

Just by listening to this name, you know how evil this banquet is. At the same time, looking at the appearance of Emperor Goddess, it may not last long, Ye Fei shook his head slightly.

“That’s all, I’m too lazy to deal with things in the magic domain, but I can’t stand it with a baby for a banquet.”


Ye Fei Suddenly a horrible magic light burst out of his body! That is the rays of light of the platinum magic knife, releasing infinite coercion.

“Stop it all!” Ye Fei’s tone was calm, but full of unquestionable majesty. The terrifying force of the sword, and even the battle suppressed on the spot, lost the ability to resist.

“True Demon, it turns out to be True Demon, is it really over?” The Goddess complexion pale, she can resist the virtual demon, but facing True Demon, her attack appears pale and weak .

“True Demon, very good! This adult, is also invited to the Thousand Infant Banquet, many thanks, I came to help.” The three demons of the dark Demon Sect hurriedly saluted.

Hearing this, Emperor Goddess and all the martial artists in the village turned paler. A smile appeared on Ye Fei’s face, “Yes, I also came to the Thousand Infant Banquet, but I only hear the name and don’t know the meaning. Can anyone please tell me what this Thousand Infant Banquet is? Process?”

“The adults don’t know about Qianyingyan?” The three virtual demons were a little confused, but felt the terrifying power of Ye Fei, they replied respectfully: “Qianyingyan, it’s my dark Sorcerer Sect Master, an original method of confessing blood as an alliance, was just to express the importance of the alliance. The sect master decided not to use the blood of demonic beast, but to use the blood of babies! As long as you drank the blood of thousands of infants, went to the feast of thousands of infants , Is the strongest ally of my Dark Demon Sect!”

“Oh, in that case, the Dark Demon City is so big, why don’t you look for other babies, but these babies?” Ye Fei asked again Tao.

“This…” The expressions of the three virtual demons became hesitant, not knowing how to answer. Instead, it was the Goddess emperor who said with a sneer at this moment, “They dare not answer, then Let me answer, these babies are all born in the same year and the same month! The Dark Demon Sect master, the original creation of a thousand infants blood and blood alliance is fake, I am afraid to use…”

“impudent! I secret Demon Sect to do things , Why do you need to say more!”

The three imaginary demons suddenly furious, and moved towards Goddess together to rush towards the emperor, seeming to be beheading Goddess with one blow, and Goddess’s face suddenly appeared. Definitely, the strongest cultivation base is about to explode, sending out a desperate blow.

Feeling the abnormal Demon Soul fluctuations on Goddess’s body, Ye Fei couldn’t help but shook his head slightly, “Even if you Self-destruction Demon Soul, it’s just a futile effort. You can kill it by yourself. How many people?”


While Ye Fei spoke, a huge platinum magic knife suddenly appeared in the entire sky. This magic knife whizzed horizontally and horizontally, like platinum Thunderbolt, Tearing the Void, a horrible platinum blade light appeared, slashing to the ground.

Emperor Goddess, the martial artist in the village, the martial artist of the dark Demon Sect, and the three virtual demons, all look pale and fearful.

Just because Ye Fei this blade covers them all, the difference is that when the blade light falls on Goddess Emperor and the village, the platinum blade light shows shelter. When the blade When light falls on the people of Dark Demon Sect, it is destruction and killing.

puff puff puff!

The three attacking demons suddenly felt a sharp pain in their necks. The three shocked heads had already rolled into the void, and the three headless bodies also fell on all the dark Demon Sect martial artists. before.

These martial artists were shocked and unconsciously. They all knelt on the ground under the pressure of Ye Fei blade light.

“Go ahead, I am in a good mood today, I only kill the first evil.” Ye Fei said nothing, just walked into the village.

In this scene, I also saw Emperor Goddess with a stunned face, and then suddenly remembered something. When Goddess walked over in three steps and two steps, he would bow down and say: “Junior thanks Senior, I just misunderstood. Senior, please also Senior for forgiveness.”

Speaking, the Goddess is about to bow down, but before she kneels down, a gentle force has made her unable to kneel down, “It doesn’t take much. Li, I killed people, just to see them upset, if you really want to thank you, you will answer me a question.”

Chapter 3592 True Demon from Xianyu

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