Chen Feng saw that he had arrived at Shrek Academy and said to Ling Luochen beside him, "Sister Ling, I'll sign up first."

Ling Luochen looked at Chen Feng, with a smile on his cold face, and said to Chen Feng, "You are not familiar with the place in Shrek Academy, I will take you to register." After saying that, he took Chen Feng with him. Walking towards the Shrek Academy registration office.

Obviously, for Chen Feng, a genius with extremely high qualifications, twin martial souls and an ultimate martial soul, Ling Luochen still hopes to have a good relationship with Chen Feng, even if there is no spark of love.

Chen Feng naturally had an unimpeded path, perhaps because he was walking with Ling Luochen, a disciple of the inner academy. At this time, Chen Feng received envious looks from many students in Shrek Academy.

Chen Feng, who had a big heart, ignored this.

The registration office was guarded by more than a dozen young men and women who were a few years older than Chen Feng. Everyone was wearing a yellow outfit with a green badge on their chest. These are the school uniforms for second- and third-year students in Shrek Academy’s outer college.

The most eye-catching thing is that the two leaders are wearing purple school uniforms. Purple is the uniform for fourth and fifth grade students.

Wearing a purple school uniform is a young man who looks to be only fourteen or five years old. He is of medium build, has short black hair and is clean and tidy. He has good facial features and a kind smile on his face. At this time, he is preparing for the front door. The new female students who came to register took the soul test.

The other person was a girl who was about the same age as a boy. She had an ordinary appearance but a good figure. She was conducting soul power tests for some male students.

At this moment, a pair of golden boys and girls appeared at the registration desk.

"Senior sister from the inner courtyard!!!"

At this time, the students from the outer courtyard at the registration desk stood up one after another and looked at Ling Luochen respectfully, "Senior, what are your orders?"

In Shrek Academy, the status of disciples in the inner courtyard is even higher than that of teachers in the outer academy. It is natural and normal for these students in the outer academy to be like this.

Ling Luochen said coldly: "I'll bring a younger brother to register. You guys just hurry up."

"The younger brother of a senior from the inner college doesn't need to take the test. He can just hand in the letter of recommendation and enroll directly."

At this time, Chen Feng next to Ling Luochen said, "Let's test it."

The students at the registration office immediately handed the crystal ball for testing soul power to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng handed in the letter of recommendation, and after registering his information, he condensed the soul power in his palm, placed it on the crystal ball, and then poured the soul power into a blue crystal ball.

The blue crystal ball was full of fluorescence, and finally exploded, turning into debris on the ground.

"This, this, this, soul power above level 30, what kind of monster is this!!!"

In the freshman entrance test, you only need to prove that your soul power exceeds level 15, and the test is considered completed.

This crystal ball used to test soul power can test soul power up to level 30. If it exceeds level 30, the crystal ball will not be able to withstand it and will explode directly.

At this time, the new students who signed up and the old students who enrolled looked at Chen Feng in shock.

Chen Feng smiled and said: "Senior, my test results are passed."

The person in charge of the freshman enrollment report stared blankly at Chen Feng and nodded, "I passed, I passed, after the test..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ling Luochen on the side interrupted him: "I will discuss these things with Chen Feng later. You continue to receive other freshmen who come to register."

Ling Luochen on the side said to Chen Feng: "Chen Feng, let's go, I will take you to visit Shrek Academy."

After Chen Feng and Ling Luochen left, a heated discussion broke out at the registration office.

But Chen Feng naturally didn't know.

Shrek Academy has a beautiful environment with rich and lush vegetation. Walking on the wide avenue, no matter which direction you look, you can see at least ten kinds of plants, and these plants are obviously carefully pruned.

Walking forward two hundred meters, several huge statues in front blocked the view. There are ten statues in total, all ten meters high, and they are carved from the hardest granite.

These are the Golden Triangle and the first generation of Shrek's Seven Devils who founded Shrek Academy ten thousand years ago.

Ling Luochen slowly explained to Chen Feng. The two of them looked like lovers along the way, attracting many passing students' glances.

Heading left from the statue, the road is still wide enough to accommodate four or five carriages traveling in parallel. There is a sign on the side of the road with the words "Lakeside Trail" written on it.

A wide expanse of water can be faintly seen through the shady green trees on the right. In other words, behind these ten statues, there is a huge lake.

Ling Luochen said to Chen Feng: "In the center of the lake is Poseidon Island, where our inner court disciples study. If you have any trouble in the outer court, you can come to me."

After saying that, he threw a medal to Chen Feng. Chen Feng did not refuse and accepted it happily.

The two walked along the lakeside path, heading south for nearly a quarter of an hour before turning westward. After walking for more than a quarter of an hour, the path began to introvert, and a wide rectangular square appeared in the field of vision. A Shrek Plaza sign also appeared next to it.

Behind Shrek Square are tall teaching buildings with different colors, mainly white, yellow, purple and black. There is also a gray teaching building in the distance.

"The colors of the teaching buildings represent different grades and are distinguished according to the color of the soul rings. White is the teaching building for freshmen, which is like the lowest ten-year soul ring in the soul ring. Yellow is the teaching building for the second and third grade students in the outer courtyard. Purple is the fourth and fifth grade teaching building. Black is the sixth grade teaching building. If you can walk out of the black teaching building, you can already get a diploma from the college's outer campus."

"The gray teaching buildings in the distance belong to the soul guidance department. In addition to the teaching buildings at the front, there are many specific teaching places in the back. For example, the soul fighting field, assessment area, dormitory area, teacher office area, etc. Wait for you later After studying in the college for a period of time, you will gradually become familiar with it. The white freshman teaching building is on the southernmost side.

"Let's go, I'll take you to pay tuition, be divided into classes, dormitories, and get uniforms for freshmen."

With Ling Luochen here, Chen Feng handled the matter very quickly, and Chen Feng was assigned to class nine.

After receiving the dormitory key, two school uniforms and a white freshman badge, Chen Feng and Ling Luochen walked out of the freshman teaching building.

Ling Luochen said, "It's getting late, and I have to go back to the inner courtyard. If you have nothing to do, come find me in the inner courtyard."

After saying that, Ling Luochen stepped into Poseidon Lake, with lotus growing at every step. He moved quickly on the lake, and with a little tip of his toes, a round ice crystal appeared on the lake. Under the sunlight, it shone brightly, and he quickly moved towards the lake. Go to the Poseidon Island in the center.

Chen Feng looked at Ling Luochen's leaving figure, smelled Ling Luochen's body fragrance remaining around him, and the Yin and Yang Art in his body suddenly exuded desire.

Chen Feng's expression remained unchanged, and his strong mental will was not affected at all. Chen Feng walked towards the dormitory building without any hesitation.

On the way, Chen Feng glanced at a notice on the bulletin board not far away.

I saw the notice saying, the teacher of the ninth class of freshmen, Mu Jin.

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