Not to mention they are workers with monthly wages. Even if they invite the most powerful hackers in the world, they will not be able to break into the other party's satellite network.

So far, the information about the Honkai Impact has not been leaked, all thanks to our hard-working Internet workers.

You senior executives only drink and have meetings all day long, and point fingers at us workers...

You say that we are nothing but a waste of money, so go ahead!

After knowing that the Lord of the Truth Agency's live broadcast could not be interrupted, the top management of Fire Chasing Moth almost fainted and said with a gloomy face:

"What should we do?" The senior management said in surprise: "The person who announced the truth about the 'Hengkai' turned out to be the Lord of the Truth Agency... What conspiracy does he have?!"

After the fire-chasing moth tried to cut off the live broadcast to no avail, Qiaoqiao said calmly and calmly: "Hengkai, to put it simply, is a phenomenon that accompanies human civilization. The more prosperous human civilization is, the more powerful the power of collapse will be. will be stronger.”

"And this 'collapse' phenomenon can trigger earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and other disasters, destroying human civilization."

"Honkai has emerged since the birth of human civilization. The Berlin fire half a century ago, the extinction of species in Siberia, the global epidemic, and countless cases large and small are all caused by Honkai."

"The coalition government has long known the truth about the collapse, but in order to maintain their rule, they would rather trap the people in the cradle of 'ignorance' and deprive you of the right to know the truth."

After hearing Qiaoqiao's global live broadcast, the whole world fell into panic.

Many people were talking in front of the square in Changkong City.

"Is what this masked man said true? Since the birth of human civilization, the horrible phenomenon of 'collapse' has always existed in this world."

“Governments from all over the world have united to hide the truth!”

"Damn it! The coalition government and Fire Chaser still said that it was all done by the truth agency! It turns out they have been deceiving us!"

Some of the reporters downstairs at the Fire Chaser branch were dumbfounded, while others were extremely excited.

"Great! This is definitely news that can shock the world! The truth of the world that has been hidden, the 'collapse' that accompanies civilization, and the coalition government's deception of the world!"

Qiaoqiao, who is giving a global speech, knows that if he announces the truth about the collapse to the world and makes the lies of the coalition government and Fire Chaser go bankrupt, it will inevitably make the public question the authority of Fire Chaser Moth.

And this... is the result Qiaoqiao wants.

He just wanted to break the information cocoon created by the coalition government and Fire Chaser Moth, so he captured the Fire Chaser Moth branch and conducted a global live broadcast.

He wants to let the world understand that the coalition government and the Fire Moth are the villains who deceive the people, and their truth agency is really a righteous partner in spreading the truth!

Qiaoqiao raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said calmly:

"The Coalition Government and Fire Chaser were supposed to be organizations created to fight against Honkai, but their top brass are corrupt!"

"They failed to stop the damage caused by Honkai, and in order to create a false peace, they put all the blame on us who want to save the world!"

"The top leaders of the coalition government and Fire Chaser only know how to consolidate their rule, seize power and profit, and choose to deceive the truth. They have done nothing!"

"People suffering from Honkai Disease were killed by their killers! People who knew the truth and wanted to expose lies were imprisoned by them! The truth agency that wanted to save mankind was insulted by them as a 'terrorist organization' and was expelled and massacred! "

Hearing Qiao Qiao pouring out the evil deeds of Fire Chaser Moth one by one, the senior management all jumped in panic:

"This man knows too much!"

The senior management said angrily and incompetently: "We can't let him talk any more!"

Chapter 482 ‘The Day of Truth’

"It is precisely because we, the 'Truth Agency,' want to spread the truth about the world to the people that we are regarded as a thorn in the side by the coalition government and the Fire Chaser Moth, and are brutally hunted and slaughtered!"

Qiaoqiao's voice said angrily from the monitor of the Fire Chaser Intelligence Department.

Hearing Qiao Qiao's words, the top management of Fire Chasing Moth gnashed their teeth in hatred: "It's really funny that a group of lunatics with broken beliefs dare to boast."

