As the "Godfather" cockpit opened the crack, a bright light shone from the outside into the deep darkness.

Qiaoqiao's figure was hidden in the darkness. He planned to wait for Cocolia to open the hatch, and then he would immediately kidnap her and order Walter and others to let him go.

However, Cocolia is an experienced, smart and cunning fox after all. Instead of risking opening the hatch directly, she opened a crack to see what was going on inside the cockpit.

When Qiaoqiao saw a pair of purple eyes as transparent as glass revealed in the crack, she immediately tensed up her nerves and hid in the darkness motionlessly, holding her breath, hoping that the darkness could cover her and not be discovered by Cocolia. .

What Qiaoqiao didn't expect was that Cocolia, who was born in the Russian special forces, had undergone a lot of special training and was able to fight in a variety of complex environments. Her eyesight was extremely sensitive and she had night vision. Even if Qiaoqiao was hiding in the deep darkness, she could still see her with a single glance. Seeing the black-haired boy in front of me.

The moment she saw Qiaoqiao, Cocolia's eyes suddenly trembled like an earthquake, her face suddenly turned red and hot, and she raised her slender white fingers to cover her violently beating chest.

Hiding in the darkness, Qiao Qiao suddenly came face to face with Cocolia's clear and transparent eyes like glass.

At the moment when their eyes intertwined and their gazes collided, Qiao Qiao was so nervous that her heart almost jumped into her throat.

In the last life simulation, Qiaoqiao relied on her familiarity with the original plot to control Cocolia, making her very obedient to him and willing to be used by him.

It was easy for Qiaoqiao to let her go.

But now he is not in a false simulated world, but in reality, and Cocolia should be extremely unfamiliar to Qiaoqiao.

What's worse is that Qiaoqiao has just stolen the account book recording Me's true fund flow, and accidentally destroyed the Heavenly Father Mecha and Titan Factory.

For the current Cocolia, Qiaoqiao is not only not the object of affection, but is actually a sworn enemy.

If I am discovered by Cocolia now, she will definitely summon anti-entropy people to fight with me!

Thinking of this, a few drops of cold sweat broke out on Qiao Qiao's forehead, and the right hand behind her holding the "Seven Thunders of Purification" became harder.

On Cocolia's side, the moment she saw Qiaoqiao, the long-forgotten memories from the life simulation suddenly popped into her mind. Now, instead of caring about the theft of the ledger, the factory, or the Heavenly Father, she was immersed in the joy of meeting Qiao Qiao again, and a sweet feeling could not help but appear in her heart.

Not to mention fighting Qiaoqiao, if Qiaoqiao said a word, Cocolia would be very happy to hand over the account book and let him leave like this.

As long as Jojo can be happy, Cocolia is willing to do anything for him.

At this moment, Walter and others searched the wreckage of all the "Godfather" mechas and found nothing. They walked behind Cocolia and said sadly with some regret: "Mr. Cocolia, we have followed your instructions and collected all the weapons." The remaining "Godfather" mechas have been searched all over, but they still can't find the young master of the Beichen family..."

Walter, who was empty-handed, was a little afraid of Cocolia, who was angry at the moment, and asked tentatively, "What should we do now?"

Cocolia, who finally reunited with Qiaoqiao, no longer cared about the theft of the ledger, the factory, or the Heavenly Father.

A second ago, Cocolia wanted to skin Qiaoqiao and fight him until death, but at this moment, Cocolia just wanted to renew her relationship with Qiaoqiao, just like she used to be used by Qiaoqiao and respected Qiaoqiao. Act on his orders and do anything for him.

But the sudden return of Walter had obviously disturbed the touching reunion between her and Qiaoqiao. Cocolia said impatiently: "I know, you guys leave the factory quickly, and I will handle the next thing."

Cocolia just wants to drive Walter away now so that she can renew her relationship with Qiaoqiao and chat slowly~~

Walter was stunned by Cocolia's cold attitude. Cocolia, who was so aggressive just now and wanted to tear Qiao Qiao into pieces, suddenly seemed like a different person and ignored Beichen Wine for a long time. What's up?

