Shrek Academy outer courtyard, freshman teaching building.

"Dingle bells!! Dingle bells! Dingle bells!"

Mu Jin, the head teacher of the ninth class of freshmen, heard the bell ringing, put away the handouts on the podium, and said to the students under the podium: "Go back and consolidate the knowledge you learned today. We will gather in the Soul Fighting Area tomorrow morning for practical classes. .Okay, get out of class is over.”

After saying this, Hibiscus ignored the students who were having fun and walked out of the classroom.

When Chen Feng heard the bell ringing, he stopped practicing, stood up from his seat, and prepared to walk out of the classroom and return to Poseidon Island.

However, what surprised Chen Feng was that Ma Xiaotao, that clingy little goblin, didn't come to the classroom to wait for him. This really surprised Chen Feng.

The male students in Class 9, freshmen, watched Chen Feng stand up and greeted Chen Feng one after another: "See you tomorrow, monitor!"

"Brother, walk slowly!"

Chen Feng nodded in response. From the corner of his eye, he saw that the beautiful girls in the class were all unhappy and did not even greet him, so he couldn't help but smile.

After Ma Xiaotao came to swear her sovereignty yesterday, these female students were frightened. Compared with Ma Xiaotao, they were completely defeated in every aspect, and how could they dare to worry about Chen Feng.

The only person in the entire ninth class of freshmen who still dared to have thoughts about Chen Feng was Ning Tian. Even Nanmen Yun'er, a girl who has always been obsessed with Chen Feng's appearance, was frightened by Ma Xiaotao's terrifying aura yesterday, fearing that yesterday's hot and frightening The senior sister from the inner courtyard came to him to deal with him because he had liked Chen Feng.

Nanmen Yoona: (.︿.) The inner school senior is too scary. Although the monitor is very handsome, I still keep the monitor in my heart and like her silently. (*^3^)

And Ning Tian was scorned by Ma Xiaotao after school yesterday afternoon. Ning Tian, ​​who thought he had been humiliated, was furious.

As the young master of the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect, Ning Tian had never been angry like this since he was a child. He immediately ordered people from the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect to investigate Ma Xiaotao's information.

You won’t know this unless you investigate. Once you investigate, you will be shocked.

Ma Xiaotao, a direct disciple of Mingfeng Douluo Yan Shaozhe, the dean of Shrek Academy's Martial Arts Department, and one of the top ten elite students in the inner academy...

Ning Tian was quite upset after seeing the information. Mingfeng Douluo Yan Shaozhe was a ninety-fifth level Super Douluo. Ma Xiaotao was the disciple of Super Douluo Yan Shaozhe, the dean of Shrek Academy. With this status, Not worse than her.

At the same time, as the young master of the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect, Ning Tian naturally does not just look at things on their surface.

Ning Tian knew that as Ma Xiaotao was a direct descendant of Shrek Academy, her marriage with Chen Feng was definitely not as simple as it seemed. This was Shrek Academy's fancy for Chen Feng.

The behemoth Shrek Academy was so optimistic about Chen Feng, which made Ning Tian wonder whether he should continue to pursue Chen Feng.

Ning Tian believed in his own vision and believed that Chen Feng would definitely become an invincible powerhouse in Douluo Continent in the future.

But she, a little girl under the age of twelve, couldn't decide on such a big matter of competing with Shrek Academy for people, so Ning Tian wrote to the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect and asked her father and the elders of the sect to make a decision.

Before the decision within the sect was communicated back, Ning Tian decided to hold his troops.

Ning Tian watched Chen Feng walk out of the classroom and said to Wu Feng beside him, "Sister Feng, school is over. Let's go back to the dormitory to rest first."

Chen Feng walked out of the freshman teaching building and was about to cross the square and walk towards Poseidon Lake.

A pretty girl, about twelve or thirteen years old, wearing a yellow Shrek Academy uniform, came to Chen Feng and blocked Chen Feng's way.

Chen Feng subconsciously thought that this was the female student who confessed to him.

Chen Feng had encountered this kind of confession drama many times. Just when Chen Feng was about to refuse.

The female student took out an envelope from the storage soul guide and handed it to Chen Feng.

The second-year female student blushed, lowered her head, looked at Chen Feng embarrassedly, and whispered to Chen Feng in a low voice, "Chen... Junior Chen Feng, this... senior sister asked me to give this envelope to It's yours, I...I'm leaving first." After saying that, his face turned red and he turned and ran away.

At this time, a crowd of people had gathered around to watch the excitement. As the proud son of the outer courtyard, Chen Feng was a genius who surpassed the twin stars of the outer courtyard, Xu Sanshi and Beibei.

Although he had not shown up in the past month, his reputation has become more and more famous. This is probably because Chen Feng's cheap roommate Wu Yue revealed the news that Chen Feng went to the inner courtyard to the students of the ninth class of freshmen.

Then the students in the ninth class of freshmen started talking about it, and it inevitably spread to the entire first grade of freshmen, and eventually spread throughout the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy. Then all the Shrek students knew that there was a young man named Chen Feng who had just entered the school. He was tortured first Gemini Xu Sanshi then entered the inner courtyard directly.

Therefore, in the month since Chen Feng disappeared, his reputation has not diminished, but has become even louder.

So when they saw a pretty female student handing a letter to Chen Feng, everyone around them subconsciously thought that the female student had written a letter of confession to Chen Feng.

People around were talking a lot and felt sorry for this girl.

An ordinary-looking and burly senior student wearing a black school uniform shook his head and said melancholy, "This school girl really likes the wrong person. It is impossible for a genius like Chen Feng to agree to her. Why do these girls only notice As for a genius like Chen Feng, I think he is handsome and has good talent. Even if he is not as good as Chen Feng, he is not far behind, so why don’t any beautiful women confess to me? Hey! "

When the people around heard this, they subconsciously turned their eyes to the speaker.

Seeing the appearance of the speaker, they all twitched their mouths, rolled their eyes, and then stopped paying attention.

This is the first time I have seen such a shameless person.

Chen Feng looked at the students from the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy who were watching the excitement, and put the envelope in his hand into the storage soul guide. Obviously, it was not suitable to open the envelope and watch it in public.

Chen Feng ignored the surrounding Shrek Academy students and rushed towards Poseidon Island quickly.

After a cup of tea, Poseidon Island.

Chen Feng walked into the bedroom and found that Ma Xiaotao was nowhere to be seen in the room. Chen Feng was slightly confused.

Then Chen Feng looked at the room, looked around, and found a piece of white paper on the table. The white paper was specially pressed with a box to prevent it from being blown away.

Chen Feng pulled the paper out from under the box and looked at what was written on it.

Chen Feng saw a rather grand and bright font on the white paper leaping onto the paper.

My dear, the college has sent me on a mission. It will take two or three days to come back. Remember to miss me^3^——Ma Xiaotao

Looking at the last kiss, Chen Feng smiled slightly, and then he understood why Ma Xiaotao did not come to the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy today.

It turned out that I was going on a mission...

This plot is about Ling Luochen. In order to prevent the female character from being stereotyped, a lot of pen and ink was used to write it.

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