Peerless Tang Sect: A soul-breaking knife at the beginning

Chapter 278 The attributes of auspicious beasts

Ditian looked at Brigitte and said, "The auspicious beast was captured by humans."

Bi Jiyu's pretty face showed an incredulous look, and she said in disbelief: "Under the protection of the Red King, how could the auspicious beast be captured?"

Mr. Xiong looked at Brigitte and hummed, "Xuanzi from Shrek Academy took action. The Red King was far inferior to Xuanzi in strength and ran back in despair."

The Red King on the side listened to Mr. Xiong laughing at him, with dissatisfaction in the eyes of the three lowered dog heads.

The Red King secretly thought, "You are a stupid bear. Even if Emperor Tianzhen does fall under the 900,000-year scourge of heaven, the Lord of the Star Dou Forest will not be able to turn you around."

Just when the Red King was thinking in pieces.

The emerald-like wings on Brigitte's back flapped involuntarily, her pretty face darkened, and she said angrily, "Shrek Academy takes action? Do they want to start a war with my Star Dou Forest?"

At this moment, another green figure appeared, but this was not a beast figure, but a human figure. This person was not particularly handsome, with a blue face and penetrating green eyes.

A head of long hair of the same color, more than ten meters long. It is completely different from the magnificent emerald green that is full of life like the emerald swan. This kind of green is full of strangeness.

The person who came was none other than the fifth-ranked being on the list of ferocious beasts, the King of Ten Thousand Demons whose true form was the Demon-Eyed Demon Tree! The king of the plant soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest rules over all the plant soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest.

The growth rate of plant-type soul beasts is very difficult. Animal-type soul beasts can protect themselves in ten years, but plant-type soul beasts have only just begun to develop spiritual intelligence after hundreds of thousands of years.

However, there are always some plant-type soul beasts with excellent talents, and they are born with spiritual wisdom. Fairy Spirit Grass is one of them.

Fairy Spirit Grass is psychic by nature, and from the moment it grows, it has intelligence that is almost the same as that of ordinary spirit beasts.

Moreover, it absorbs the vitality of the world very quickly and improves its cultivation quickly. It is a great tonic for all soul beasts and human soul masters.

By chance, the King of Ten Thousand Demons grew together with a fairy grass. He endured it for thousands of years, and finally absorbed the fairy grass and mutated into a top-level plant-type soul beast.

This opportunity, coupled with the forbearance and persistence of his character, allowed the Ten Thousand Demon King to eventually become one of the five ferocious beasts in the Star Dou Forest.

Although the King of Ten Thousand Demons did not arrive quickly, the plant soul beast under his hands had already told him the ins and outs of the matter.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons said to Brigitte: "The people of Shrek Academy will naturally not easily start a war with our Star Dou Forest. After all, once two behemoths fight, both sides will definitely lose.

I think the people at Shrek Academy only wanted to capture the auspicious beast in exchange for a hundred thousand year old soul beast. They didn't know the importance of the auspicious beast to our Star Dou Forest.

This time the Red King failed to protect the auspicious beast, which put our Star Dou Forest into an unfavorable situation.

My suggestion is to find a 100,000-year-old soul beast for Shrek Academy to exchange the auspicious beast back. Don't cause any extraneous problems. If force is used, it will affect the auspicious beast and cause the auspicious beast to die. "

Mr. Xiong on the side suddenly became displeased after hearing the words of the King of Ten Thousand Monsters, "King of Ten Thousand Monsters, what are you talking about? Are you just going to surrender to the damn humans? Those are our compatriots!!"

An angry roar came from Mr. Xiong's mouth. Mr. Xiong's body instantly expanded and his ferocious claws cut through the air unintentionally.

A dark space crack suddenly appeared. One can imagine how sharp the bear claws of Mr. Xiong, the King of Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bears, are.

The Ten Thousand Demon Kings are too lazy to pay attention to this idiot, Mr. Xiong. In order to maintain their rule over the Star Dou Forest over the years, many hundred thousand year soul beasts have died in their hands.

Especially among the powerful tiger spirit beasts, none of them in the Star Dou Forest can surpass one hundred thousand years of cultivation.

Because tiger soul beasts are naturally domineering, they may threaten the ruler's dominance after breaking through for 100,000 years.

Without Di Tian taking action, neither Mr. Xiong nor King of Ten Thousand Demons would allow a tiger soul beast to break through the 200,000-year cultivation level.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons looked at Mr. Xiong and clearly didn't like humans, but he still involved some compatriots.

Their soul beasts have always been predators of the weak. When did they learn to care and help each other?

Only healing soul beasts like Brigitte, who have little combat power, help each other, but the reason for helping each other is just to help rescue other soul beasts, and then let other soul beasts protect themselves.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons has long seen clearly what the world is like. In the final analysis, whether it is a spirit beast or a human being, they are all using the method that is best and most suitable for them to survive better.

