Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 982: Reinforcement capital city

"Maybe you should also know, we are crusade against the Scourge, the purpose is to eliminate natural disasters, I hope you can let us lead us to support the new capital." Ye Cang said with a sincere smile, the rest looked at The appearance of Ye Cang, this guy is also good first impression. .

Although Sharuth does not know who Ye Cang is, he is sitting in the main seat, that is, only the position where the leader will sit. He is humble. "Thank you for your acceptance of us. I am grateful for this. I replace the tribe as the Alliance Army. lead the way."

"The village chief of Sharus will go on a good rest first." Ye Cang was sympathetic, and Sharus retired and introduced the tent. . "Well, who will take people to attack what the new capital city is."

"First determine the credibility of this news. Now it is true for the time being. Buckn and I lead the Grand Crusaders to support. Others ask the general commander to decide, otherwise some people will not come to light." Finna looked at Gard. Satan smiled.

Ye Cang just wanted to talk, and Gartha laughed. "The Finna saint is right. We are the Beastmaster camp. The lion and tiger leaders are willing to assist the Holy See."

"Oh.." Buckn's disdainful snoring, and the words stopped, after all, Finna's face is not very good.

"I will go too." Dean lazily.

“And our brothers!” The big empty child and the flow/氓 supreme.

"I took the martial arts to accompany the army." Bai Lie Wu Sheng also spoke.

"Bear dominance, the dignity of our association depends on you to protect, everyone must protect my safety, not easy to accompany the army." Ye Cang sighed and then "hey, if you let our association be ashamed."

"..." "Bear Dominance feels great pressure."

"President, let's go too..." McCullo handed his eyes, Ye Cang had some doubts, but soon he understood it and looked at McCullough, wow, you are an old man. . This is the right way to rob someone else's treasure house! However, McCullough thinks that there is a kind of flower that he wants to go there. It is the pride of Ika. No matter where they migrate, they will carry the desert golden rose. If they can, they will be introduced to the city of goddess and Kay came, he was very grateful for the eyes supported by Ye Cang, but how he felt that he looked at his own disgusting. .

"Old Mai, you said it is good, I want to drive the pro-sign." Ye Cang changed his mouth, the bear bully sighed, Kailong looked at Ye Cang look weird, that, Count Cang Xue, this word in the Seven Miles Empire only me Can use Azshara to command "The Marquis of Azshara, you will take the three-color ban, pay attention to the safety of Congxue City."

"I understand, Your Majesty." Azshara respected the salute.

Everyone was speechless, and Ye Cang’s fickleness was just a matter of inconvenience. .

Salion didn't let the steel empire go. After all, there is still a lot of guards left here. The general commander leaves. There must be someone sitting here. This is the foundation for everyone to stand in the desert. There is absolutely no room for loss. Now, you can't transfer too many people here. Once you have a big mutation, you can spare it."

The words of Salion did not object, and no longer proposed additional reinforcements.

"Lesley, you are temporarily commanding the Dark Temple Guard here. I will go to the new capital of Isca Fanda with the city owner." Utis asked Lesley to be stationed. Leslie nodded, secretly, feeling down recently. And the president of Cang Xue is getting closer and closer.

The daylight is getting darker, and as soon as it is about to enter the night, Ye Cang and other players including the thorn rose and other reinforcements of the Iskarfida New Capital City embarked on the journey. According to Sharus, it takes more than 10 days to get enough water and food. In the case of full-speed marching, it can be cut in half. Because of the leaves, the army is carrying a lot of magic crystals in addition to the water, which makes Sharus very puzzled. This kind of thing is compared with water and food in the desert. There is no difference between stones. In the desert, water and food are the most expensive hard currencies. Others are sand. There is no value. But when you see that Ye Cang can use the magic crystal for drinking, tears can’t help but yell. God came to the world! The highest god!!".

Sharus was madly worshipping Ye Hao, who was lazy and reading a book on the sofa on the back of Vera Li. Verla Li was on the back of the sofa, with a huge parasol.

"..." The people who were resting on the march watched him puzzled. Ye Cang’s brain turned and said seriously, "I have lost a lot of memories. Can you tell me why you called me to God?"

"There is a prophecy in Isca Fanda that there will be a great **** in the future. He can turn the sand into water and bring prosperity to Isca Fanda... and you can turn the stone into water! Save Isca Fanda!!” Sharus’s five bodies cast a pleading.

Ye Cang sat up from the sofa and entered the sage's Sanzang mode. The cross-legged face of the Buddha was gentle and gentle. "I recovered my memory. It turns out."

Gently jumping from the sofa, pulling up Sharus gentle smile "Do not worry, I will save here, this is my responsibility."

After the completion of Ye Cangxiu's skill, a piece of stone crystal that is really like stone is melted into water and poured from the head of Sharus. The coolness and comfort of the incomparable, like baptism, the eyes are full of piety. "Sure enough, you are The only true God of Isca Fanda. Thank you for your baptism."

Sharus once again entered the sand worship and then got up in Ye Cang, and McCallo, Agaros and others were ashamed, watching Ye Cang, Sage! If you lie to others like this, your heart will not hurt! ? Who knows that Ye Cang seems to know what they want to turn around and reveal a smile, then stretches his finger to make a brush-off action, and the elders take a breath.

Shakespeares was weak in thinking about McCullo. After all, McCullough was one of the earliest elders to follow the city. "If I and the city owner said that I want to go back to my hometown... Will he allow it?"

McCullough glanced at her, from face to foot. "You can give it a try. It should let you go, but as for the conditions for letting you go, it is hard to say."

McCullo's words made Shakespeare's heart sink, and saw that Ye Cang came back and immediately entered the role of secretary.

McCullo smiled. "Just Shakeley asked me if she wanted to go back to her hometown. I asked if you would let her go. I have already persuaded."

Ye Cang looked at Shakespeares seriously and said, "Really?"

Shakespeares looked at Ye Cang's serious look and looked at himself, swallowing, and Ye Chou smiled. "It seems that the fate has arrived. Our goddess association never insists on others. Xiaosha, if you really want to Go, let's go... But you have to remember that you will always be the goddess association, this brand will always be glorious. Agaros, to help me get a fire."

Shakespeares looked at Ye Cang and took out the rude motto of the person who was the goddess association. I put it on the blue fire and baked it into a blue hot color. "That. I open. Play."

"Agalos, where do you say it is better?"

"Look at the face, stand out."

"McCarlow, what about you?"


"Bear Dominator, allow you to speak."

"Breast. One while hot."

"This proposal is good. I can't see the bears and the elders are still very good. It's good. It doesn't affect the beauty. It can also cover up... Come, Xiaosha, come to my tent." Ye Cang smiles and holds Shaqili Muse's hand, then one hand holding a burning blue iron.

"Shaqi Liss swears to loyalty to the goddess association and the goddess of love mousse!! There is no retreat!!" Shakespeares rushed for a long while, and Ye Cang took the iron to "what is loyalty? What is the worst?" It's important."

"Also effective loyal sages adults!!" Survival wants Shakespeares to shout.

"Sara Elder is really a man of consciousness, a model of the goddess association." Ye Cang put away the iron, Ma Lunaa wiped the cold sweat, but fortunately he was the first to know who the real master of the temple is.

Shakespeares looked at McCallo and Agalos. I actually believed in the believers of other goddesses, biting my teeth, McCullo, Agalos, and the bears.

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