After thinking about it, it’s funny again. Is he confused? Why are you talking to a Spirit Mushroom? I guess this Spirit Mushroom doll doesn’t even understand what he says.


The little girl seemed to understand what Ye Fei was thinking, and suddenly nodded very hard, indicating that she really needed help, and then she pointed to a place anxiously.

Ye Fei was very surprised. Although Martial Dao world, there is no lack of strange things, this Spirit Mushroom doll is too amazing.

“Do you understand me?” Ye Fei asked.


The little girl’s nodded, tender fingers, continue to point in the direction just now, Ye Fei understood the little girl’s meaning this time, his face Somewhat weird: “You want me to take you somewhere?”


This time the little girl was very happy nodded. Then let go of his arms, looking at Ye Fei expectantly. Ye Fei is also curious in his heart, anyway, he is fine now. Looking at the Spirit Mushroom doll, it doesn’t look like it can hurt him.

Suddenly, Ye Fei decided to take a look with the Spirit Mushroom doll. To be honest, Ye Fei is still very interested in this kind of spiritual life.

So Ye Fei stood up, moved towards Spirit Mushroom and said in the direction the doll pointed: “Okay, then you lead the way, let’s go over and take a look.”


I didn’t finish talking, the Spirit Mushroom doll behind, tripped with left foot and right foot, fell on all sides, her small face became redder, and her face also showed an aggrieved and painful expression. .

Ye Fei only saw that there was a deep wound on the little girl’s leg. It was obviously injured by sharpness. Reminiscent of what the Seven Princes said just now, Ye Fei suddenly Understood, it must be Seven Prince who discovered the transformed Spirit Mushroom doll and wanted to snatch it, even hurting the Spirit Mushroom doll.

“This group of bastards, I should have interrupted their hands and feet just now!” An anger flashed across Ye Fei’s face. Even if the Spirit Mushroom doll is not human, she is a little girl after all.

“What do you do now, you can’t walk, or I will catch you and fly over, and you will be responsible for showing the way.” Ye Fei thought of a way, just watching the little girl’s croissant grab It’s easy, he is ready to catch it.

This of course also caused a huge protest from the little girl.

“Boom! Boom!”


The little girl yelled and protested. She moved towards Ye Fei with the mud and rocks, and at the same time, she carefully protected her croissants, so she didn’t let Ye Fei grab them. .

Ye Fei’s face was ugly on the spot. If it weren’t for an injured three or four year old girl in front of him, he promised to be anxious with her.

“You won’t let me catch, then how do we get there?”

The two sides stood in a stalemate for a moment. Seeing that the little girl really didn’t want to be caught and walked away, Ye Fei couldn’t think of a better one. That’s it, “I can’t find a rope to tie you up.”

Hearing this, the little girl also cast fiercely a blank eye at Ye Fei, which made Ye Fei even more strange. Obviously, I was still very scared and wary of myself before. Why did the little girl feel relieved again after a while. Could it be that I drove away the group of Seven Prince and saved her relationship?

Ye Fei secretly thought.

The little girl bit her finger in distress, grabbed the braid on her head for a moment, and opened her arms to Ye Fei with disgust, and made a stretch.

“What do you mean?” Ye Fei grabbed his head and didn’t understand.

“Eh!” The little girl rolled her eyes angrily, hurriedly, seriously, and did a few stretches. Finally, seeing Ye Fei, she still didn’t understand. The little girl was finally desperate and jumped very aggrieved. On Ye Fei, he made another stretch again.

Ye Fei understands the little girl’s plan, she actually wants to hold it by herself?

“Hey, forget it, hug it, and if you delay, it’s time for the Seventh Prince group to bring the rescuers.” Ye Fei hugged the Spirit Mushroom doll a little awkwardly.

Don’t tell me, this little girl looks quite small, and the weight is quite heavy. At first glance, it is super spiritual medicine that has grown for countless years. If it is sold, it is estimated that the entire Heavenly Martial Continent Must be crazy.

At least Ye Fei through childhood, I have never heard of creatures transformed by spiritual medicine.


“Big sister, the kid is right in front. We tracked the Spirit Mushroom doll here, and lost her trace. Needless to say, the Spirit Mushroom doll must have been That kid caught it, big sister, you must give me revenge.”

Shortly after Ye Fei’s departure, a large group of young people, Heaven’s Chosen, have rushed to this side. They are all near Uranus. The strongest group of young people.

Originally this year, as usual, everyone came to Nanshan to prepare for the rankings. Who knows, someone actually found a spiritual mushroom in Nanshan. Such a treasure is definitely better than Any Holy Artifact must be precious.

Even if Martial Sovereign heard it, they might come over to fight. Heaven’s Chosen who found Spirit Mushroom dolls immediately changed their goals, starting from beheading ominous beasts and starting to work together to capture the world like Spirit Mushroom dolls. Spiritual.

Among this group of young Heaven’s Chosen, Seven Prince is not yet the leader. The one who really leads is a woman who is also the eldest daughter of North Heavenly King, Bei Gongchun.

North Heavenly King has a total of seven children. Except for the three who died in battle, the remaining four are Chunyu Fenglei. For example, the Seven Prince who clashed with Ye Fei is the youngest Bei Gong Lei, but among the four children of North Heavenly King, the strongest is Bei Gong Chun.

Bei Gongchun is not only strong, but also very beautiful. All attracted a large number of young, talented people and gathered around her, but Bei Gongchun never put any man in his eyes.

Bei Gongchun’s life goal is only one, that is to overwhelm his father, North Heavenly King, and become the first queen of the Northern Heavenly Kingdom and even the entire Northern Territory, thus putting countless men underfoot.

So when she found out that there was a magical Spirit Mushroom in Nanshan, she was still a very magical little girl, Bei Gongchun was undoubtedly extremely excited.

When Seven Prince reported back that the Spirit Mushroom doll may have been caught by Taixuan Holy Land’s discipline the early bird catches the worm. After it was caught first, Bei Gongchun’s beautiful face also endured I couldn’t help showing a faint cold glow.

“Seventh brother, what about the discipline of the Taixuan Holy Land you mentioned, why didn’t I see it?” Bei Gongchun looked at the deserted grass, staring coldly at Seven Prince.

Seven Prince couldn’t help but shudder. He was not even afraid of his own father. He was afraid of this elder sister Bei Gongchun: “Big, big sister, I don’t know, maybe he knows me. I went to move the rescuers and escaped from Nanshan in advance.”

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