Chen Feng pulled out the Soul-Breaking Knife, and then chopped off Zhang San's head with one blow.

For someone like this who killed his teammates, Chen Feng had no intention of leaving his body intact.

Instantly, blood spurted out from his neck, and Zhang San's body fell to the ground, staining the earth red.

Chen Feng's second soul skill can be used continuously, but the cost of continuous use is doubling the consumption of soul power. After releasing the second soul skill for the second time just now, Chen Feng's soul power is completely gone. .

If Zhang San had not been in a hurry to use the third soul skill Iron Armor Shock just now, but had held this third soul skill in his hand, Chen Feng would not have dared to use the teleportation soul skill rashly to get close to him. After all, the distance of teleportation is only three meters. meters, and the range of Zhang San's Armor Shock is a full five meters. If Chen Feng teleports over rashly, Zhang San's Armor Shock can directly kill Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked at the three corpses and the blood on the ground, and couldn't help but frown.

Although this was the outskirts of the Star Forest, it was still dangerous. Chen Feng quickly dug out the soul bone of the Flame Lion King. Just when Chen Feng's palm came into contact with the soul bone, something in Chen Feng's soul was touched by the soul bone. Already...

In the depths of his soul, Chen Feng saw a huge, simple and profound furnace covered with mysterious patterns. This furnace was exactly the same as the small ancestral furnace that Chen Feng loved to play with before traveling through time. However, the furnace in the depths of his soul became larger. Just countless times.

The first time Chen Feng saw this furnace, a lot of knowledge was transferred to Chen Feng's soul.

The full name of the furnace is the Yin-Yang Creation Furnace. It is simple to use, just put the items into the furnace, and then inject spiritual power. The Yin-Yang Creation Furnace will start smelting. The furnace will remove the impurities of the items and retain the essence.

In the past, Chen Feng had never come into contact with anything that could cause the furnace to react, so the furnace had been silent. It was not until today that he came into contact with the soul bone of the Flame Lion King that it caused the furnace to react.

And there was also a technique called Yin Yang Jue that came to Chen Feng's mind.

Chen Feng murmured: "Furnace, were you the one who brought me to Douluo Continent?"

It's a pity that no one answered Chen Feng's question...

Chen Feng's consciousness returned to reality, and only a moment passed. Chen Feng looked at the magnificent soul bone emitting red light in his hand, as well as his employer and teammates who had become corpses, and felt neither sadness nor joy in his heart.

Chen Feng took away the storage soul guide from his employer's wrist and put it on his own wrist. Then he put the soul bones of the Flame Lion King and the gold soul coins on Zhang San and Li Si into it, and then headed towards the Star Dou Forest. Rush outside.

The smell of blood here will soon attract carnivorous soul beasts. Soul beasts will be the best cleaners. Moreover, the few people who died were ordinary soul masters with no background, and no one would care if they died.

After Chen Feng traveled to Douluo Continent, his parents died while hunting soul beasts when Chen Feng was five years old, leaving Chen Feng alone. After Chen Feng's martial soul awakened, his martial soul mutated.

The martial arts of his parents were just ordinary swords, and their innate soul power was only one or two levels. When it came to Chen Feng, it mutated into a soul-breaking knife.

The blade is about three feet long and three fingers wide. It is completely dark, the blade is long and narrow and bright, and a blood groove is faintly visible. There is no embellishment, but it looks simple and solemn.

After slashing the enemy, it will cause mental damage to the enemy. There are five levels of innate soul power. (Broken Soul—Spiritual Attribute)

Although this kind of talent is not bad, and can even be said to be quite good, it is basically the end of his life if he has no hope of becoming a Douluo or even reaching the realm of Soul Saint.

But how could Chen Feng be willing to remain mediocre all his life? Chen Feng wanted to reach the peak, achieve eternity, and become immortal.

After painstaking exploration, Chen Feng found his own path through the path taken by the sword madman Ji Juechen in the original work.

Sun Moon Empire Royal Academy, Ji Juechen, a sword with an ordinary martial spirit has only the third level of innate soul power. Putting the soul into the sword is Ji Juechen's training method. His own martial spirit has been completely transformed into energy and is no longer an entity. , perfectly integrated into a meteorite iron sword. The person is the sword, and the sword is the person, regardless of each other.

In the end, Chen Feng summed up his experience and took a completely opposite path to Ji Juechen. Ji Juechen was a person and a sword, and the sword was a person, regardless of each other.

The path that Chen Feng has taken is to use people to control the sword. As a person with extremely strong self-will, Chen Feng cannot treat the sword as everything about himself.

The sword is me, and I am still me. I control my martial soul with an absolutely powerful spiritual will, allowing the martial soul to be freely controlled and perfectly controlled like my own body.

