But there is another kind of magical treasure on the Immortal Emperor’s soldiers, that is, the heavenly demon sword and the heavenly disk of fate, such ancient soldiers!

No one knows how such ancient soldiers appeared. Most people think they were made by Heaven and Earth Nurtured.

But since discovering that the heavenly demon sword actually hides the consciousness of extremely high intelligence, Ye Fei knew that these ancient soldiers were not Heaven and Earth Nurtured, but man-made.

This is also the reason. Even the Immortal Emperor does not want to completely control these ancient soldiers. The only price they can use the ancient soldiers is sacrifice, constantly using a lot of life, treasure, and even fairyland Everything about, turned into energy, was absorbed by the ancient soldiers, only in this way could they temporarily use these ancient soldiers.

But now, Martial Ancestor has broken this rule!

Without any sacrifices, Martial Ancestor is able to spur the fate of the sky, and will not suffer any backlash!

Others don’t know what this scene represents. Emperor Ming and Emperor Yu were scared on the spot, and they had lost their heart to fight.

But there are exceptions.

For example, the true spirit of the evil ancestor, due to its own violent, even facing the ancient soldiers like the fate of the sky, the true spirit of the evil ancestor continued to pounce on violently.

The huge one-arm waved, the sky full of Fire of Life, seemed to completely ignite the entire world, an Immortal King accidentally contaminated a trace of Fire of Life, he was horrified to find My own origin has actually begun to wither.


The Immortal King screamed and fled. It was only a moment, but he had been old for thousands of years, becoming senile and overwhelmed.


This is the terrifying Fire of Life. At the moment when it is close to Martial Ancestor, Martial Ancestor’s hand, the destiny disc, has turned into a whistling round wheel , Not only smashed this world and the endless Fire of Life, at the same time, the light of the violently rotating round wheel also rubbed fiercely on the thigh of the evil ancestor.


Ye Fei was shocked to see a thick thigh of the true spirit of the evil ancestor. It was directly cut off, like a towering giant tree, constantly rolling in the starry sky, on the spot, it actually killed several hundred meters of the fairy hall.

Chapter 3709 Evil ancestors lose heart

Chapter 3709 Evil ancestors lose heart


Hundreds of immortal palaces are crushed to death There is not enough imaginary immortality, the broken leg of the evil ancestor is still rolling, and continues to move forward. Seeing, it is like this, rolling into the army of nine prisons. At this moment, not only Li Dongji and the others have changed. Complexion.

Ye Fei, his face also changed.

You must know that at this time, it is not someone else who rushes the most fiercely. It is Dugu Jian, Qin Wushuang, these friends and brother.

And the true spirit of the evil ancestor, is an Immortal Emperor powerhouse! Even if only the violent true spirit is left, it is definitely not something below the Immortal Emperor can resist.

“Martial Ancestor Master!” Ye Fei couldn’t help yelling at once. He hoped that Martial Ancestor could suspend the attack and intercept the deadly broken leg of the evil ancestor first.

After all, this evil ancestor is really evil.

Only saw the broken leg, the dead imaginary immortals were not killed by the broken leg, but by the broken leg, the evil aura that was constantly emitted, swallowed the origin, the whole People withered and died like flowers!

Ye Fei dare not imagine what a terrible disaster would be caused if such a broken leg fell into the army of the nine prisons.

The fighting Martial Ancestor also suddenly stopped attacking and wanted to retreat, but the evil ancestor with the broken leg uttered a tyrannical roar.

The endless Fire of Life exploded again, forming a terrifying starry fire sea, once again surrounding Martial Ancestor.

“It’s now! Our three Immortal Emperors joined forces to punish the Martial Ancestor and regain the fate of the sky disk!” Feeling the power of the fate sky disk, after Ming Emperor’s fear, his eyes appeared deep. Greed.

First heavenly demon sword, due to the special relationship between the Emperor Yu and certain people in the Tianyuan, he can’t get involved, then, he must get this fateful sky disk!

Light God punch!


In the sky full of flames, two fierce fist lights suddenly appeared. The entire starry sky suddenly became dark. It seemed that all the light was concentrated in Mingdi’s fists, fiercely fiercely. Kill it.

“The sword of rainstorm!”

Seeing Emperor Ming’s action, the terrified Yudi once again stabilized his mind and displayed it. She and Dugu Jian jointly created it back then The sword of the storm!

I saw numerous raindrops suddenly appeared in the sky full of fire and light. Those raindrops, every drop, contained the sword light of killing!

When the torrential rain in the whole world turned into sword light, what a terrifying scene was that, as the Sword Dao Sect teacher, Ye Fei felt his scalp numb.

But this is not what makes Ye Fei the most nervous.

Because when the three Immortal Emperors were attacking, the other Immortal Kings and Immortal Kings also broke out their strongest power again, and some even self-destructed Immortal King Armament, exhausted With all his strength, he blasted towards Martial Ancestor.

Although at a critical moment, the fate of the sky disk once again exerted an extremely terrifying magical power. No matter how fierce the Ming Emperor and the others attacked, they were all absorbed by the Destiny Sky Disk.

But because of this, Martial Ancestor is absolutely impossible to free up, and go to intercept the broken leg of the evil ancestor. At the same time, Ye Fei was more afraid of discovery. Even though the evil ancestor’s thigh was severed, the broken leg seemed to have consciousness, just rushing into the crowd madly.

As long as someone is touched by a broken leg, their Life Source will be instantly taken away, turning into a weird corpse on the spot!

“Such a broken leg, if it falls into the Nine Prison Army, or the Immortal Palace, it will be fine?” Ye Fei had one’s hair stand on end.

At the same time, both legs suddenly stepped on one of the birds Immortal King, “Golden Wings Great Peng, take me over!”

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