The senior management turned to look at his man in black and ordered him: "Hurry up and prepare a press conference to explain this farce to the people."

The eyes of the senior management looking at their subordinates suddenly changed.

“Be sure to minimize the impact of this speech!”


After receiving the order, the migrant workers below the top management gathered to work slowly.

The senior management turned to look at the monitor and said with a slight smile: "A mere terrorist organization is against us? It's just a fantasy."

"Who will the people trust more, the coalition government that maintains world order or the evil cult hiding in the dark side of the world?"

The senior management said confidently: "It's such an obvious thing, but as an organizational leader, you can't understand it? You're really incompetent!"

The coalition government and its affiliated Fire Moths have been established for more than half a century and have maintained order in the entire human society.

Senior officials confidently believe that Amon's few words as the leader of a terrorist organization will never shake the prestige of the coalition government in the hearts of the people.

"I know that everyone will doubt the authenticity of my words, so... next I will show the atrocities of Fire Chasing Moth in front of everyone."

As soon as he finished speaking, the video started playing on the TV screen.

In the video, a middle-aged office worker in a suit was shot in the abdomen by a uniformed Fire Moth soldier.

Scarlet blood flowed from his abdomen, soaking his white shirt.

And the office worker fell to the ground like a dead dog. Before he died, he was still muttering: "I...can't go to work tomorrow."

Yes, the scene played on TV was the Fire Moth soldiers shooting ordinary citizens who were sheltering members of the Truth Agency.

Seeing an innocent office worker being shot like this, thousands of office workers in front of the TV screen suddenly felt deeply and broke down.

"How can the Fire Moth soldiers kill innocent people indiscriminately! Aren't office workers' lives lives!?"

"Yes! The Fire Moth soldiers treat human lives as worthless!"

"In fact, I have heard about their human experiments a long time ago!"

Just when the office workers were complaining for their compatriots, more explosive scenes were played.

I saw several Fire Moth soldiers pointing their guns at the people begging for mercy in the cage, and then jokingly pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang bang——"

A series of gunshots rang out.

Inhumane screams came from the prison, and the scene suddenly became bloody.

This inhumane scene made the people who didn't believe Qiao Qiao's words completely sober.

They deeply realized that the inside of the Fire Moth was already rotten.

Seeing the scene of the Fire Moth shooting civilians, the senior officials of the headquarters suddenly broke out in cold sweat on their foreheads, and the clothes on their backs were all wet with sweat.

It was not until now that he knew... what kind of opponent with superb means he was facing.

He thought the other party was just a mob, but he didn't expect... that the other party was well prepared!

At this moment, the people who saw the scene of the people being massacred were the most heartbroken by the people of Canghai City.

When seeing their husbands, fathers, and sons being shot in prison, many parents and wives fainted on the spot, and the children clenched their fists and burst into tears.

Many parents of Canghai City High School students watched the screen with anxiety, and they were in a very complicated mood.

As parents, they wanted to see whether their children who were taken away were safe.

But they were afraid that they would see their children being slaughtered in the next second.

Just when the scene of the massacre of civilians ended, the video ended suddenly and switched back to Qiao Qiao's live broadcast.

"This is a small part of the tragedy that happened in the prison of the Fire Moth Branch Base."

Qiao Qiao on the screen clenched his fist in indignation and said: "Fortunately, our 'Truth Agency' arrived in time, which saved many innocent children."

As soon as the voice fell, Director Gray Snake ordered the camera to move to the Canghai High School students wearing white uniforms.

The Canghai High School students who had just been rescued were pulled to the rooftop for an interview by Qiao Qiao before they could figure out the situation. Their faces were all confused.

Seeing that their children were fine, the parents of these children were relieved immediately.

Their suspicion and hatred towards the Truth Agency and Qiao Qiao suddenly eased, and they even began to feel very grateful to the Truth Agency and its Lord.

