Peerless Tang Sect: A soul-breaking knife at the beginning

Chapter 3 Spiritual Origin (Please collect)

"Brother, it's so miserable. We can finally get rid of those ferocious beasts for the time being!!"

A trace of icy chill emanated from the cracks in the ground. The surrounding temperature began to drop significantly. The area where the cracks appeared became larger and larger. In a short time, it reached a diameter of five meters. And the golden-white light finally revealed its true appearance.

It was a round head that looked fleshy, with a diameter of more than one meter and a length of more than seven meters. The whole body is white jade, crystal clear, but there is no dirt on the smooth skin. Like a silkworm baby. There is a halo of light flowing under the skin, and there is a pair of small golden eyes on the head. Starting half a meter from his head, there is a surrounding golden pattern at regular intervals. From beginning to end, there are a total of ten golden patterns.

Tianmeng Ice Silkworm? ! Chen Feng's pupils suddenly shrank and he exclaimed in his heart.

The hand holding the Soul-Breaking Knife couldn't help but exert more force, and the knuckled palm turned slightly white from the exertion.

The plot has changed, the butterfly effect...

Chen Feng couldn't help but feel lucky for his caution, otherwise, following Huo Yuhao, Tianmeng Bingsi could have said goodbye directly.

Just when Chen Feng felt very lucky.

Tian Meng Bing Can's small golden eyes saw Chen Feng, and there was a hint of anthropomorphic excitement in their small eyes.

"I didn't expect to meet a human with a spiritual spirit here. At the age of eleven years, his soul power has already reached level 25. He is considered the top genius among human spirit masters. .

What's even more rare is that his physical fitness is strong enough to be able to withstand more of my brother's original power. God must have asked you to save brother, oh no, God has asked brother to guide you. "

The ten golden haloes on Tianmeng Ice Silkworm's body seemed to come alive. Finally, a ball of golden light suddenly separated from its body, leaving only a thin golden film in place.

This bright golden light is his original power and spiritual power. If these are separated from his body, there will be no way back for him.

But he has no regrets at all, and even feels a little relieved and happy about the aftermath.

His original plan was to find a soul master with a spiritual martial soul and take the initiative to turn it into a wisdom soul ring. Chen Feng, who is extremely talented, is simply the perfect candidate.

A ball of golden light rushed toward Chen Feng quickly. Although Tianmeng Iceworm was not good at fighting, its spiritual power, which had been cultivated for millions of years, was not something that Chen Feng could resist now.

The moment this ball of golden light collided with Chen Feng, an extremely cold breath had spread to his whole body, and even his consciousness became blurred. Ten golden halos quickly enveloped his body, and at the same time, streams of white halo continued to pour into his body.

A layer of invisible spiritual power spread outward from Chen Feng's body just as Tianmeng Iceworm's original power and spiritual power surged into his body. The terrifying mental power almost instantly covered every corner within a hundred miles in diameter.

Mental shock does not have much destructive power, but it can make all living creatures lose the ability to think in a short period of time.

"My physical fitness is really good. This way I can integrate more of my strength. God is really blessing me. Hey, what's going on?! Why can't I read the memory??"

In Chen Feng's spiritual sea, Chen Feng's soul stands here. The spiritual sea is closely related to a person's soul, and can even be said to be a reflection of whether a person's soul is strong or not.

Chen Feng's soul was sitting on a throne in the center of the spiritual sea. He leaned back on the seat, closed his eyes tightly, and held a black knife in his hand. He looked indescribably carefree.

Inside Chen Feng's soul, which no one could detect, a furnace was burning quietly.

A crystal clear silkworm looked at Chen Feng sitting on the seat in surprise, and couldn't help but feel a little shocked. Just now, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm wanted to see the memory of its host and gain some understanding of the host.

Who would have thought that he could not pry into the host's memory at all? This made Tianmeng Ice Silkworm greatly surprised.

Just when Tianmeng Bingcan was greatly surprised, a pair of dark eyes slowly opened in a white space.

Chen Feng sat on the throne in the sea of ​​​​spirits, holding the soul-breaking knife in his hand, looking at the confused silkworm baby with his deep black eyes.

At this time, as Tianmeng Iceworm carried the extremely huge spiritual origin and merged into Chen Feng's spiritual sea, Chen Feng's spiritual sea suddenly changed greatly. There were many light spots, and the edge could not be seen at a glance. But the sight seems to be able to spread to every corner of this space.

These golden rays of light converged into ten huge golden halos suspended in mid-air, and all the light spots in the space became much larger due to their appearance.

Ten golden halos began to rotate slowly, and inside each halo, a milky white halo appeared. The halo became stronger and stronger, and gradually turned into ten huge light balls suspended there. The height and volume of the entire space increased countless times.