Cocolia's sudden emotional change naturally aroused Walter's doubts. He saw Cocolia's purple eyes glowing with a strange pink light, staring at the cockpit of a "Godfather" mecha, and he felt even more confused. He was confused and asked curiously: "Mr. Cocolia, is there anyone in the cockpit of that "Godfather" mecha?"

Hearing these words, Cocolia's eyes, which had originally planned to send Walter away, suddenly changed, and there was a hint of disgust and indifference in her purple eyes.

Qiaoqiao's heart was beating like a horse, and he felt like it was about to jump out of his throat. He had just made eye contact with Cocolia, and vaguely felt that Cocolia had discovered that he was hiding in the cockpit. Leah probably wanted to tell Walter and others where she was.

In this way, if Qiao Qiao goes to war with the anti-entropy people, the situation will become explosive in an instant.

But to Qiaoqiao's expectation, Cocolia not only did not say what Qiaoqiao was thinking, but instead turned around, looked at Walter with cold eyes, and said in an unquestionable tone, "I have searched here, there is no anyone."

But at this moment, Walter had already become suspicious of the cockpit of the Godfather's mecha. You know, out of his love and pursuit of Mei, he was eager to find and kill Qiao Qiao.

"But... the hatch of the Godfather mecha has not been fully opened for search... why don't I check it again?"

As he said this, Walter couldn't wait to take a step forward in the direction of the Godfather mecha.

But suddenly, Cocolia stood in front of Walter with a solemn face, stared at him sharply, and said coldly: "Walter, are you questioning my conclusion?"

Feeling the sharp breath of Cocolia, Walter, as her creation, was immediately frightened and took two steps back, waving his hand to explain: "How could I doubt Lord Cocolia? I was rude just now."

Although Walter was arrogant and domineering on weekdays and didn't take others seriously, he still maintained an instinctive fear of his creator Cocolia.

Besides, Cocolia was furious because Beichen Jiujiu destroyed the Heavenly Father Mecha just now. He was sure that Cocolia could not deliberately hide Beichen Jiujiu.

"In that case, I will lead the people to evacuate first."

Walter did not dare to disobey Cocolia's order and planned to lead people to leave, but before leaving, he still did not understand why Cocolia, who had just hated Beichen Jiujiu, suddenly became so cold.

Walter secretly glanced at the Godfather Mecha behind Cocolia, with deep doubts in his eyes.

Is there really nothing inside?

Cocolia noticed the direction of Walter's sight and glanced at the Godfather Mecha with a scorched and twisted surface behind him.

"Since no sinners who destroyed the Father and the factory have been found, I will take you out first."

Cocolia knew that Walter still suspected that Qiao Qiao was hiding in the Godfather Mecha, so he had to give up the idea of ​​staying to renew his relationship with Qiao Qiao and send Walter and others away first.

Cocolia left the Godfather Mecha in the ruins of the factory and took Walter and others out of the factory.

Walter and others were supervised by Cocolia and had no chance to look back at the Godfather Mecha, so they could only leave obediently.

Through the quantum channel, Cocolia brought Walter and others back to the office of the president of Me Society and asked them to leave the room.

Walter vaguely felt that Cocolia had changed and was very anxious to drive him away. But he didn't understand why Cocolia was so anxious to let him do it.

He could only leave Cocolia's room in deep confusion.

"Bang!" A loud sound.

As soon as Walter and others walked out of Cocolia's office, she couldn't wait to close the door and isolate Walter and others. This made Walter and his group stand at the door in confusion and look at each other.

Cocolia, what happened to her?

After Walter and others left, Cocolia leaned back in the room, breathing nervously. They shouldn't have discovered that I deliberately hid Qiao Qiao, right?

As the president of Me Society, if I take the lead in protecting my enemies, it will be a big deal if it gets out...

But... Qiao Qiao is the most important thing now.

I have to meet him quickly.

Cocolia showed a bright smile like a flower, but suddenly she heard a sound in her ears, like the sound of opening a window, and it came from the study, which made her face pale instantly. She finally met Qiao Qiao and recalled everything in the past, but she didn't want to let Qiao Qiao leave.

The two of them haven't even said a word yet.

Cocolia wanted Qiao Qiao to stay, and the two of them talked about everything until dawn, telling him that she was willing to do anything for him.

