Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 983: Clearance

Ye Cang left the tent and wandered around, and McCullough looked at Shakespeares and smiled. "Do you know the answer?"

"You scum.. Little devil." Shakespeares bit his teeth, although McCullo seems old, but among several prostitutes he is only older than Vera Li, Agalos and The age of Shakespeares is a mystery, and Maruna is at least twice as big as his, and the bear hegemony is far longer than him.

In the eyes of Agaros, McCullough is a true genius. As the guardian of the mystery, the mainland's magician peeks at him, including the plant magician who showed his terrible talent when he was young. The plant magician is A very special magician, the mainland is very rare, and they don't use arcane. They really don't really get rid of him when they fight with McCallot. His level of plant magician is hard to kill. .

The roads that crouched out of the night can already see the distant city-states from the high slopes, but more of them are the undead creatures in the ocean. One of the ghosts discovered Ye Cang, the reinforcement, and she watched It was only a few hundred people who had just stood on the high **** and quickly notified that a huge collection of resentment flew to see Dean and others "to come to so many live sacrifices."

Vera Li looked at the undead below and had no feelings. Ye Cang signaled that she turned and made herself face to them. Ye Cang, who was sitting on the sofa, was facing a huge collection of resentment. "Unfortunately, I was not in the van Gogh, he went to take he..."

The words have not yet been finished, and the huge collection of Yuanlings has been smashed by the huge cross descending from the sky. The bucking of the holy sword is swaying, the erected cross is exploding, and the sacred smashing of the sacred light is like a submunition. The second explosion once again produced a smaller sacred smash, and instantly killed a blockbuster to "eliminate heresy! The catastrophe will die!! The glory of the Great Crusade!! The glory of the Holy See!!! Chong!!"

Bucknne launched an attack with the Grand Crusaders.

"Hey, coward." Uddis didn't overdo it and found Dean gone, I didn't notice it?

"Bear dominance, the dignity of the association is guarded by you. If you kill the enemy and lose to Bakken, I want you to know the consequences." Ye Cang smiled at the elder bear.

Verla Li said, "Is it stewed?!"

The bear bully looks at the way McLaughy can help, and the gentle sneer of Shakespeares. . The slamming sound turned on his own transformation, and the giant mountain-like giant bear emerged. Because of the gift of Onoya, its power is more pure, and the huge bear claws sweep into a large piece, suddenly standing up huge. The body makes people tremble, hands sing and sing, and the huge jade crystals form energy.

"Emerald Forest!!"

The bear bully throws out the jade crystal energy ball and falls into the undead ocean. The pillars of the jade crystal emerge in an instant, and the crystals seem to fork like a fork like a new crystal spike, and the battlefield becomes a battlefield. In the forest of emerald crystals, countless undead creatures that were separated by corpses were hung on these scattered spikes, and the crystals that shocked Bucken could even hurt the ghosts, and they were fatally wounded. He saw a huge collection of resentment. The body is directly transformed into a dust.

Originally a huge incomparable siege sutured body, tens of meters of body and bear hegemony is a baby, a palm directly into the flesh, even the largest suture magic general Saruyer is also half-baked in the bear Hegemony, the apocalypse knight in the distance, the disaster has seen the bear hegemony, Bakken and others decisively turned and evacuated, there is no need to fight, because he saw the Agalos in the fire of his soul, and opened the sword with a sword The door went on a horrible land, and the dragon scorpion walked in, but at this time. .

"Want to go?" The voice of the big empty air came, and there was a crystal dagger surrounded by a scorpion on the door of the dead bone. The door of the dead bone was scattered all over the place.

"Buy the money, you gave it to you!" Flow / 氓 Supreme Ian Safari took a heavy bombardment.

The squad was a blockbuster, but the blade was broken into pieces. It was incredulously watched as the sword smashed through his body. Ian Sai rushed to the ground and slammed it from the ground. Then the ground dragon rider violently removed.

The disaster looked at the blade on the hilt and assembled again. What is this?

McCullo flew with dandelions to observe the battle, and saw Ian Sae here "the talent of the kid is really powerful."

"Ian Sao? Indeed." Agaros closed his eyes and smiled, forced entry and forced breakage. Forced breakage is one of the reasons why he can walk across the mainland. He can smash objects under a certain opportunity, albeit soon. This object will be reorganized and the cost will not be small. . In the eyes of Arcane, he saw a very horrible wound in Ian Sa's body. It was a lifeless flow.

"Can they both recruit the association?" Ye Canghuan made McCullan speechless. "A stealing thing, a scam addiction, what are you doing?"

"It's quite promising. Our goddess association is still in the underground department." Ye Cang belongs to the underground department in the St. Tenth Parliament, the robbers in other eyes, the debt collectors, and so on.

"Moreover, we can influence them with love." Ye Cang's words made everyone sigh silently for the two people. "Old Mai, I see you and they are familiar, I will give it to you."

"That, president, don't think about it again."

"It seems that you are not pious enough. We don't care about the people who are about to become believers. We are angry. I am going to get angry. I look at where the brand is printed. Xiaosha, you hold him."

"This matter will be handed over to the old man." McCullough saw the sick smile of Shakespeares to start.

"Just kidding, the contribution of the old wheat to the association is obvious to everyone. Well, I will give it to you." Ye Cang continued to sit on the sofa to supervise the war, the commander is cool, this is the game.

In the city.

"Salen's majesty! The momentum of the siege has stopped, and an unknown reinforcement has pushed the momentum down." The old man in white is respectful to the heroes of the inner palace.

The young man who was called down to Saron’s majesty was relieved. “It should be the person south of the Black Front Mountains. Take me to see.”

Saron looked at the huge horrible bear on the wall and the commanding general, Baruto, and the natural disaster that was defeated by the whole line.

"Your next opinion, our speculation is true, the natural disaster has come, and the city-state coalition forces in the south will only remember Isca Fanda at this time." The news that Baruto did not want to be confirmed was confirmed because The reinforcements that come are too complicated, the Holy See, the Temple of the Wushen, especially the Temple of the War, only the big crisis will come out, and there will be no disputes.

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