“If you don’t change your name or sit and don’t change your surname, my name is Ye Fei! Also, don’t you understand what I say? I tell you to close your dog’s mouth and get out of my sight. Are you kidding?”

The terrifying will to kill emerged from Ye Fei’s body. Just feeling the murderous aura was enough to scare the four young people into shattering, even more how Ye Fei or Martial King 6th Layer , They add a piece of expert that cannot afford to offend.

“Seven Prince, stay with the green hills, don’t be afraid that there will be no firewood! Needless to say, the Spirit Mushroom doll must have fallen into his hands. We should rush to inform the prince that it’s important.” A young man was terrified. Walked to the Seven Prince and whispered.

“Damn, today this Prince will spare your life for the time being, don’t leave if there is a kind of thing!” Ye Fei knows that you can continue to hold on, and the Seven Prince hurriedly left.

The four young people disappeared into the depths of Nanshan at the fastest speed.

“Looking at their appearance, I will definitely not give up. I don’t know where the little girl offended them and let them go?”

Ye Fei shook his head. He didn’t care about the four of the Seven Princes who left. He had high means and courage. If Heaven’s Chosen of Heaven’s City had the virtue of Seven Princes, Ye Fei could ignore it no matter how many people came.

“Okay, it’s okay, Little Sister, you can come out.” Ye Fei walked back into the grass, looking for the little girl.

The strange thing is that the little girl disappeared silently, how is this possible? When he drove the Seven Princes away, he always used his energy to lock the grass.

“hmph, I didn’t think this little girl was so bad. She was kind enough to save her, but she ran away secretly.” Ye Fei sighed loudly and shook his head, then walked out of the grass, and the silhouette quickly disappeared into the distance.

It was shortly after Ye Fei left.

In the quiet grass, a small head suddenly appeared. Looking at the direction of Ye Fei’s departure, fiercely waved his fist and gave a puff.

As if to say, I am not a bad child, obviously you are the bad guys. Realizing that there was no danger, the little girl stood up from the grass a little timidly.

It turns out that her whole body is covered with emerald green leaves. She can protect herself by spreading out the green leaves when she is in danger and hiding in the grass or leaves.

“What a weird little girl, I said, why are you so strong? It turns out that you are not a human being.”

Suddenly behind the little girl came a surprised Voice, this voice is of course Ye Fei. He just pretended to leave just now, and then used the big void step to return soon.

As a result, I saw such a scene.

Only at this time Ye Fei knew that this little girl was not a human at all, but a living form such as vegetation. It is no wonder that the Seven Princes were chasing after her.

You must know that the birth of spiritual wisdom from vegetation is extremely difficult. Those who can be transformed into gong have never seen a plant in ten thousand years. Who would have thought that in Nanshan such an ominous beast gathering place? There is such a spiritual object.


The little girl was also extremely surprised by Ye Fei’s sudden appearance, and then there was a frightened expression on her face. She screamed in fright and the green leaves on her body , Suddenly turned into a series of leaf knives, whistling and curling towards Ye Fei.

The pain is not too painful, but the clothes covered with dirt and dust on the body can no longer stop the destruction of the little girl, turning into pieces of rags, falling to the ground, revealing Ye Fei’s strong upper body , Ye Fei feels like he was born to rush to the little girl.

Throwing mud and stones are not enough, and I actually suffered so many leaf knives, that is, I, skin is rough, flesh is thick, can withstand the blows, so I am not injured. Replace with the four people just now. It was already battered and exhausted by the little girl.


Seeing that Ye Dao couldn’t hurt Ye Fei, it just broke Ye Fei’s clothes. After the little girl was surprised, her white face suddenly He showed an extremely shy expression again, for fear of seeing Ye Fei’s body with needle eyes, he quickly stretched out his tender hands and tightly covered his eyes.

But Ye Fei clearly saw that the little girl was covering her eyes between her fingers. The gap was too big, and she could see a pair of oozy eyes turning in her fingers.

Ye Fei, that helpless, replaced by another spiritual object, he meets a conviction that must be submissive, and he might be able to kill a full meal.

Faced with this pink and lovely Spirit Mushroom doll, Ye Fei felt like she couldn’t put her mouth on her mouth. Eat it, she couldn’t get through it in her heart.

“Forget it, meeting is predestined, who told you to be so cute, now when I don’t see you, run away quickly.”

Mentioning the croissant braids of the Spirit Mushroom doll, Ye Fei turned around and prepared to leave. After all, he was still cruel to eat such a pink girl.

What Ye Fei didn’t know was that when he touched her croissant braids, the little girl was not afraid this time, even her vigilance towards humans faded. less.

Seeing that Ye Fei was about to leave her to leave, the little girl was still anxious, and she didn’t care if she became shy, she quickly put down her hands and screamed.

“Okay, I’m going, can’t I go!” Ye Fei thought this Spirit Mushroom doll urged him to leave quickly, and when he was depressed, he would use a void step to leave here.


The little girl’s anxious cheeks are bulging, she has a very angry expression, knowing that Ye Fei can’t understand her, the little girl just steps forward She opened her short legs and thumped towards Ye Fei when she moved towards Ye Fei, but it was a pity that she walked too anxiously, and her legs quickly tripped her left and right feet.


The little girl fell loudly at Ye Fei’s feet, her face turned into a red apple, but even so, she still hugged Ye Fei’s right leg quickly and didn’t let go.

The tearful eyes stared at Ye Fei, Ye Fei was speechless on the spot.

Chapter 465 is dependent on me

Chapter 465 is dependent on me


Although I know that spiritual objects in the form of vegetation are all out of the ordinary, but like a little girl, she knows crying when she falls, and has such a rich feelings. This is the first time Ye Fei has met.

Of course, you can cry, but what do you mean by holding my leg? Obviously, he had a wary and scared expression just now, but now he is holding on to not let me go?

Ye Fei’s mood at this time is undoubtedly very depressed, helpless, for this Spirit Mushroom doll, which is exactly like a human, he really can’t handle it.

He can only squat down, look at the little girl and ask: “I said Little Sister, do you need my help?”

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