“ga ga, the little lord, you sit firmly!”


The Dapeng spread its wings and rushed to the stars. And the one in front of him is not a parallel importer like Kunpeng Spirit, but a real Immortal King Level Dapeng.

The horror of speed is like light.

In just a few breaths, Ye Fei went directly from the edge of the Great Thousand Formation Platform to the broken rift of the Immortal Palace Formation, “East Pole Senior Brother, Zhan Kong Immortal King, we join hands …I’ll go, when did the black egg run out?” Here Ye Fei is preparing to join forces with Li Dongji and other Immortal Kings to stop the ravages of the broken leg.

In the beast seal space, the originally quiet black egg is excited at this moment. It jumps out from under the belly of Kunpeng Spirit, and directly rushes out of the beast seal space, facing the tumbling one He broke his leg and rushed up.

Ye Fei was startled immediately, and the next scene made Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise’s eyes rounded, Kunpeng Spirit, and even the beak of shock, both opened wide.

The black egg that rushed out, not only was not infected by the evil spirit of the broken leg, on the contrary, the whole black egg suddenly became like a black hole, and actively got into the broken leg.


The entire broken leg suddenly roared in horror. Ye Fei looked strange and saw that the broken leg suddenly turned into a dark poisonous snake , Desperately trying to spit out the black egg that got in.

Then it became an evil giant dragon, constantly opening its mouth, absorbing the sky full of Fire of Life, and wanting to burn the black egg.

But no matter which method is used, the black egg squatted firmly inside, showing no signs of coming out. In the end, the evil giant dragon turned into a vicious scorpion with a huge tail. The needle pierced his body frantically, constantly piercing his body, piercing deep blood holes, and even more wishing to pierce the black egg that got in!

“This king’s egg…” Kunpeng Spirit ran out very nervously, constantly screaming at a distance, as if he heard Kunpeng Spirit’s shout.

Just a touch!

The tail section of the ferocious poisonous scorpion suddenly burst, and at the same time a black egg rolled out of it happily, just bounced twice on the spot, and immediately got in again impatient.

roar roar roar!

During this period, Ye Fei also saw an extremely shocking scene. As the black egg drilled and drilled, the evil ancestor’s broken leg was shrinking.

At the same time, the evil aura, which is enough to wither the origin of the Immortal King, is constantly being swallowed by black eggs like a streamer.

“Oh my God, what kind of monsters are there around this little lord?” A group of Monster Race Immortal Kings, their hearts trembled.

After all, Demon Realm emphasizes weak are prey to the strong, and Ye Fei of Immortal Venerable Realm obviously does not meet the powerhouse standard in their eyes.

Until, seeing this scene before him, all Monster King, looking towards Ye Fei, could not help but come with a trace of awe.


The evil ancestor who fought before gave out a huge roar like a madman, and at the same time stopped the attack, but desperately wanted to give his broken leg to recall.

However, no matter how the evil ancestor summons, the broken leg is like a dead snake bitten by seven inches, just floating in the same place motionless, endless evil, and even black eggs Continuous absorption.

At the same time, I feel that there seems to be a stronger evil aura next to the evil ancestor. The black egg is actually sucker, while it is adsorbed on the broken leg, while jumping excitedly in the starry sky, and jump Xiang’s goal is indeed the evil ancestor!

“Not good, this black egg is too overwhelmed!” Ye Fei was very nervous, after all, the black egg is just an egg, and the opposite, but the evil comparable to the Immortal Emperor… Suddenly, let Ye Fei I felt extremely speechless. When I saw the evil ancestor who was rushing by the black egg, not only did he not make a move, he actually found something horrible, and he didn’t even need his broken leg.

He abandoned everyone in the evil hall on the spot, turned around, rushed into the dark gate, and hid in the ancient coffin. Finally, that ancient coffin actually brought the evil ancestor to the sky. The humiliating roar instantly turned into a black light and rushed into the boundless void.

Faced with a black egg, the evil ancestor escaped?

Chapter 3710 Tianyuan shots

Chapter 3710 Tianyuan shots

“Evil ancestor, escaped?”

Present The Immortal Kings of the evil hall were shocked by all, the Palace Lord of the evil hall, the old Immortal King man, felt extremely unacceptable.

If the evil ancestor was defeated by Martial Ancestor and fled, they can understand it, but the evil ancestor was scared away by a black egg, which is too unacceptable.


Seeing the actions of the evil ancestors, Emperor Ming, who was attacking frantically, couldn’t help but breathe out a sigh of anger and blood. Originally, the two Immortal Emperors, plus The true spirit of the evil ancestor, even if he can’t beat Martial Ancestor, can maintain his balance.

But with the escape of the evil ancestor, the Fire of Life that most troubled Martial Ancestor completely disappeared, and there is no need to worry about being taken away by Fire of Life again and taking its own origin.

Martial Ancestor, thoroughly used his limit Martial Dao.


The huge sky disk of fate, really like a bright moon, was waved violently by Martial Ancestor, and the sword of rainstorm all shattered into dust.


Martial Ancestor was another violent roar. Wherever his legs stepped on, the starry sky burst continuously. At the same time, a straight fist burst out, but it made Mingdi’s fierce as the sun. His bright fists exploded into broken streamers.


It was the third roar that broke out from Martial Ancestor’s mouth. At this time, Martial Ancestor had rushed directly in front of Emperor Ming. It was another ordinary straight punch, blasting forward, but it was this fist that completely exploded the starry sky that all around Mingdi.

Even if it is the Immortal Emperor, when facing Martial Ancestor this fist, Ming Emperor’s eyes also show deep fear, “Damn it, shield of light!”

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