At the same time, those light spots suspended in the air sank below, gathering into a pale golden ocean, carrying the ten huge golden-white light balls.

Chen Feng looked at this gorgeous spiritual sea and couldn't help but marvel at the vast spiritual origin of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

Obviously Chen Feng has gained great benefits. Now Chen Feng's spiritual sea is beyond the reach of even the powerful Soul Saint.

Chen Feng tried to activate the furnace deep in his soul, but found that his current strength was still too weak, and the consumption of activating the furnace was beyond what he could bear now.

All Chen Feng can do is to protect his soul from outside aggression under the protection of the furnace.

Chen Feng asked Tianmeng Iceworm with a blank expression, "You are a big bug that has intruded into my spiritual sea without permission. Why don't you introduce yourself? My name is Chen Feng, what's your name?"

Regarding Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, Chen Feng decided to value peace. Although Tianmeng Ice Silkworm is not good at fighting, it is a million-year-old soul beast after all. In the original work, when it was not fully integrated with Huo Yuhao, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm Not a soft persimmon.

Ma Xiaotao, who was frozen out of control with one finger, relied on her body to control the second-ranked Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion among the three kings of the Far North. Chen Feng, the great soul master, was unable to stop the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm in front of him.

Moreover, the existence of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm must have more advantages than disadvantages for Chen Feng. Without the help of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, it would be difficult for Chen Feng to make the Ice Emperor his second martial spirit.

Although Chen Feng was confident that even without the second martial soul, he could become a peerless powerhouse with only his soul-breaking knife, but with the help of the Ice Emperor, the road to becoming a peerless powerhouse would definitely be smoother.

Moreover, the furnace is mysterious and abnormal, hidden deep inside the body, and Tianmeng Ice Silkworm cannot find it. Even if Chen Feng discovers the abnormality when using the furnace, what else can Tianmeng Ice Silkworm do with a soul ring?

He is attached to Chen Feng, and he hopes that Chen Feng will become a god. The stronger and more awesome Chen Feng is, the happier he will be, so that he can live forever with Chen Feng as a wisdom soul ring.

"Who is the big bug!!!! I am the embodiment of hero and chivalry, the king of soul beasts with equal emphasis on wisdom and beauty, a peerless strongman, the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm who has been practicing for millions of years and has set the record for the longest lifespan in Douluo Continent. .Well, you can call me Brother Tianmeng." A crystal clear silkworm introduced itself to Chen Feng with a high spirit.

"Have you seen these ten light balls? This is the most essential source power and spiritual power of my million-year cultivation. These energies can upgrade your ten soul rings to the 100,000-year level, and also improve your spiritual power. Becoming the strongest in the world is more than that.

I can also provide you with a second martial spirit of ice attribute, allowing you to become a unique genius with twin martial spirits! ! "Tianmeng Bingcan proudly raised his round head, which looked fleshy.

Tianmeng Bingsi said proudly: "Are you surprised or excited?"

Chen Feng cooperated and asked knowingly: "Really? Then why do you want me to save you?"

Tianmeng Bingsi coughed twice, but did not answer Chen Feng's question and said, "Brother, I want to become your soul ring, the first wisdom soul ring unprecedented in Douluo Continent.

Of course, you haven't reached the bottleneck yet. When you reach level 30, you will be able to feel how powerful I am. As a million-year soul ring, I can give you four! ! A total of four soul skills! ! "

Chen Feng looked at Tianmeng Iceworm and said, "Tianmeng Iceworm, you are so powerful, why do you want to become my soul ring?"

"Call me Brother Tianmeng."

"Okay, Tianmeng Iceworm." Chen Feng replied perfunctorily,

"Hmph, forget it, I won't argue with you anymore. I will use my charm to convince you later." Tianmeng Bingcan muttered to himself, but did not bother Chen Feng too much. a name for oneself.

Then Tianmeng Bingsi began to talk to himself about his tragic past.

Chen Feng watched Tianmeng Bingshu start talking nonsense, and did not intend to continue immersing his consciousness in the sea of ​​spirit.

Only the depressed and resentful voice of Tianmeng Bingcan was left, echoing in Chen Feng's spiritual sea.

"Don't go, I haven't told you my brother's story yet? Aren't you curious why I, a million-year-old soul beast, appeared in the Star Forest, and why I chose to become your wisdom soul ring?"

Chen Feng, whose consciousness returned to his true form, felt refreshed and refreshed. Chen Feng, who had greatly improved his mental strength, felt that the fatigue of three days of exploring the Star Forest had been swept away.

A thin golden film appeared next to Chen Feng.

This thin golden film is the legacy of millions of years of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm cultivation. This object can be said to be a treasure. It is so powerful that it can restrain the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion.

Tianmeng Iceworm was still chattering in Chen Feng's mind.

