Shrek Academy is located in the southeast of the Tianhun Empire. To the southeast is the Star Dou Forest, to the east is the Dou Ling Empire, and to the south is the Star Luo Empire. It can be said to be at the core of the junction of the three empires.

It took Chen Feng half a month to travel back and forth to the far north. At this time, Shrek Academy was already in the process of registering for new students.

On Douluo Continent, Shrek City is one of the largest cities, with more than two million people living there.

Shrek Academy has absolute rule over this city, and it also has its own army, with a total of 10,000 people, of which 3,000 are soul masters.

The Shrek Army is so powerful that it is famous on the mainland. During the Holy War between the Sun Moon Continent and the Douluo Continent, the armies of various countries in the Douluo Continent were retreating steadily. Shrek Academy sent 3,000 Shrek Army soldiers to fight. After successfully blocking the Sun Moon Empire's army for fifteen days, Douluo Continent ushered in sufficient time for the countries of Douluo Continent to mobilize their troops. This was the victory of Douluo Continent.

These people are loyal to Shrek Academy. Shrek Academy is not so much an academy as it is a small country, and it is also an extremely powerful small country.

Shrek Academy is not located in the center of Shrek City, but in the east of Shrek City, because it faces the direction of the Star Dou Forest.

Shrek City is strategically located. It is not only the location of Shrek Academy, but it is also the most important commercial city at the junction of the three empires of Douluo Continent.

Because of the powerful existence of Shrek Academy, the security in Shrek City is excellent. Transactions here are not only fair, but also more reassuring. Therefore, when merchants from the three major empires conduct cross-border trade, most of them choose to conduct transactions in Shrek City.

The three gates in the south, west and north of Shrek City can be entered and exited at will, but the east gate is exclusively for Shrek Academy.

Chen Feng arrived outside the city gate. At least more than 8,000 people gathered outside the city gate, and it was very lively. Many vendors wanted to take advantage of the admissions meeting, which was a time of great traffic, to make a lot of money. You must know that the people who came to participate in Shrek Academy's admissions were all soul masters. Everyone is either rich or noble, and they are all wealthy owners.

The college's admissions meeting lasted for half a month, and today was the sixth day, and Huo Yuhao came to Shrek Academy on the first day of the admissions meeting.

Chen Feng has attracted much attention since he entered Shrek City. He has perfect facial features, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, big dark eyes, and skin that exudes light fluorescence. He is so handsome that he has no friends. Many women along the way looked at Chen Feng with burning eyes. .

Many bold women even approached Chen Feng directly, and there were more than one.

But now no one is chatting with Chen Feng, because a beautiful woman wearing a red Shrek inner court disciple's clothes is standing side by side with Chen Feng.

In the territory of Shrek Academy, the status of inner court disciples is extremely high and they have all kinds of privileges. In addition, this inner court female disciple is beautiful. Girls who want to talk to her feel ashamed and dare not come forward to talk to Chen Feng. strike up a conversation.

This woman looked to be seventeen or eighteen years old, beautiful, with fair skin, and she walked as if she was weightless. But his temperament is very cold, giving people an aloof and arrogant feeling.

Chen Feng's spiritual power is extremely powerful. According to Chen Feng's perception, this woman's strength has reached the soul king level. It can be said that her qualifications are extraordinary.

This cold-looking woman said to Chen Feng, "Inner courtyard, Ling Luochen, fifty-level control system war soul king, are you the new student who came to report at Shrek Academy? What is your name?" Ling Luochen looked at Chen Feng Kaede's flawless and slightly childish handsome face spoke.

Ling Luochen went out to perform a mission and just returned to Shrek City when he happened to see Chen Feng surrounded by older girls and younger girls.

It was just a curious glance at first, but who knew that after just one glance, he couldn't look back. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't love at first sight, but Ling Luochen found that his martial soul was actually afraid of that young man, and he couldn't help but Tremble.

This abnormality immediately aroused Ling Luochen's curiosity, and he immediately decided to see what method this young man used to make his martial spirit tremble. You must know that his martial spirit is a top-notch ice element martial spirit.

After listening to the self-introduction of the woman in front of him, Chen Feng immediately knew who the woman in front of him was. Isn't this Ling Luochen who represented Shrek Academy in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition in the original work?

Chen Feng immediately smiled and said: "Hello, my name is Chen Feng, and I am a new student coming to Shrek Academy to report."

Then Ling Luochen and Chen Feng started chatting. Chen Feng had no intention of hiding his second martial spirit, the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, when he came to Shrek Academy. Chen Feng planned to let Shrek Academy vigorously protect and train him.

Therefore, under Ling Luochen's deliberate questioning, Chen Feng revealed to her that his second martial spirit was the Ice Jade Scorpion Spirit.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Ling Luochen's big eyes couldn't help but be shocked, twin martial spirits! Ice Jade Scorpion! ! ! ! ! The ultimate ice martial soul! !

Ling Luochen suddenly understood and thought to himself: "No wonder my martial spirit trembles. It turns out to be the ultimate martial spirit. It's not surprising."

At this time, Chen Feng secretly thought: "My control over the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Martial Spirit is too poor, and the escaping aura was actually sensed by Ling Luochen.

Although this is because this martial spirit was not born with him, but was given by the Ice Emperor. In addition, since he just obtained it, it is inevitable that he is not proficient in mastering it. He should strengthen his control over the second martial spirit. He does not require anything like the soul-breaking knife. You can do whatever you want, but you must also reach the level of an elite soul master. "

Ling Luochen looked at Chen Feng's perfect profile from the corner of his eyes. His beautiful face was still cold, but his mind was constantly busy.

He is extraordinarily handsome, and his martial soul still has the ultimate ice attribute. Judging from his aura cultivation, he has reached Soul Master. He is also a twin martial soul. His talent is excellent and it suits him very well. If he has his ultimate ice to cooperate with his cultivation, his own Wuhun should be able to...

But there is a big age gap between me and him. I am seven years older than him... Isn't it a bit old to eat young grass...

The two of them were silent for a while, both thinking about their own things.

Soon Chen Feng arrived at the east gate of Shrek City, where new students were being reported.

The number of vendors at the east gate is also the largest, and it is almost overcrowded.

However, there was a disciple from the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy next to Chen Feng. As soon as Ling Luochen appeared, all the vendors and students gave way to make way for Ling Luochen and Chen Feng.

"This red uniform is for the inner court disciples of Shrek Academy!"

"This is Miss Ling Luochen from the inner courtyard. I heard that she always hates the approach of men? Who is the man next to him?"

"This boy is so handsome!"

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