"He is indeed the strongest trump card that I am proud of. If I had not prepared in advance, I might have been defeated by now."

Otto tried to get up from the ground, but the blow that Hollander had pierced his arm just now was far more serious than he thought. Even if he tried his best to get up, he couldn't move at all, which made Otto dumbfounded. He laughed. He had always regarded Youlandel as one of the pawns to realize his plan, but now he was almost disabled by one of the pawns.

However... Otto's current body has long been soul-steeled. To him, the body is like clothes and can be changed at will. The destruction of all the bodies does not make Otto feel any fear.

On the contrary, on the side of Hollandelle, even though she has powerful Honkai energy far beyond ordinary people's imagination, she is now bound by golden chains and unable to move. Her posture is as if Heracross is tightly bound by the chains of God.

Hollander's eyes were filled with unwillingness as she glared at Otto, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Let me go quickly, I still have to go to Qiaoqiao's side!"

Although Mimic Judas's Oath can actually seal the Honkai Energy ability in the target's body, it cannot be compared with the real God Key. And Landale is the strongest Valkyrie in the world. The total amount of Honkai energy in her body is comparable to Herrscher. Her arm holding the spear kept struggling, and she managed to break free from the shackles of the golden chain. The spear shone with cold light. The tip slowly approached Alto's neck.

Otto saw that Hollander was captured by Judah's oath and still had the ability to move. He was immediately frightened and said, "Youlandel, you and that boy are completely from two different worlds. Even if you meet, What do you want?”

Hearing Otto's words, Hollandel's heart stung. She recalled that in the past reincarnation, when Qiaoqiao, as the top cadre of the World Snake, paid the price with his life to let herself leave the World Snake, she originally wanted to The desire to see Qiao Qiao suddenly wavered, and the spear stabbing Alto stopped.

Yes...even if I meet Qiaoqiao, will he forgive me for what I did in the past?

He has a new life now, and he may have forgotten me a long time ago, and he also has such a young and beautiful fiancée.

Even if I go to see him now, will he be willing to abandon his current life and fiancée and renew his relationship with me?

Thinking of this, Youlandel was suddenly afraid of seeing Qiaoqiao again. She was a little afraid that she would go to see Qiaoqiao with enthusiasm, but be turned away by him.

Qiaoqiao and I are from completely different worlds. Is it really appropriate for me to disturb his current life?

Thinking of this, Youlandel's face suddenly darkened and she fell into deep thought. Then tears welled up in the corners of her eyes and she almost shouted: "It is almost impossible to be forgiven for what I did to him... Of course I know this, but even if he It doesn't matter if you don't forgive me... As long as I can see him safe and happy, that's enough..."

It doesn't matter even if the other person is not with her. Now Youlandel just wants to make the person she loves happy.

When it comes to love, especially unrequited love, Otto Apokalis is an expert!

Otto immediately struck while the iron was hot: "Since you want that boy to be happy, you shouldn't disturb his life now. He has things he has to do, and you also have the mission to fight against Honkai and protect the world. "

Otto said categorically: "It's not time for you to meet each other yet. If you really do it for his own good, you must learn to be patient."

No one understands love better than Alto.

Youlandel is naturally in love with Qiao Qiao so much that she can't help herself, and can't wait to see the person she has been dreaming about.

But since she is sincere to Qiao Qiao, she naturally values ​​Qiao Qiao more than her desire to meet him.

It is very painful to know that the person you love is still alive but cannot see each other.

But as long as it is for the one she loves, No matter how unbearable the pain of lovesickness is, Youlandel will be willing to endure it.

This is Otto's experience as a person who has been there.

Youlandel also knew very well that even if she went to see Qiaoqiao now, it would only disturb his current life. She put down the silver-white lance in her hand tremblingly, stopped struggling, and was completely lost.

At this moment, the divine grace barrier pulled by Youlandel's huge force also reached its limit, and the gears swirling in the night sky turned into little golden light particles and disappeared into the night.

The golden chains on Youlandel's body also turned into light particles and disappeared.