Only an idiot like Mr. Xiong would challenge Emperor Tian to sneak attack for that insignificant reputation.

If Di Tian hadn't given up the stupid bear's powerful strength, he would have killed the stupid bear long ago.

Seeing that the King of Ten Thousand Demons ignored him, Mr. Xiong became even more angry. "King of Ten Thousand Demons, what do you mean? I'm talking to you!!"

At this moment, a majestic voice accompanied by black soul power fluctuations suddenly emanated from the Beast God, and Di Tian spoke, "Everyone be quiet."

Mr. Xiong said dissatisfied, "Di Tian, ​​look at the King of Ten Thousand Demons. He actually wants us to surrender to humans and exchange a hundred thousand year old soul beast for an auspicious beast."

Seeing that Mr. Xiong was still pressing hard, Ditian's golden eyes flashed with a bright and majestic golden light.

"Shut up!!" Di Tian's voice was calm and filled with unquestionable majesty.

Mr. Xiong looked at the majestic and arrogant Di Tian, ​​lowered his head and kept silent. Although his eyes were filled with anger, he did not dare to refute.

Di Tian looked at the ferocious beasts around him who lowered their heads and remained silent, and restrained the fluctuations in his soul power.

Ditian is now only more than 10,000 years away from his ninth transformation. The power of destiny of the auspicious beast is not only crucial to the Star Dou Forest.

It is also extremely important to Ditian, because in the soul beast habitat where auspicious beasts are present, all soul beasts grow at twice the normal rate.

The chance of a breakthrough after a hundred thousand year soul beast reaches its bottleneck is doubled.

Therefore, Ditian naturally could not let the auspicious beast suffer any loss.

Di Tian said coldly: "What the King of Ten Thousand Demons said makes sense. The auspicious beasts are of vital importance and cannot be lost. However, the Golden Lion King has noble blood and has a certain hope of breaking through the 200,000-year cultivation level in the future. Naturally, it cannot be left to Shi Lake College.

King of Ten Thousand Demons, go and bring Zi Jinbiao, who disobeys orders and has a hundred thousand years of cultivation in the north of the core area, to humans and exchange the auspicious beast back. "

When Xiong Jun heard that Di Tian did not let his younger brother, the Golden Lion King, exchange for the auspicious beast, he immediately did not object, and a smile suddenly appeared on Xiong's face.

Mr. Xiong was constantly beeping before. Although there was an element of disgust towards humans, it was more because humans wanted to trade their little brother, the Golden Lion King, for the auspicious beast. How could Mr. Xiong agree to this?

Mr. Xiong is a loyal bear. If his younger brother is in trouble, he must fight for his cause.

Golden Lion King: Brother, you are so kind ((ωc) I did not join the wrong beast.

Xiong Jun said happily, "Di Tian, ​​I have long disliked that Zi Jin Biao, so just let me deal with it."

The King of Ten Thousand Demons glanced at Mr. Xiong from the side, with a bit of disdain in his eyes.

Weren't you awesome just now? Why have you changed your mind now? Huh, it's not because the Golden Lion King is your younger brother.

In terms of combat, the Ten Thousand Demon King considers himself not as good as the Bear Lord. After all, the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear is truly capable of tearing apart giant dragons with his hands.

Among the ten ferocious beasts, only Ditian, the golden-eyed black dragon king with pure dragon blood, could hold a candle to the nobleness of his bloodline.

Mr. Xiong's racial talent is much better than that of the Ten Thousand Demon King. Although he is better than Mr. Xiong in terms of cultivation, his combat effectiveness is much lower.

But the smart and tolerant King of Ten Thousand Demons despises brainless beasts the most, and completely ignores Mr. Xiong.

So what if a guy who only thinks about fighting and killing is second only to Di Tian in strength?

Even Di Tian can't do whatever he wants with his strength, and sometimes he has to compromise. Is he, Mr. Xiong, still better than Di Tian in terms of strength?

Even if Di Tian dies in the ninth heavenly punishment more than 10,000 years later, the ruler of the Star Dou Forest will not be controlled by Mr. Xiong.

Regarding this point, the Ten Thousand Demon King, Bi Ji, Scarlet King, and several ferocious beasts have already made an agreement.

Once Mr. Xiong is really allowed to dominate the Star Dou Forest, the Star Dou Forest will be destroyed sooner or later.

When Di Tian heard that Mr. Xiong was about to take action, he thought about Mr. Xiong's strength and the terrifying attack power of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear, and was a little worried that Mr. Xiong would use too much force and kill Zijin Biao.

If he were to be captured alive, the control type Ten Thousand Demon King would be more suitable.

Di Tian said to the King of Ten Thousand Demons, "King of Ten Thousand Demons, you go. Mr. Xiong, please don't go."

Xiong Jun suddenly looked unhappy when he heard that Di Tian wouldn't let him go.