But when she ran to the study in a hurry, she found that the window behind the desk was opened, and a black figure jumped down into the dark night.

Cocolia hurriedly chased to the window, but found that Qiao Qiao's figure had disappeared in the vast night.

Looking at the flowerbed outside the window shrouded in the night, Cocolia searched everywhere for the black figure, but in the end she found nothing. In the end, she could only sigh with disappointment, put her slender fingers on her throbbing chest, tightly grasped her trembling heart, and a strange light shone in her eyes.

"It's enough now..." Cocolia looked at the night and said infatuatedly: "As long as I remember you and know that you are still there... then no matter where you escape to, I will find you, Qiao Qiao."

Chapter 214 I want to be Lord Yulandel's dog!

Destiny headquarters, floating island.

In the training room with dumbbells, treadmills, spinning bikes and other sports equipment, Yulandel wore a black vest to reveal her slender white belly, and her beautiful legs in sports shorts were as graceful and slender as those of a swimmer. Her dark eyebrows were tight, her eyes were as sharp as a hawk, and her fists were clenched into fists and hammered the sandbags heavily.

With a loud bang, the sandbags suspended in the air by chains could not withstand the violence of the strongest Valkyrie, and disintegrated in the air, with white gravel pouring out along the gap.

The Valkyries in the training room, wearing tight sportswear and sexy and well-proportioned figures, stood there in surprise when they saw the heroic figure of Valkyrie punching the sandbags, and then screamed with admiration.

As the gathering place of Valkyries, most of the staff at the Tianming headquarters are young and beautiful girls. They have been living in an environment without the opposite sex for a long time, which can be said to be the nest of lesbians.

Among the Valkyries of Tianming, Yulandel is also the most powerful and the most outstanding one.

Almost all of the Valkyries of Destiny are fans of Yulandel, and they are particularly obsessed with her.

"She is worthy of being Lord Yulandel, beautiful and smart, an absolute genius, and she trains so hard!"

"Yeah, Lord Yulandel is too perfect! I really want to be Lord Yulandel's dog!"

"Don't fight with me, I want to lick Lord Yulandel's white and smooth jade feet!"

Among the women watching, two Valkyries in the same team wearing sports vests quarreled and entangled with each other for Yulandel.

But Yulandel, the center of their fight, knew nothing about it. She looked tense and uneasy. The figure of a black-haired and purple-eyed boy kept appearing in her mind, haunting her.

When she thought of Qiao Qiao's chest pierced by the Black Abyss sword under the ancient tree, her slender body covered with blood, and her figure falling in her arms, Yulandel suddenly woke up from her nightmare, biting her red lips with regret, and her brows twisted together.

"Qiao Qiao... If you and I meet again, will you be willing to forgive me?"

At this moment, Rita, Yulandel's adjutant and best friend, wore a black and white maid outfit, with scarlet roses on her Katyusha, and walked behind Yulandel with a hard drive containing towels and vitamin water in her hands.

But seeing Yulandel's absent-minded look, as the person closest to Yulandel, Rita felt bitter in her heart, and her slender eyebrows slightly frowned.

Perhaps in the eyes of other Valkyries who are not familiar with Yulandel, Yulandel is just training as usual, but Rita, as Yulandel's maid and good friend, always has her eyes on Yulandel. She can be said to be the person who knows Yulandel best in the world. Naturally, Yulandel is worried.

"Lord Yulandel, what happened?"

Hearing Rita's voice, Yulandel turned back from her complicated thoughts about Qiao Qiao. She raised her face, and her originally sad face showed a sweet and beautiful smile like a flower blooming.

"It's okay, I just accidentally hit too hard and broke the sandbag."

Yulandel made an excuse to hide her uneasy things. After all, she knew very well that the grievances between Qiao Qiao and her happened in the last reincarnation. Rita in the current time period must know nothing about Qiao Qiao. Even if she confessed everything to her, Rita probably wouldn't believe it easily, which would only make her more worried about herself.

Especially... How could she say to someone that the strongest Valkyrie of destiny fell in love with the interrogator of the World Serpent?

Even if the other person was Rita, who was closest to her.