As the light particles disappeared, apart from the crystal tears falling from the corners of Youlandel's eyes, there were also thoughts of her and Qiao Qiao meeting each other.

During the conversation with Rita, Hollandale recalled the night when she gave up meeting Qiaoqiao.

But even though Youlandel knew that Qiao Qiao had something she had to do, and that she also had a mission to fight against Honkai and protect the world, she still cared about the person she loved.

Is he okay now?

Did he eat three meals on time? In one reincarnation, he often dealt with dangerous people. Will he encounter any danger now?

Although Youlandel is now in the Tianming Headquarters, her soul has already drifted to Qiaoqiao's side, and she is distracted and lost all day long.

Seeing that Yulandel was unhappy, Rita, as Yulandel's best friend, naturally saw it and felt pain in her heart. She couldn't help but stroke her chest, her eyes flashing with worry, and said: "Lord Yulandel, although I don't know what you are troubled by, as long as I can share your worries, Rita is willing to do anything for you!"

Yulandel heard the worry in Rita's words and was stunned.

Rita... You are indeed my best and most intimate friend, and you can't hide any of my thoughts from you...

Suddenly, Yulandel looked at Rita with a few more lights in her eyes.

According to Bishop Otto, Qiao Qiao has things he has to complete, and he also has a mission to fight against the collapse, so he can't leave the destiny and go to Qiao Qiao's side.

But since I can't go to Qiao Qiao's side to take care of him in person, why not let a suitable person stay with Qiao Qiao instead of me.

Rita is Yulandel's best and most trusted friend in the world. In her mind, Rita's importance is no less than Qiaoqiao's.

If her most trusted friend goes to take care of Qiaoqiao, Yulandel will feel more at ease.

Thinking of this, the gloomy atmosphere on Yulandel's face suddenly dissipated, revealing a smile from the heart, stretching out her delicate jade fingers like scallions to hold Rita's cold and smooth hands, and said seriously: "Rita, this is not my order as a boss, but a request as a friend... I want you to take care of someone for me."

Chapter 216 Respond to me! Alicia!

St. Freya College, dormitory.

It was 3:10 in the morning.

Qiaoqiao and Bronya sat in front of the TV, constantly operating the controller in their hands to play the latest first-person shooter game.

Suddenly, an enemy dressed in pink pony armor and dressed strangely appeared from behind the bunker and shot at Qiaoqiao.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The flames continued to erupt, and the sound of gunfire was endless.

But facing the bullets, Qiao Qiao's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a relaxed smile. You have to know that he is a "Valkyrie" who has been professionally trained by Tianming, and he is also a world-class high-end player. His reaction nerves and dynamic forces are different from ordinary people. The character controlled by his fingertips is like Li Kolis's Jinmu Qianshu, and he dodges all the bullets with a silky movement.

The player on the opposite side kept shooting with a submachine gun, and he was as fierce as a tiger. When he saw that the damage was 0.5, he shot the bullets in the gun cleanly, and said in surprise: "What a thick blood!"

Qiao Qiao dodged all the oncoming bullets, raised the pistol elegantly and calmly, and pulled the trigger.

The moment the bullet was fired, Qiao Qiao already knew the final result.

"Bang!" With a crisp sound, the bullet shot into the head.

The opposing player saw the character's head exploded and blood splattered on the ground, and was confused: "Why can't he be killed?! Is this guy cheating?!"

Qiao Qiao didn't know what the other player thought after being shot in the head. If the two were facing each other, he would have said to him: "Playing well means cheating?"

After cleaning up the enemy neatly, Qiao Qiao showed a happy smile: "Weak! Now I know who is the boss!"

But Qiao Qiao didn't feel happy for long. Suddenly, an enemy passed through the area that Bronya was responsible for covering. He held a katana in his hand. He didn't play a gunfight, but directly started a samurai duel. He attacked from behind and stabbed Qiao Qiao with two knives. Qiao Qiao died on the spot.

The bloody death words appeared on the TV screen.

From the joy of victory to the abyss of death, the smile on Qiao Qiao's face froze instantly.

"He's dead! It's all your fault!"