After two years of training and exploration, the Soul-Breaking Knife was successfully assimilated and mastered by Chen Feng's spiritual power. Since then, Chen Feng's training speed has greatly accelerated. He is no longer inferior to geniuses with innate soul power, and his combat effectiveness is far superior to the same level.

Then Chen Feng practiced all the way, suffered many killings, and experienced many things during this period. After a few years, Chen Feng had already sharpened his skills.

As of today, Chen Feng is eleven years old, and his soul power has reached level 23. This is because Chen Feng spent a lot of time exploring his own path, otherwise Chen Feng's soul power level would be higher now.

The reason why Chen Feng came to the Star Forest was to make some extra money, and to be familiar with the terrain of the Star Forest.

The purpose is of course for the million-year-old Tianmeng Ice Silkworm. Only those with a brain would let go of this kind of opportunity.

Then Chen Feng plans to enter Shrek Academy. Chen Feng has already obtained a letter of recommendation from Shrek Academy in advance, and will rely on his monster-like talent.

Chen Feng can definitely get the vigorous cultivation and protection of Shrek Academy. Although Shrek Academy's teaching ability is not satisfactory, you can't say that his strength is weak.

As one of the top three forces in the mainland, Shrek Academy has a large reserve of soul bones, elixirs and various tonics.

As for going to the Sun and Moon Empire? Chen Feng is from the Tianhun Empire and goes to a hostile country? Isn't that crazy?

The Empire of the Sun and Moon makes the most of you, who would try their best to cultivate people from a hostile country? Just like the Han Dynasty, it will try its best to cultivate the dwarf people next door to join you?

Although Chen Feng's prodigal-like practice is unrestrained and free, the speed at which he obtains resources is too slow, and he has to obtain them all by himself, which greatly slows down Chen Feng's practice speed. The most important thing is the dangers he encounters in the process of obtaining resources. , not to mention.

So Chen Feng has made up his mind to go to Shrek Academy to hang out and spend his weak development period.

As for letters of recommendation, it is not difficult to obtain. For many city lords, it is completely effortless to compile letters of recommendation, and there is no need to waste time and effort on anything.

Many city lords even regard this as a good way to gain benefits. They give you a letter of recommendation in exchange for money. Whether you can pass the entrance test of Shrek Academy is none of their business.

Xingluo City in the evening.

A hotel room near the White Tiger Duke's Mansion.

Chen Feng temporarily settled down, and at this time Chen Feng took out the Flame Lion King soul bone harvested during the day from the storage soul guide.

This flame lion king soul bone exudes red light.

This is a trunk bone. Chen Feng naturally disdained the fusion of a century-old soul bone, so Chen Feng directly sent the soul bone into the furnace.

Chen Feng urged his spiritual power to be injected into the furnace. With the energy, a huge, simple and profound furnace covered with mysterious patterns began to work.

Above the furnace, the mysterious patterns emit gleaming light.

After a cup of tea, most of Chen Feng's energy had been consumed. At this time, the furnace finally refined the torso bones of the Flame Lion King.

At this time, the furnace was opened, and two small balls the size of longan appeared in Chen Feng's hands.

One is red and one is white.

The white longan balls exude strong soul power fluctuations.

The red balls gave people an alluring aroma of food, making Chen Feng eager to eat it.

Chen Feng first ate the small ball of white longan.

Chen Feng sat cross-legged and meditated, and the small white ball he swallowed instantly turned into rich soul power, pouring into Chen Feng's meridians, and finally gathered in Chen Feng's Dantian.

An hour later, Chen Feng opened his eyes. His soul power directly broke through from level 23 to level 25. Chen Feng was immediately overjoyed.

This directly saved Chen Feng four months to half a year of hard work.

Chen Feng did not hesitate and swallowed another red ball.

The rolling heat made Chen Feng's whole body boil. The energy in the red ball was not to enhance his soul power, but to enhance his body.

Chen Feng feels that his body has become tougher, his strength has greatly increased, and his body's endurance has also been greatly enhanced. When the time comes to absorb the soul ring, Chen Feng can withstand the soul ring of a higher age.

Anyway, from Chen Feng's point of view, his current physical fitness is not inferior to that of Zhang San who was killed by him before, which also means that Chen Feng's physical fitness has now reached the soul master level.

Then Chen Feng began to practice Yin Yang Jue. The Yin Yang Jue technique is very mysterious. Now even if he lacks a partner, part of the technique cannot be used. However, just by refining the vitality of heaven and earth, the meridians are running far better than before. Meditation practice.

The eight extraordinary meridians, the five internal organs, the Small Zhoutian and the Great Zhoutian circulate in cycles... This way of moving energy is much more advanced than the meditation method of Douluo Continent.

Douluo Dalu's meditation method simply flows the energy of heaven and earth along the meridians to the Dantian, and does not involve the so-called eight extraordinary meridians at all. It is no wonder that a certain god king's Mysterious Heaven Technique defeats everything.

