This was the first time for Rui Shou to see the colorful world of humans. Compared with the prosperous human world, the wild Star Dou Forest seemed boring and uninteresting.

The colorful memories echoed in Rui Shou's mind, and Rui Shou couldn't help but close his eyes. Lying on the ground, as if asleep.

Although Chen Feng's life was short compared to hers, the excitement in it was far beyond what she could compare to.

From ordinary to genius, from weak to powerful... Traveling across the continent, seeing the mountains and rivers, Chen Feng left his footprints in many cities of mankind.

All kinds of wonderful things belonging to the human world also deeply stimulate the emperor's auspicious beast.

Just when the auspicious beast was immersed in the prosperity of the world in Chen Feng's memory, the three elders and Xuan who were protecting Chen Feng heaved a sigh of relief.

After all, the attribute connection with auspicious beasts is only something recorded in ancient books, and Chen Feng is probably the first person in thousands of years to do so.

At this time, the Ice Emperor and Tianmeng Iceworm in Chen Feng's spiritual sea were also awakened by the huge movement caused by the attribute.

The Ice Emperor watched in shock as Chen Feng's spiritual sea surged, and the sea water composed of majestic spiritual power rippled fiercely.

Above Chen Feng's spiritual sea, five light balls condensed by spiritual power were suspended in the sky.

There were originally seven left, but now there are only five left because not long ago.

When Chen Feng's spiritual power reached the tangible and intangible level, the spiritual sea became wider.

Tianmeng Iceworm integrated the light ball formed by her own original power into Chen Feng's spiritual sea.

Filling the expanded area of ​​Chen Feng's spiritual sea saved Chen Feng from a long period of hard training.

Tianmeng Iceworm, who was lying on the ball of light, said, "Chen Feng's mental power has become stronger again. What are the golden-haired auspicious beasts and Chen Feng outside doing?"

The Ice Emperor looked at the auspicious beast outside and didn't know what Chen Feng and the auspicious beast were doing. However, seeing that Chen Feng's mental power had increased again, he knew that Chen Feng had benefited again.

Ice Emperor said, "Why do you care so much? It's enough for Chen Feng to become stronger anyway."

Tianmeng Bingcan immediately beamed, "Every time I wake up, I can find that Chen Feng's strength has increased a lot, hehehe.

I predict that after Chen Feng absorbs the 100,000-year soul ring and breaks through the soul emperor in cultivation, I think his strength will be comparable to that of ordinary titled Douluo.

Hahaha, it won’t be long before Chen Feng can break through to the realm of Soul Saint. By then, I will be able to fuse my invincible million-year soul ring with Chen Feng. By then, I think Chen Feng’s strength will be Super Douluo is not afraid anymore. "

After saying that, Tianmeng Iceworm began to twist her plump body, and her mind began to imagine a scene in which Chen Feng was invincible in the world.

"La la la, la la la, when Chen Feng breaks through the Titled Douluo, he will be the first person in the Douluo Continent, an invincible existence, hahahaha, and then I won't have to be afraid of other strong humans or the bastards of the Star Dou Forest. Found me.

No, they will be the ones to be afraid of when the time comes. I will definitely give those who bullied me a hard lesson, and then let Chen Feng absorb them as soul rings, hahaha! "

Tianmeng: Oo(=ω=)oO

The Ice Emperor on the side nodded in agreement. When Chen Feng cultivates and breaks through the Titled Douluo, he might really be invincible in the world.

Chen Feng's strength improved so quickly that even Ice Emperor, who was Chen Feng's pillow, was often surprised.

In the eyes of Ice Emperor, Chen Feng is like a god who has not yet grown up. He only needs to grow up step by step to become a god.

Then when going to the God Realm, take them with you into the God Realm and enjoy endless lifespan.


When the Ice Emperor and Tianmeng Iceworm began to expect Chen Feng to be invincible in the world.

At this time, Chen Feng sat cross-legged in silence, crumpled some boring memories in his mind about the auspicious beasts eating and sleeping in the Star Forest, and stuffed them into a corner.

After sorting out Rui Shou's messy and boring memories, Chen Feng stood up and stretched.

Chen Feng's original black pupils were washed away by the auspicious beast's attributes due to the attribute pull, and turned into an extremely bright golden color, with a dazzling brilliance exuding from his eyes.

The golden eyes seemed to contain endless power. Looking at those golden eyes was like seeing a golden ocean.

Elders Xuan, Song, and Lin on the side looked at Chen Feng's terrifying tangible and intangible level of mental power.

The old face showed shock.

I couldn't help but think, "Such mental power, so terrifying!!"


"An unprecedented monster!"

After a few seconds, the golden light in Chen Feng's eyes receded and returned to its usual dark depth.

Mr. Xuan looked at Chen Feng and said, "Boy Chen Feng, are you feeling well?"

Song Laodao said, "Chen Feng, your mental power really puts us old bones to shame. I think even a Titled Douluo-level powerhouse has no more mental power than this. You are really a monster."