Qiao Qiao turned his head to complain that Bronya didn't guard her area well, and suddenly he felt that his shoulders became much heavier.

Bronya's eyes with thick and fine eyelashes were closed, and she leaned on Qiao Qiao's shoulder like a pillow. Her tall nose gave off a steady and quiet breath, and her quiet and lazy sleeping face looked very cute.

Qiao Qiao was going to complain about Bronya, but looking at her cute and lazy sleeping face, her originally angry heart softened all of a sudden, and a helpless smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and her eyes were actually doting.

Such a cute silver-haired loli, Qiao Qiao is not a bad person, how could she bear to blame him too much.

Qiao Qiao turned off the lost game, hugged Bronya's petite and weak body, got up and walked to the bed, and gently put her down.

Qiao Qiao stood by the bed, covered Bronya with a quilt, looked at her quiet and cute sleeping face, and showed a smile full of appreciation at the corner of his mouth.

Although Qiao Qiao himself just thought that Bronya's sleeping face like a child was very cute, and he loved beauty, in the eyes of others, his smile looked dangerous like a pervert.

If Kiana saw Jojo showing such a lewd smile to a little loli like Bronya, she would probably call the FBI immediately.

After covering Bronya with the quilt, Jojo gently brushed away the silver hair scattered on Bronya's forehead, and then turned away with satisfaction.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 60 crystals. ]

It seems that even such a trivial thing as carrying Bronya to bed is a good thing in the eyes of the system of doing good deeds.

After turning off the lights, Jojo walked out of Bronya's room and dragged his heavy steps to his own room. He looked a little tired.

But this is natural. Qiao Qiao had just returned from the Me headquarters building when she was caught by Kiana and Bronya.

Qiao Qiao and Mei left the dormitory and disappeared for three days and three nights. Although they went out and came back at different times, it was hard not to suspect that Qiao Qiao and Mei had secretly done something shameful.

Mei is Kiana's best friend who has lived and died together, shared hardships, and depended on each other. She is almost like a lover, so she naturally would not treat Mei roughly.

But Qiao Qiao is usually humble in the dormitory and is a living Bodhisattva who obeys Kiana in everything.

As the saying goes, a good person is bullied and a good horse is ridden.

When I thought of the most intimate and obedient exclusive servant who went out with my favorite Mei for three days and three nights, and didn't take me with him!

Kiana immediately felt like she had two more green hats on her head.

Take it away! Take it away!

Kiana raised her hand to shake off the green hat on her head, her face flushed with anger, and she was determined to punish Qiao Qiao.

Under Kiana's coercion, Qiao Qiao was forced to kneel on the keyboard for two hours.

Fortunately, Qiao Qiao and Mei Yi had discussed their confessions in advance and were ready to fool Kiana.

Qiao Qiao used the excuse that she was going to help her schoolmate complete the task of defeating low-level assassins, which was a common thing for Qiao Qiao, who was usually helpful.

Mei Yi said that she was going back to her hometown to visit her family.

The confessions that Qiao Qiao and Mei Yi had arranged were flawless, and Kiana was a simple-minded "idiot" who didn't know how to doubt.

You know, Qiao Qiao and Mei Yi can be said to be the two people Kiana trusts most in this world. How could she suspect that there was deception in their words?

After being successfully fooled by Qiao Qiao and Mei, Kiana came to Qiao Qiao very embarrassedly, gave him a bag of snacks, and said in a serene voice: "I'm sorry, Qiao Qiao, I misunderstood you and Mei. I shouldn't have suspected that you went out with Mei behind my back, and I thought you..."

Kiana was embarrassed to continue, and changed the subject with a slightly red face, and said in a higher tone: "In short... I was jealous for a while, please forgive me!"

At this time, Kiana, who was successfully fooled by Qiao Qiao and Mei, really regretted and felt ashamed from the bottom of her heart. She felt that she shouldn't doubt her two most trusted friends and did something wrong to them. She sincerely wanted to get Qiao Qiao's forgiveness.

But in Qiao Qiao's opinion, Kiana was smart for once, and her guess was almost right.