A hundred thousand year soul beast is a great supplement, even if he has to capture it alive, it will be satisfying to eat a leg or an arm, and it will make him stronger.

Di Tian refused to let him go, which immediately made Xiong Jun dissatisfied.

Xiong Jun secretly thought, "Di Tian is suppressing me, fearing that I will surpass him in cultivation and threaten his status as the Lord of the Star Dou Forest."

But facing Ditian, the strongest soul beast in the Star Dou Forest, Mr. Xiong could only lower his head. However, deep in his eyes, there was a flash of resentment.

"Yes." After hearing Di Tian's order, the Ten Thousand Demon King immediately agreed, then turned into a faint green light and headed north towards the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.


At the same time, outside the Star Dou Forest.

Chen Feng was currently conducting a zodiac connection with the auspicious beast.

The moment Chen Feng's forehead pressed against the blood-red vertical eye on the forehead of the Emperor's auspicious beast, the Three-Eyed Jinniu, a strange twisted halo enveloped the bodies of Chen Feng and the Three-Eyed Jinniu.

The bodies of Chen Feng and Three-Eyed Jin Yang seemed to have become transparent to each other.

As the distorted light became more and more powerful, it tightly enveloped the bodies of Chen Feng and the Emperor's auspicious beast, and a strange force pushed the three of them, Xuan, Song, and Lin, away.

Seeing the magical changes in the attributes, Mr. Song on the side immediately took out a piece of paper to record the magical changes.

This is probably the first time in thousands of years that the emperor's auspicious beast's attribute pulls it. Such a rare thing naturally needs to be recorded.

On the side, Mr. Xuan and Mr. Lin were protecting Chen Feng. Chen Feng was the future heir of the Pavilion Master of Poseidon Pavilion.

That powerful talent and unprecedented astonishing talent have long made Xuan Lao and other pavilion veterans Chen Feng regard him as the future pillar of Shrek Academy, and he must not let anything go wrong.

As time passed by, the light that shrouded Chen Feng and the three-eyed golden beast of the emperor gradually disappeared.

Chen Feng slowly opened his eyes. Chen Feng felt that his mental power, which he had just broken through to the tangible and intangible level, had become more solid, and his realm had become more stable.

Even the volume of the spiritual sea has increased by 30%. If Chen Feng's mental power before was only in the early stage of being tangible and insubstantial, then now Chen Feng's spiritual power has reached the middle stage of being tangible and insubstantial.

At the same time, the invisible power of fate surrounds Chen Feng, increasing Chen Feng's destiny. Whatever Chen Feng does in the future will be easier.

At this moment, Chen Feng found that the furnace deep in his soul was shaking slightly. Chen Feng could detect that he could use his mental power to activate the furnace to absorb the fate surrounding him.

The power of destiny has advantages and disadvantages. If you are gifted by the power of destiny, you will be affected by the power of destiny from now on.

Chen Feng did not hesitate and used the furnace to absorb and refine the invisible power of fate entangled in himself.

Chen Feng only felt a lightness on his body, as if he had taken off something, and at the same time, the power of destiny refined by the Yin-Yang furnace was transformed into bits of golden light.

Then it merged into Chen Feng's spiritual sea, making the foundation of Chen Feng's spiritual sea even deeper.

At this time, the auspicious beast, which had completed the attribute induction, looked at Chen Feng in a daze, and then sat down on the ground. It was obvious that the emperor auspicious beast, which had completed the attribute induction, was a little weak.

At this time, Chen Feng also turned his head and looked at the three-eyed golden beast, one man and one beast, with their eyes facing each other.

Chen Feng could feel that the spiritual power of the auspicious beast was integrating into his spiritual sea.

As if he wanted to probe his memory, Chen Feng frowned. As a person with a big secret, Chen Feng did not allow anyone to probe his memory.

Immediately activate the spiritual power of the tangible and intangible level to block the auspicious beast's inspection.

At this moment, Chen Feng saw the memory of the Emperor's auspicious beast.

In the dense woods of the Star Forest, Chen Feng saw a golden puppy emerging from the eggshell.

Then Chen Feng saw the golden puppy and ate all his eggshells in one bite.

Then after eating the eggshell, a faint golden light began to appear on the puppy.

Then a brilliant golden light fell from the sky, like a continuous beam of light, directly covering the "puppy" who had just eaten the eggshell.

In the blink of an eye, the "puppy" changed from a pitiful little to a majestic, gorgeous and one-meter-long "big dog".

The originally wet golden hair also became transparent like crystal.

With a roar, the "puppy's" forehead suddenly split open, and a red eye of destiny that exuded strange energy appeared.

While Chen Feng watched the auspicious beast's memory, he also processed his own memory fragments and removed everything that could not be seen.

He only showed his memories before meeting Tianmeng Iceworm, the interesting people and things he encountered, to the auspicious beast.

Rui Shou: (ˇˇ) Is this the human world?

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