Lin Lao Lin Huiqun said, "With his strong mental power, his cultivation in the Title Douluo realm will be improved very quickly in the future. I think that in less than ten years, Chen Feng will be able to become a Title Douluo level expert."

For a moment, Xuan Lao and the other three transformed themselves into followers of the Kua Kua Cult, looking at Chen Feng and praising him constantly.

Feng listened to the compliments from the three of them, Xuan Lao, with a plain and humble smile on his face.

But don't praise me, the three elders. It's really too much. It's just a coincidence. How can you afford the praise of the three elders? "

Mr. Xuan stroked his beard and said with satisfaction, "As long as there is nothing wrong with your health, opportunities are also part of strength. Being able to get opportunities is also a matter of ability."

Old Song said, "Xiao Chen, you are good at everything, but you are too mature."

Old Lin said, "Okay, okay, you two, stop boasting. Let's wait a little longer. The ferocious beasts in the Star Dou Forest will probably send the hundred thousand year soul beast here soon."

If the ferocious beasts in the Star Dou Forest do not agree to exchange the hundred thousand-year-old soul beasts, but plan to use force to snatch the auspicious beast back, we will take this auspicious beast as a hostage, let the ferocious beasts throw rat weapons, and then retreat to Shrek Academy. "

Xuan Lao said, "On the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest, we want to return to Shrek Academy quickly. We want to run, but they can't stop us. What's more, we still have hostages... No, they are animal hostages."

Mr. Song nodded after hearing this, then turned to look at Rui Shou, who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, and said, "What's wrong with Rui Shou? Could it be that the attribute connection will cause harm to Rui Shou's body?"

Chen Feng looked at the auspicious beast and said, "The auspicious beast was just exhausted and not injured."

Mr. Xuan said, "That's good, just wait and exchange this auspicious beast for a hundred thousand year soul beast."

Hearing someone talking about him, Rui Shou, who was lying on the ground, opened his eyes.

At this time, Rui Shou looked at Chen Feng with a confused, complicated look, and some indescribable emotions.


In the core area of ​​the Star Forest, in a dense jungle, this area is the territory of the hundred thousand year old soul beast Zi Jinbiao.

Zijin Biao's is a mutant variety of Zijin Tiger. As the saying goes, if a tiger gives birth to three sons, one of them must be a Biao. Biao is the one with the weakest physical constitution among the tiger cubs born from tiger soul beasts.

Generally speaking, the tigress will send the tiger with the weakest constitution to a wild place and abandon it, leaving it to fend for itself.

Abandoned Biao rarely survive, but once Biao survives in a harsh environment, it often has stronger abilities and a more ferocious character than its kind.

The same is true for this Zijinbiao. He was abandoned by the tigress because of his poor health when he was young, but what the tigress didn't expect was.

Although this Zijin Biao is not physically strong, he is mentally gifted. He is far smarter than his brothers and has powerful spiritual soul skills.

Relying on the powerful spiritual soul skill Zijin Impact, Zijin Biao grew up hard in the Star Dou Forest and eventually became powerful.

After becoming powerful, the first thing Zijin Biao did was to kill the tigress and brother who abandoned him.

From this, we can see how ferocious Zi Jinbiao is. Zi Jinbiao relied on his ferocious, domineering and determined character, as well as his powerful talent, to grow into a hundred thousand year soul beast.

After breaking through to the 100,000-year-old soul beast, Zi Jinbiao, who was already fierce and domineering, became even more arrogant. He did not even listen to the orders of the ferocious beasts in the Star Dou Forest.

No, now Zi Jinbiao has to pay the price for his arrogance.

There was a rustling sound, and a middle-aged man with long green hair came to Zi Jinbiao's territory.

This person is the Ten Thousand Demon King appointed by Emperor Tian.

"Ouch!!!" After the Ten Thousand Demon King broke into Zi Jinbiao's territory.

A tiger-shaped soul beast with a purple-gold body and no trace of patterns on its body turned into a purple light and instantly arrived in front of the Ten Thousand Demon King.

Zi Jinbiao looked at the Ten Thousand Demon King and used his mental power to detect the Ten Thousand Demon King's strength. However, when detecting the Ten Thousand Demon King, his previously invincible mental detection was like a mud cow entering the sea, without causing a single ripple.

Zijin Biao was ten meters long, with a pair of purple-gold tiger eyes looking at the King of Ten Thousand Demons, with a fearful look in his eyes.

Zi Jinbiao asked, "Who are you?"

The King of Ten Thousand Demons looked at Zi Jinbiao and said, "Shouldn't you have guessed who I am? As a citizen of the Star Dou Forest, if you dare not accept our orders, then you must die!"

Zi Jinbiao looked at the King of Ten Thousand Demons with fierce eyes and roared, "If you want me to die, I'll kill you first!!"

It immediately turned into a purple-gold light and bit towards the Ten Thousand Demon King.

"Hmph, the tiger spirit beast is really disobedient to discipline. In this case, just die!!" A frightening green light burst out from the green pupils of the Ten Thousand Demon King.

Soul beasts like the Demon Eye Demon Tree are of spiritual nature. What he is best at is releasing mental fluctuations through the tree eyes on his body to paralyze and control his opponents.