At the same time, the senior leaders of the Fire Moth headquarters were furious when they saw that the children were safe and sound.

"Damn it! Amon, you are a despicable villain. You talk nicely. In fact, you are also taking those children as hostages, aren't you!?"

After all, the senior leaders of the Fire Moth are old foxes who have been in the political circle for many years. Naturally, they see through Qiao Qiao's intention to protect those noble students.

It's called "protection", but it's actually "hostage".

These children are all children of politicians and wealthy people from various countries. If anything happens to them, the entire Fire Moth will be under pressure from all sides.

The senior leaders originally planned to throw a bomb directly to raze the branch to the ground and shut Qiao Qiao up completely.

But with these children as hostages, the senior leaders can't act rashly.

On the screen, Qiao Qiao, wearing a mask, continued: "What happened in Canghai City is only part of the crimes of the Fire Moth. There are still many records of crimes in the archives of the Truth Agency."

There are many secret videos in the upper right corner of Qiao Qiao.

There are scenes of the Fire Moth Army slaughtering infected patients, and there are also scenes of the Fire Moth Army conducting human experiments on children.

Seeing these scenes, the image and authority of the United Government and the Fire Moth in the hearts of the people collapsed.

Qiao Qiao opened his arms like an eagle on the rooftop and said with great momentum:

"If you don't want these tragedies to happen again, then follow us!"

"We will spread the truth to the world, punish the strong who bully the weak, and save the innocent and pitiful weak!"

"The strong who bully the weak should fear us!"

Qiao Qiao said passionately: "The innocent and pitiful weak should follow us!"

"Our Truth Agency will use the power of collapse to transcend the end and make the world a better place!"

[After this speech, people all over the world were in completely different moods. ]

[People who have been oppressed by the United Government and the Fire Moth are inspired by you and want to start a rebellion. ]

[But even if more people know the truth, they don't want to change the status quo and would rather continue to accept the rule of the United Government and the Fire Moth. 】

【And those Fire Moth executives who were torn apart by you were furious and immediately held a press conference. 】

【In the face of a huge public opinion storm, their spokesperson made various gestures, like playing an accordion, and swore:】

【"No one knows the Fire Moth better than me. They would never do such a cruel thing!"】

【Faced with the video evidence presented by the reporters, their spokesperson still denied the facts and said angrily:】

【"Fake news!"】

【After you released the speech about the truth of the world, some people still insisted on their faith and believed that the Fire Moth would lead them out of the haze of collapse. 】

【Some people woke up in time and began to accept the faith of the Truth Organization: accept collapse, transcend the end, and make the world a better place. 】

【People in the world have all kinds of ideas about your speech. 】

【But it is undeniable that... after you revealed the truth, the world is no longer ignorant. They finally know the initiator of the chaos in the world - collapse. 】

【Even if the Fire Moth tried every means to erase your speech, or even your existence. ]

[But your words...or the truth, have been engraved in the minds of millions of people. ]

[To commemorate your speech, and to commemorate the day when people knew the truth of the world. ]

[People call the day when you delivered the "World Truth" speech - "The Day of Truth". ]

[The host successfully spread the faith of the Truth Agency throughout the world, causing great damage to the world order. ]

[Obtained the title: "Missionary of Truth." ]

[Obtained 2000 crystals. ]

Chapter 483 Ark Plan

[You gave a speech to people all over the world, telling them the truth of "Honkai Impact", washing the stigma of the Truth Agency, and exposing the numerous crimes committed by the Fire Moth. ]

[After exposing the corrupt faces of the Fire Moth's top brass in front of people all over the world, you explained to the world the goals pursued by the "Truth Agency". 】

【"The strong who bully the weak, fear us!"】

【"The innocent and pitiful weak, follow us!"】

【"We, the Truth Agency, will use the power of the collapse to transcend the end and make the world a better place!"】

【People all over the world were influenced by the speech and began to doubt the justice of the Fire Moth. Instead, they began to understand and believe in the Truth Agency. 】

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