Qiao Qiao did go out with Mei for three days and three nights.

Qiao Qiao, who knew that he was in the wrong, did not dare to pursue Kiana's responsibility, and simply forgave Kiana.

After being forgiven, Kiana didn't realize that she was deceived by Qiao Qiao and Mei Yi. She still felt that she was so willful and capricious, but Qiao Qiao simply forgave her. She was open-minded and generous. She doted on her to the extreme. She smiled secretly at the corner of her mouth, and her eyes were filled with strange feelings when she looked at Qiao Qiao.

Qiao Qiao didn't know that she had inadvertently increased Kiana's favorability. She thought that this three-day and three-night trip with Mei Yi was a smooth pass.

Unexpectedly, Kiana was simple-minded and easy to fool. Bronya was not a fool. She half believed and half doubted what Qiao Qiao and Mei Yi said, but she didn't dare to make it clear. After all, Qiao Qiao and Mei Yi both felt that they must conceal something, and Bronya also felt that the matter must be unusual.

So, Bronya wisely chose not to ask the truth about their going out, but as compensation for leaving her at home, she dragged Qiao Qiao to play games for twelve hours.

After helping Mei to steal the account book at the Me company headquarters, dismantle the Gundam and blow up the factory, after spending three days and three nights, he was punished by Kiana to kneel for two hours, and played games with Bronya for twelve hours.

Even the donkey in the production team was not as busy as Qiao Qiao.

After returning to the room, Qiao Qiao felt as tired as if his body was hollowed out, and lay on his bed to rest.

Although the days of leaving for Changkong City were very tiring, the result was indeed very satisfactory.

Qiao Qiao successfully obtained the account book that could prove the innocence of Raiden Ryoma as agreed, and handed it to Raiden Mei.

According to Mei, this account book can be used to exonerate Raiden Ryoma. However... it takes some time from the appeal to the end of the trial.

And... even if the trial declares not guilty, Raiden Ryoma is vindicated, and the grievances are washed away, and the asset freeze of the Raiden family can be lifted, it is still impossible to pull Cocolia off the horse and drive her off the throne of the president of Me company.

But of course, even if we get the account book, we can't prove that it was Cocolia who framed Raiden Ryoma.

Moreover... the employees of Me Company now regard Cocolia as a hero who saved Me Company from the economic crime of Raiden Ryoma, and her prestige is extremely high.

Even if Raiden Ryoma goes back, those employees who support Cocolia probably won't agree to let the person who once put the company into bankruptcy crisis be the boss.

Thinking of this, Qiao Qiao turned over in bed like a salted fish. In fact, because Qiao Qiao had been with Cocolia in the life simulation, he also knew that she was a good mother who truly loved Bronya, Seele and others, so he didn't have much malice towards her, nor did he have any special intention to deal with her...

He stole the account book from Cocolia because of Mei's commission, without any personal grudge.

So the result of saving Raiden Ryoma without harming Cocolia is acceptable.

[Congratulations to the host for winning 900 crystals. ]

Qiao Qiao lay on his back on the bed, and saw the system pop up that he helped Mei get the account book, proving that Raiden Ryoma Qingbai had won the crystal reward. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but bloom with joy. He opened the system homepage and looked at the crystal column on the far right corner.

[2800 crystals. ]

After seeing the number of crystals, Qiao Qiao was ecstatic again, and sat up directly from the bed. Although the 2800 crystal reward was nothing compared to the 10,000 or 20,000 crystals obtained in a villain life simulation.

But this was Qiao Qiao's reward in just three days in reality. In the past, when Qiao Qiao helped his junior schoolmate fight the Honkai Beast, helped his senior schoolmate move, and helped his female classmates tutor, it would take at least three or four months for Qiao Qiao to get the number of a ten-shot combo.

Moreover, with so many crystals, Qiao Qiao must do bad things like in the villain life simulator. All of them are earned by doing good deeds. Qiao Qiao has no regrets in putting him in his pocket.

[The host currently has enough crystals to draw ten cards in a row. Do you want to draw? ]

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