Then he uses the corrosive sap to kill the opponent, and then absorbs the opponent turned into sap and turns it into nutrients for his own growth.

As a ferocious beast and demon king with 530,000 years of cultivation, he evolved after absorbing the fairy grass. Whether it is mental power or toxins, he is much stronger than his peers, and he has gained strong toughness.

And when the cultivation level reaches the ferocious beast level, it can even move in human form, completely getting rid of the weakness of plant-type soul beasts that are inconvenient to move.

Seeing Zi Jinbiao attacking him, the King of Ten Thousand Demons waved his hand and released thousands of branches that condensed into a wooden dragon and bound towards Zi Jinbiao.

Facing the attack of the King of Ten Thousand Demons with a cultivation level of 530,000 years, how could Zi Jinbiao, who had only a cultivation level of 100,000 years, escape.

Zi Jinbiao tried his best and used various soul skills, but he was still entangled.

The wooden dragon tightly tightened Zi Jinbiao's torso in mid-air, like a giant python wrapping around him, and the terrifying force crazily squeezed Zi Jinbiao's internal organs.

"Ouch!!" Zi Jinbiao roared in pain. Then purple-gold light burst out from his eyes and shot towards the King of Ten Thousand Demons.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons said disdainfully, "Playing with your mental power in front of me? You are seeking death."

Eyes suddenly appeared on the body of the Ten Thousand Demon King, and these eyes contained strong fluctuations in spiritual power.

In the end, all these eyes burst out with green light, which collided with the purple-gold light emitted by Zi Jin Biao.

In an instant, Zijinbiao's purple-gold impact was destroyed by the green light released by the demon eyes of the Ten Thousand Demon King.

At the same time, the green light hit Zi Jinbiao's head hard.

Zi Jinbiao immediately bled from all his orifices, his spiritual sea was severely damaged, and he passed out.

The gap between a hundred thousand year old soul beast and a five hundred thousand year old ferocious beast is like the gap between an ordinary titled Douluo and Mr. Xuan, with no power to resist.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons looked at the unconscious Zi Jinbiao and waved his hand. The wooden dragon that originally restrained Zi Jinbiao immediately loosened its restraints.

Zijin Biao fell to the ground like a dead dog in mid-air, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons looked at Zi Jinbiao and thought to himself, "We can't just waste it like this."

Then the King of Ten Thousand Demons stretched out a hollow wooden tube from the palm of his hand and stabbed it hard into Zi Jinbiao's hind leg.

In an instant, the life force in Zi Jinbiao's body poured into the body of the Ten Thousand Demon King along the wooden tube.

Zi Jinbiao's body shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the originally shiny purple-gold fur became dull, as if he was entering old age and was about to reach the end of his life.

a long time.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons burped and looked at Zi Jinbiao's dying fire like a candle in the wind. He reluctantly pulled back the wooden tube stretched out from his hand.

King of Ten Thousand Demons: (*`▽*) It’s so cool. Now, we are one step closer to the 600,000-year cultivation level.

It's getting late, Zi Jinbiao still has to save his life to exchange for the auspicious beast. He can't suck it anymore, or he will die if he sucks it again.

With this thought in mind, the Ten Thousand Demon King released tens of thousands of branches, lifted Zi Jinbiao up, and then flew south towards the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest.


South of the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest.

Chen Feng and the others are waiting for the ferocious beast to exchange for the auspicious beast.

Mr. Xuan got a little impatient with the waiting. He gnawed on the chicken legs and drank wine and said, "The appointed two hours are coming soon. What is the beast doing? Don't we want the beast anymore?"

At this moment, the direction of the forest in the distance suddenly changed strangely.

All the trees seemed to be bowing down to welcome their master.

The invisible pressure came closer from far away. At this moment, everything was completely silent. There was no sound in the Star Forest, as if all living things had fallen asleep at that moment.

Under this terrifying aura, Xuan, Song, Lao and Lin looked solemn, and in a flash, they stood in front of Rui Shou and Chen Feng.

Elder Xuan could feel that the ferocious beast coming was much stronger than the Red King.

The Tianmeng Iceworm in Chen Feng's spiritual sea jumped up and down on the light ball, cursing, "This aura is actually that gloomy bitch of the Ten Thousand Demon King, who has absorbed my energy.

Chen Feng, the attribute of the Ten Thousand Demon King is spiritual. I think it is just right for him to be your eighth soul ring. "

Chen Feng looked at a middle-aged man with a green body walking out of the woods. Seeing a huge purple-gold tiger-shaped soul beast being dragged behind him, Chen Feng raised his eyebrows.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons said in a cold voice: "Let go of the auspicious beast. You can take this soul beast away."

Elder Xuan looked at the King of Ten Thousand Demons and said, "What we want is the Golden Lion King, why not the Golden Lion King?"

The King of Ten Thousand Demons said calmly, "There is no Golden Lion King, but this Zijin Biao is not inferior to the Golden Lion King. It is better to change it or not!"

Old Xuan looked at Chen Feng...

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