After reading the letter Ma Xiaotao left for him, Chen Feng thought to himself, what happened today? Two people wrote to me at once.

With this in mind, Chen Feng took out another letter from the storage soul guide.

Chen Feng pointed like a knife, and with a swipe, a white light flashed, and the envelope was neatly cut open.

Now Chen Feng has a deeper and deeper understanding of knives and uses them subconsciously in life.

Chen Feng took out a letter from it. Contrary to Ma Xiaotao's grand font, the font on this letter was elegant and clean. You could see the words as if you were seeing a person. At a glance, you could tell that the owner of the font had a calm and cold personality.

"Bad fellow student, how have you been lately? I don't know why, but I suddenly miss you. I learned from my senior sister that you have become an inner court disciple. Congratulations, little bad boy, we are closer now.

The flowers in the Wanhua Garden near the north gate of Shrek City have been blooming beautifully recently. How about you come and enjoy the flowers with your senior sister at eight o'clock tonight?

Junior Chen Feng, I will wait for you—your senior Ling Luochen—under the evergreen trees in Wanhua Garden.

Chen Feng pinched the letter and raised a smile on his lips.

Chen Feng also didn't expect that Ling Luochen would take the initiative to ask him out.

Who in the inner courtyard doesn't know that Chen Feng and Ma Xiaotao are a couple. Chen Feng believed that Ling Luochen knew. However, Ling Luochen still made an appointment with Chen Feng.

What this means is...

At the same time, Shrek City.

A splendid luxury hotel, like a small palace.

This place is the Weiss Hotel where Chen Feng and Ling Luochen stayed together last time.

In Ling Luochen's exclusive blue flower sea room, a beautiful figure was inside.

A cold and beautiful woman is reflected in the tall mirror.

Her face is like the moon, her contours are elegant, her skin is as white as jade and as delicate as fresh snow, as if it has never been stained by the dust of the world. With a light sheen.

Her eyes were bright and slightly raised, and there was a hint of excitement in her originally cold eyes.

Ling Luochen hummed a beautiful tune softly, his cold voice soft and pleasant.

Ling Luochen gently untied her hair and combed it slowly with an ivory comb, letting the hair flow like a waterfall.

Ling Luochen thought in his mind, "Hey, junior Chen Feng should have received my letter. It's almost time. It's time to dress up. Let's see how I charm Chen Feng tonight."

The reason why Ling Luochen didn't go to find Chen Feng in person was because he was afraid of being discovered by the senior officials of Shrek Academy.

Before Chen Feng wasn't taken seriously and didn't have a girlfriend, Ling Luochen would of course date him as he wanted, but it's different now. If Ling Luochen went to Chen Feng directly, people around him would definitely be jealous after seeing it. It will be known to the senior management of the college.

Wouldn't this be exposed, so Ling Luochen had an idea, disguised himself, and found a second-grade elementary school girl to deliver the letter, and then the two of them met in Shrek City, which was much safer.

Ling Luochen secretly said, "I am really smart as ice and snow, goose goose~"

Ling Luochen is naturally beautiful, and does not need to apply makeup and powder to cover up the flaws on her facial features like ordinary women. As the saying goes, hibiscus comes out of clear water, and natural beauty can be removed.

Simply draw eyebrows and put a little rouge on your lips.

Then Ling Luochen put her hair up, carefully selected hair accessories, and finally chose a silver phoenix hairpin. The phoenix held a crystal, shining blue gem in its mouth. Ling Luochen picked up the phoenix hairpin. Plug it into the braided hair.

When Ling Luochen finished dressing up, he stood quietly in front of the mirror and looked at his own figure.

Like morning dew, cool and shining.

Then Ling Luochen put on a pair of elegant clothes, the color was like the willow leaves in early spring, cool and beautiful. The clothes have exquisite patterns and are embroidered with white flowers, which seem to bloom alone in the silence.

After everything was prepared, Ling Luochen took out two masks from the storage soul guide, one black and one white. Ling Luochen put on the white mask.

Walk out of the hotel and walk towards Wanhua Garden...

Time flew by and it was eight o'clock.

The bright moonlight cast a layer of silver gauze on the earth.

A woman wearing a white mask looked cold and aloof. The slim girl with long hair tied up and a phoenix hairpin on her head walked towards Wanhua Garden.

Soon Ling Luochen came to the promised evergreen tree.

Ling Luochen saw at a glance under a huge evergreen tree a handsome young man in black clothes leaning against the trunk, looking chic and relaxed.

Naturally, people who come to Wanhua Garden come to enjoy the flowers, and there is no one under the evergreen trees.

A smile appeared on Ling Luochen's face under the mask, and he secretly said, "You're here early, little bastard."

Ling Luochen became playful and secretly and quietly approached Chen Feng who was leaning on the tree trunk.

Then he walked around behind Chen Feng and stretched out his slender hand to pat Chen Feng's shoulder.

Before Ling Luochen could take the photo, a big hand grabbed Ling Luochen's white and tender hand.

Under the mask, Ling Luochen was surprised. The pupils of the big eyes in the two holes on the mask were slightly dilated, looking quite surprised.

Chen Feng held Ling Luochen's white and tender hand, pulled Ling Luochen into his arms, and said with a smile, "Sister Ling, long time no see..."

Ling Luochen came to the warm embrace again after a long absence, and hummed softly, "Little bastard, I'm wearing a mask, how did you recognize me?"

While saying this, Ling Luochen broke away from Chen Feng's arms. Then he took out a mask from the storage soul guide and put it on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked at Ling Luochen who had broken away from his arms and touched the mask on his face.

"Senior, are we having a tryst?"

Ling Luochen was angry and snorted coldly, "Huh, what kind of tryst? You are in seclusion for a month, and you don't come to me when you get out of seclusion. You spend every day with Ma Xiaotao? You little bastard, I want to bite you to death."

Although Ling Luochen is quite calm and thinks that Chen Feng and Ma Xiaotao are together because of the academy's help.

She also planned to be the woman behind Chen Feng, and then slowly take Chen Feng back, but how could she not have any emotion in her heart.

The proud daughter of the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy naturally has her arrogance.

Listening to Ling Luochen's tone, Chen Feng was surprised to find that Ling Luochen's attitude was unexpectedly good.

Chen Feng thought doubtfully in his mind, "I thought Ling Luochen would get angry during this meeting..."

Chen Feng found that Ling Luochen didn't seem that angry.

The smile on Chen Feng's face disappeared and he said to Ling Luochen, "Senior, aren't you angry?"

When Ling Luochen heard Chen Feng's words, he immediately broke his guard. Damn you little bastard, you still have the nerve to say that.

Ling Luochen sighed after a while, looked at Chen Feng and said, "I'm angry, I'm almost mad to death, but who makes me unable to let go of you, you little bastard?"

Ling Luochen asked Chen Feng in a deep voice: "You little bastard, tell me the truth, how far are you and Ma Xiaotao? Don't worry, I won't be angry after hearing this."

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