Seeing that Yulandel was unwilling to speak to her, Rita knew that something was wrong, but she would not force Yulandel to speak out.

As a maid and friend, Rita valued Yulandel's wishes more than her own, and naturally would not let curiosity drive her to force Yulandel to say something she didn't want to say.

Rita, who was considerate, smiled slightly and said, "Lord Yulandel, don't worry. It is my duty as a maid to deal with your troubles. I will clean up the broken sandbags."

Seeing that Rita no longer asked, Yulandel smiled more and more brightly. On the days when she couldn't meet Qiao Qiao, only Rita's presence could give Yulandel some warmth.

Rita immediately ordered her subordinates to clean up the broken sandbags, but she would never have thought that her most important friend was obsessed with a man at this moment.

If she knew that the most powerful and holy Yulandel in her mind had been intimate with a man, and Yulandel was still devoted to him, her faith would definitely collapse immediately. I'm afraid that the object to be cleaned up would not be as simple as a sandbag.

However, although Rita made up her mind not to ask Yulandel's thoughts, she couldn't help frowning in the process of cleaning the sandbags. She really couldn't understand why Yulandel's face changed drastically and left anxiously when she saw Raiden Mei and her fiancé in Yalvette's notebook that night.

Moreover, when Yulandel returned to the headquarters of the destiny at dawn, she actually came back with Bishop Otto, and Bishop Otto still had some traces of fighting on his body.

What happened between Lord Yulandel and Bishop Otto that night?

Rita would never have thought that when Yulandel went to Me Club to look for Qiao Qiao, she had a fierce battle with Bishop Otto.

Yulandel wielded the lance "Black Abyss White Flower" that controlled the power of death and creation, while Otto used the mimicry of Judah's Oath.

After a deadly battle, Yulandel, as the strongest Valkyrie, could not let the destiny lose its most important leader, and could not use her full strength in the battle with Otto.

Not long after the battle began, Yulandel, who would be the best in the world as long as Kevin and the Herrscher of Knowledge did not appear, pierced Otto's arm with the pure white lance in her hand, and was in the upper hand for a while.

But Yulandel was only a young girl of sixteen or seventeen after all. As an old fox who had lived for five hundred years, Otto's body had long been transformed into a soul steel body. Even if his arm was disabled, it was not worth mentioning to him.

At the moment when Yulandel's lance pierced Otto's arm, the cross "Judas's Oath" next to Otto's hand glowed with a dazzling light of collapse.

In a flash, the night sky became golden and brilliant, as bright as day. Countless gears rotated slowly in the air like clock hands, interlocking with each other. Countless golden chains extended from the golden gears in the sky, attacking Yulandel like long snakes.

That is... the Oath of Mimic Judas.

Zero rated power.

Divine Grace Boundary!

Chapter 215 Yulandel's personal request to Rita

When Otto launched the Oath of Mimic Judas, Yulandel, as a battle-hardened Valkyrie, immediately smelled the breath of danger. She didn't care about showing mercy to Bishop Otto's men, and the silver-white lance in her hand pierced Otto's chest like a meteor chasing the moon.

Just when the silver lance was about to pierce Otto's chest and make him completely incapable of action, the silver lance in Yulandel's hand was still as if time had frozen.

Yulandel's eyes widened in amazement. The golden chains bound her body tightly like a python, making her completely unable to move for a while.

In amazement, Yulandel slowly raised her eyes and looked at the top of her head.

In the dark night, several golden gears were hanging. They were like the sun hanging in the sky, illuminating the night, and looking down at the battlefield on the ground like eyes.

The Eleventh Key of God, Judas's Oath, has many strange uses, and the Divine Grace Barrier unfolded by its zero rated power release can seal all the Honkai energy in the barrier, turning all Valkyries with Honkai energy into ordinary people, and weapons that use Honkai energy as energy cannot be used.

Although the Oath of Judas that Otto is using now is just a replica mimicked by the Void Wanzang, and its power is far less than the original Eleventh Key of God, it is enough to seal the Honkai energy in the body of the target.

Seeing that Yulandel was successfully bound by the golden chains, the seriously injured Otto couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, with a slight smile on his face.

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