【But in the face of your public opinion offensive, the top leaders of the Fire Moth also began their usual public relations skills, held a press conference, launched the "History of the Years", denied the crimes of the Fire Moth, and instead threw dirty water on the "Institute of Truth". 】

【You know very well that even if the evidence is made public, the top leaders of the Fire Moth will never admit their crimes. 】

【They will use their powerful public power to distort the facts and strangle the truth in the cradle again. 】

【A mere speech is not enough to destroy the Fire Moth, which has existed for decades and has deep power and deep roots. 】

【But you know that anyone who has heard your speech will plant the seeds of doubt in their hearts and begin to doubt whether the actions of the Fire Moth are just. 】

【Over time, the public's suspicion of the Fire Moth will become deeper and deeper, and eventually the Fire Moth will completely lose the public's trust. 】

【And the "Institute of Truth" led by you will become the only institution that can save mankind. 】

【In order to make the public believe in your speech, you calmly said:】

【"I know... the people in front of the screen will doubt my words."】

【"But please believe that I am a compatriot of all the weak." Qiao Qiao wore a white mask: "Everything I do is to help humans survive the trial of collapse and make the world a better place."】

【"I bet on the name of the Lord of the Truth Machine and swear to Prometheus, the God of Truth, that what I say is absolutely true."】

【Qiao Qiao said confidently: "If everyone doubts my words and doubts the existence of collapse, If you doubt the intention of the Truth Agency, then please wait and see. "】

【"According to the research and investigation of the Truth Agency, the third collapse is about to occur in the Shenzhou region and affect various regions in Asia."】

【"If you want to avoid this disaster, please come to the Fire Moth Branch Base in Canghai City. I will mobilize the full power of the Truth Agency to help you survive this catastrophe!"】

【Hearing that you predicted the occurrence of the third collapse, the masses immediately fell into panic, and the top leaders of the Fire Moth were very surprised. Even they didn't know the time of the third collapse. How did you know?】

【The top leaders of the Fire Moth didn't trust your words. More importantly, they couldn't be sure of your words, otherwise it would be equivalent to admitting their own crimes.】

【So, the spokesperson of the Fire Moth said at the press conference: "Don't worry, great people, Amon's words are all lies. The third collapse will not happen, and human society will be as peaceful and stable as before."】

【Due to inertial thinking, many people would rather believe the whitewashing of the Fire Moth than believe your crisis warning. 】

【Finally, you said in a deep voice on camera: "Innocent and pitiful weaklings should no longer believe the lies of those in power. Only we can lead the weaklings through the disaster. Follow us!"】

【After saying the last message you wanted to convey, you interrupted the global live broadcast. 】

【After an hour of hard work, the intelligence department of the Fire Moth finally regained control of the network. 】

【After regaining control of the network, they launched the "Book of Years" as usual to discredit the image of the Truth Agency and advocate the legitimacy of the Fire Moth. 】

【He even swore: "Amon's words are all lies, the third collapse is fictitious, the people of Asia live under the protection of the Fire Moth, and there will be no danger!"】

【After finishing your global speech, you walked down the stage and asked the administrator Gray Snake beside you: "So far, how many organizations and institutions have sought the protection of the Truth Agency."】

【Administrator Gray Snake looked at the tablet in his hand and said in a low voice: "Currently, only 108 organizations have chosen to accept the protection of the Truth Agency."】

【Hearing the words of the administrator, your face was a little surprised. 】

【Although 108 organizations are insignificant compared to the billions of people in Asia. 】

【But you have to know that you just launched a speech. 】

【Under the public opinion of the Fire Moth, it is already very difficult for 108 organizations to choose to believe in the Truth Agency. ]

[You smiled slightly and said, "...It seems that there are far more smart people than I believe.\

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