Chapter 3592 True Demon from Xianyu

“What’s the problem?” Goddess imperial way.

“Do you know Celestial Court?” Ye Fei said solemnly. After all, he only has less than ten years. In the demon cultivation, he naturally does not want to waste too much unnecessary time.

“Celestial Court? What is that? Our Demon Realm, is there such a force?” Emperor Goddess and the martial artists around them all showed a confused expression.

Ye Fei sighed. He knew that after Celestial Court entered the Demon Realm, it was either destroyed or incognito.

It’s okay to change his name. If he is destroyed, he will suffer a lot. After all, he still bears the name of the descendant of the holy emperor.

According to Dark Demon Dragon, this name allows him to get huge benefits in Celestial Court!

“But now, it seems that Celestial Court is not easy to find. Of course, it also has something to do with the low level of these people.” Ye Fei shook his head again.

Turn around and plan to leave.

At this time, Goddess suddenly made up a certain determination. She took all the martial artists, shuaa~ all moved towards Ye Fei, and knelt down, “Master True Demon, although we don’t know what you are looking for Celestial Court, but I know there is a person in the Dark Demon City. Maybe you know the Celestial Court you are looking for!”

“Oh, you guys want to use me to help you get rid of the dark Demon Sect “Ye Fei stopped and saw through the intention of the Goddess emperor at a glance, but the woman’s words still aroused Ye Fei’s certain interest.

After all, he promised Dark Demon Dragon to find a way to find Celestial Court.

Goddess shook his head and said solemnly: “Senior, I don’t want you to get rid of the entire Dark Demon Sect. You only need to get rid of the sect master of Dark Demon Sect and his henchmen, I You can help Senior, control the entire dark Demon Sect, and also find the person who may know the location of Celestial Court.”

“Also, if even that person can’t know where Celestial Court is, I can be sure , Within the 10,000,000 li range of this demon realm, it is even more unlikely to know what Celestial Court is.” Goddess added again, and said that it is resolute and decisive.

This makes Ye Fei’s brows frown.

If the woman just wanted to ask him for help, he might not be able to do it yet, but the woman’s final words made Ye Fei have to think about it.

“What is the relationship between the person you are talking about and you?” Ye Fei solemnly asked.

“My father is also the master of Demon Sect!” Goddess didn’t hide it, and looked at Ye Fei straightforwardly.

Ye Fei is just a sudden.

No wonder, these martial artists call her Eldest Miss. No wonder, this woman can use the Divine Emperor to fight three phantom demons for a long time. This Goddess also has a history.

“Tell me the details, I will consider whether to help you!” Ye Fei stared at the eyes of Emperor Goddess indifferently, his eyes calm.

But it was the illusion that Goddess’s soul was seen through. She couldn’t imagine how Ye Fei could have such a majestic gaze.

She doesn’t know that this is the imposing manner of the king of Ye Fei Asura and the lord of the nine hells. Under this imposing manner, the little Divine Emperor, simply dare not lie or hide anything. idea.

The emperor Goddess quickly told his story.

“Back to Senior, my name is Yunxi. I am the daughter of the former sect master of Dark Demon Sect. We, Dark Demon Sect, have always been the overlord of this demon realm, and my father has always been this one. The strongest True Demon in the Demon. Until not long ago…In my dark demon city, an extremely powerful True Demon suddenly came. This True Demon defeated my father through challenges, but also slaughtered many of my father’s confidants and completely controlled them. Dark Demon Sect……”

“Wait, just a True Demon. Even if your father can’t beat it, can’t you let the entire Dark Demon Sect go together?”

And that True Demon, just defeated the sect master, and subdued the entire dark Demon Sect. This is too simple, but after hearing this, the face of Goddess was suddenly strange.

“Senior, don’t you know that my Demon Realm’s rules have always been strength is respected. As long as you have the strength, you can replace the other party’s position at any time, and even seize everything from the other party?” Although you don’t know Ye Why does Fei ask such a simple question.

But under the power of Ye Fei, Emperor Goddess still uttered the rules of Demon Realm. It turns out that the rules of Demon Realm are quite different from those of Xianyu.

In Xianyu, what you pay attention to is overall power, but in Moyu, you are pursuing individual power. As long as the individual is strong enough, you can challenge all authority. As long as you defeat Elder, you can Replace the opponent, become Elder, and defeat Sect Master, you can replace the opponent and become Sect Master.

So, when True Demon defeats the former Dark Sorcerer Sect Master, it will immediately become the new Sect Master of Dark Demon Sect, and control all power.

“This is somewhat similar to Asura Race, but if you want to be king in Asura Race, you must have the Asura bloodline and be recognized by all Asura. These superficial things, but only need one thing, that is strength!”

Ye Fei touched the chin, lost in thought, he was thinking, whether to help the Goddess emperor, Goddess emperor is also magnificent She didn’t dare to breathe, just took her subordinates, kneeled on the ground, and looked at Ye Fei very nervously. At the same time, there is still a trace of grievance in my heart.

As Eldest Miss who used to darkly Demon Sect, she had never wronged herself in this way, but in order to keep these babies and rescue her father, she had to kneel.

But Ye Fei didn’t mean to speak at all. This also made the heart of Goddess, little by little sink, and the babies in the village, because they couldn’t stand the oppressive atmosphere, suddenly got together Weeping loudly.

The complexion scared by the martial artists around was greatly changed, and they covered the baby’s mouth one after another, for fear that the child’s crying might anger the powerful True Demon in front of him.

Ye Fei couldn’t help sighing again, suddenly his consciousness sank into the beast seal space and said: “Xiaocao, you said this, can we help?”

” Buzz!”

Looking at the babies crying, Xiaocao had already been holding Dragon Tortoise, crying rustling sound, and the red eyes were only nodded.

Ye Fei is both angry and funny, but think about that’s all. Since the grass is nodded, Ye Fei will naturally not hesitate.

“Well, I agreed to your request. Now, find someone and take me to the Dark Devil City.” Ye Fei said in a deep voice, nodded.

In the whole village, all the martial artists just breathed a long sigh, and the Emperor Goddess couldn’t help but shed tears.

“Very good, my father is finally saved! Senior, I will take you there!” After quickly arranging his subordinates, Goddess suddenly remembered something. Facial expression grave said: “Yes, Senior, be careful, that True Demon is not a normal True Demon. It is said that he came from Xianyu and his battle strength is very strong.”

Chapter 3593: Meeting an old friend in another country

Chapter 3593 Meeting an Old Man in a Other Country

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