Chen Feng saw that Tianmeng Bingcan would not give up until he finished what he said, so he said, "Speak, I'm listening."

After saying that, Chen Feng got up and explored the surroundings of the Star Forest. There was one opportunity that Chen Feng had not yet obtained during this trip, and that was Electrolux...

Tianmeng Bingshen finished muttering about his tragic experience of becoming a power bank and said, "Chen Feng, why are you still wandering around the Star Forest?"

Chen Feng said casually: "I plan to practice outside the Star Dou Forest for a few days and hunt some valuable things along the way."

Tianmeng Bingcan said: "Chen Feng, this is too dangerous, no, I have to add a layer of insurance for you."

After saying that, he will mobilize his spiritual origin and want to upgrade Chen Feng's first two soul rings to one thousand five hundred years.

Chen Feng was thoughtful and thought about whether the purple soul ring was...

But Chen Feng suddenly thought of the Far North and immediately had a solution to this problem, so he did not stop Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

Soon, Chen Feng stopped and summoned the soul rings that he rarely summoned actively. The two lavender soul rings emitted a noble purple light.

The first soul skill is knife sharpening. Originally, when Chen Feng used this soul skill, Chen Feng's attack power would be increased by 50%, and the sharpness of the Wuhun Soul-Breaking Knife would be increased by 50%.

Now, after the first soul skill has changed from a hundred years to a thousand years, the effect has been doubled, and the attack power and the sharpness of the soul-breaking knife have been directly increased by 100%.

The second soul teleportation also increased from the original three meters to five meters. Chen Feng's strength directly increased.

Even the damage done to the soul by the soul-breaking knife has become much stronger because of Chen Feng's spiritual power.

If the mental damage attached to the soul-breaking knife in the past only caused little damage to the Crane Tail Soul Master and could not seriously injure them, then the mental damage attached to the soul-breaking knife now is even if the soul master of the top martial arts can bear it. Will be severely traumatized and fall into coma.

This depends on the opponent resisting the attack of the soul-breaking knife. If Chen Feng's soul-breaking knife actually cuts the opponent, it will directly severely damage the opponent's spirit. Compared with physical damage, mental damage takes more time. recover.

Chen Feng has truly felt the benefits brought by Tianmeng Ice Silkworm. As long as Tianmeng Ice Silkworm helps him properly, after Chen Feng becomes a god in the future, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm will also follow Chen Feng to gain eternal life...

Chen Feng held the soul-breaking knife in his hand and continued to explore the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest.

Tianmeng Iceworm fell into a deep sleep.

As his strength has greatly improved, Chen Feng has gained more confidence. With his current strength, the spirit beasts on the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest can no longer harm him.

But in the outer areas of the Star Dou Forest, safety is still guaranteed.

As for exploring within? Chen Feng will not go. There is only one life. If you don't commit suicide, you won't die.

At this time, Huo Yuhao, who was more than 300 kilometers away, was still slowly heading towards the Star Forest.

A few days later.

In the morning, due to the temperature difference between day and night in the Starry Forest, a layer of dewdrops hangs on the lush green vegetation. The brilliance of the morning sun makes the dewdrops sprinkle with a layer of fluorescence. The fresh air makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Unfortunately, Chen Feng had no intention of enjoying it, just when Chen Feng was about to continue exploring.

Three figures came from not far away. Chen Feng looked in the direction of the sound. Walking in front was a girl who looked about fifteen or sixteen years old. Her long black hair was combed into a ponytail hanging behind her. She was dressed in a light blue outfit. The delicate body that is about to bloom is full of youthfulness.

With pink and phoenix eyes, big and smart eyes, a straight bridge of nose, and an almost perfect face with oval seeds, this girl is not stunningly beautiful and flawless, but she has a kind of elegant temperament that makes people fall in love with her.

Following the girl was a boy who looked to be about the same age as her. The boy was slender and tall, with short dark blue hair that shone like a gem in the sunlight.

Although he was not old, he looked elegant, with a lazy and gentle smile on his handsome face. However, when he saw Chen Feng, his smile immediately stopped and he was slightly a little a little bit nervous. Be on guard.

The blue-haired boy's appearance was already outstanding, but he was still far inferior to Chen Feng. The two people were naturally Tang Ya and Beibei.

The last one among the three was an eleven or twelve-year-old boy with a well-proportioned figure and an ordinary boy wearing gray cloth. He was Huo Yuhao.

The delicate Tang Ya couldn't help but be attracted by Chen Feng's sharp temperament and handsome appearance, and couldn't help but take a second look.

The blue-haired boy Beibei couldn't help but feel a little jealous when he saw Tang Ya staring at a handsome guy, and couldn't help coughing twice.


Tianmeng first sealed the spiritual origin in Chen Feng's spiritual sea, and then turned it into a soul ring when needed. Refer to Youyou

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