Chen Feng secretly said, "This Douluo Continent is indeed a fantasy sewer, and the cultivation method is too rough. After practicing the Yin and Yang Art, my soul power recovery speed, soul power, and soul power quality have been greatly improved compared to the meditation method." How much, it’s just a matter of replacing a gun with a cannon.”

Chen Feng is confident that he can easily defeat himself without practicing any martial arts.

Three days later.

A golden palace building. At the back door on the north side of this majestic mansion, a thin figure slipped out quietly.

It was a boy who looked to be eleven or twelve years old. He has a well-proportioned figure and is dressed in simple gray cloth. He is carrying a small bag on his back. His short black hair is clean and neat, and his small face shows a perseverance far beyond ordinary people.

Gently closing the back door, the young man quickly took a few steps and then stopped suddenly, turning back to look at the Duke's Mansion. There was deep hatred in his dark blue eyes.

"Mom, your spirit in heaven is watching. No matter how much effort I put in, one day I will come back and trample everything here under my feet. From now on, I will take your last name and change it to Huo, Huo Yuhao."

After saying this, he took another deep look at the Duke's Palace, turned around, and left without hesitation.

At this time, Chen Feng watched Huo Yuhao start walking towards the Star Forest and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

He was also heading towards the Star Dou Forest. Chen Feng was familiar with the road from Star Luo City to the Star Dou Forest. In addition, Chen Feng's cultivation level far surpassed Huo Yuhao's.

In just one day, Chen Feng reached the Star Forest.

Chen Feng planned to go to the Star Dou Forest first. If the plot was instigated by his butterfly wings and the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm appeared early, Chen Feng would probably not have anywhere to cry.

In the evening, the sun sets in the sky, and the sunset shines through the dense branches and leaves, rendering the forest near the Star Forest a golden red.

On the branches, the birds also returned to their nests.

At this moment, steady footsteps suddenly echoed here, trampling on the dead leaves and branches on the ground, startling many birds.

"finally reached."

The person who came was none other than Chen Feng, who was rushing to the Star Dou Forest.

In one day's journey from Xingluo City to the edge of the Star Dou Forest, he traveled hundreds of miles at least. However, with Chen Feng's tyrannical physical fitness now comparable to that of Soul Master, his breathing is only slightly short of breath.

Now that he is practicing the Yin and Yang Art, the soul power consumed by Chen Feng while traveling cannot even be compared with the soul power that can be restored on his own, and the soul power in his body is still in the most abundant state.

This made Chen Feng greatly appreciate the power of Yin Yang Jue, which was much better than some rubbish meditation method.

Looking around, Chen Feng found a worn-out wooden sign covered with moss.

"Fifty kilometers ahead we will enter the Star Dou Forest. There are soul beasts in and out. Please pay attention to safety."

Chen Feng thought, well, that's it, the place is right.

Then he continued to explore forward, and after a while, several black shadows appeared.

It was a baboon about one meter tall, with brown hair all over its body and brown eyes. A pair of arms were extremely long, with sharp nails on the claws, and canine teeth exposed on the lips. The powerful hind limbs kicked hard on the tree trunk, and one of them attacked Chen Feng at an obscure angle.

"A wind baboon with ten years of cultivation?" Chen Feng raised his eyebrows. According to the normal plot, Huo Yuhao encountered this kind of soul beast and almost died.

But unfortunately, Chen Feng could easily destroy the wind baboon that was difficult for Huo Yuhao to resist.

Whoosh, a white light flashed, and Chen Feng held the black soul-breaking knife in his hand. The sharp light of the knife cut through the air, slicing the wind baboon's neck like tofu.

Immediately blood spurted out from the wind baboon's neck like a fountain.

At this time, as their companions were killed, several other wind baboons rushed towards Chen Feng angrily.

Three more white lights flashed.

"Bang, bang, bang--" As if in response to these white lights, several headless corpses fell from the surrounding tree trunks one after another.

At this time, Huo Yuhao was still walking slowly towards the Star Forest.

Three days later. Chen Feng has been keeping an eye on the outside.

Although he did not go deep into the Star Dou Forest, even in the outer area, he encountered several thousand-year-old soul beasts, and countless hundred-year and ten-year level soul beasts.

With Chen Feng's strength, he still looked a little embarrassed after these three days.

His originally smooth hair was now quite messy, his whole body was disheveled, and his handsome face was somewhat haggard.

During these three days, Chen Feng's spirit has been highly tense. Even Chen Feng, who has extraordinary mental strength, is extremely tired.

Just when Chen Feng was about to leave the outer area of ​​the Star Dou Forest and recuperate before entering again.

A powerful mental power arose directly in Chen Feng's mind.

"Don't go! Save brother! I will help you become a god!!"

A powerful mental power swept over without warning, and an anxious voice sounded in Chen Feng's mind.

Tianmeng is arranged as the seventh soul ring

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