After noticing the space elevator and space city in the mental space, Theresa couldn't take her eyes off them anymore, just like a child seeing a toy.

There are all kinds of humans living in this space city. With the help of artificial intelligence and robots, they live and work in peace and harmony.

And this space city, which is connected to the ground and stands in the dark sky, also has many ports.

Many spaceships leave the port and head to the planets on the other side of the sea of ​​stars.

Soon, Theresa noticed that in this world, the earth and the space city are not the only places for humans to live.

Humans are no longer trapped in the newborn earth. They are like dandelions, floating around the universe.

These humans have mastered the technology of material transmission, built huge space-time transmission gates, and traveled freely between planets.

There are cities built by humans on Mars, the moon, and even more distant planets.

Seeing this extremely advanced human civilization, Theresa was deeply shocked.

When Theresa and Jizi and others were thinking hard about how to defeat the collapse,

Qiao Qiao's vision was far higher than theirs. He didn't take destiny, anti-entropy and world snakes seriously at all.

His goal from beginning to end was only one, that is - "the sea of ​​stars".

What kind of rich knowledge and lofty ambitions can build such a brilliant civilization far beyond the contemporary in the mental space.

Theresa thought to herself, if one day Qiao Qiao has a certain amount of power and can influence the direction of human civilization development.

Then... human civilization will definitely defeat the collapse in his hands and achieve unprecedented development.

Chapter 525 Pu Ya: It is my honor to serve the master

In the vast sea of ​​stars, the magnificent space elevator like the Tower of Babel goes straight to the dome.

Spaceships are as numerous as stars.

The moon, Saturn, and even more distant earth-like planets have built human cities covered by domes.

People of different skin colors live in harmony and together in the space city.

Theresa has been completely attracted by the human world in Qiao Qiao's mental space.

You know, the real world where Theresa lives is severely affected by the collapse, and the level of science and technology has stagnated.

There is no ability to build a magnificent building like a space elevator.

In her world, spaceships are rare materials that only countries or large institutions can own. They are quite expensive and cannot be owned by ordinary people.

Moreover, even the world's top spaceships cannot fly across galaxies.

In this world, spaceships can not only complete space shuttles and interstellar navigation.

And just like cars, everyone can own them.

Everyone can fly freely in the universe.

In today's world, resource problems always exist, and some countries even start wars to compete for oil.

But in this universe, humans have already immigrated to other planets, and resources such as oil, natural gas, and rare earths are as inexhaustible as air.

What makes Theresa even more envious is... the people in this universe have liberated productivity with the help of artificial intelligence and robots.

Everyone does not need to work busy, and everyone can live the life they want.

Theresa entered Qiao Qiao's mental space, originally just to test whether he was loyal to St. Freya Academy.

But I never thought that Qiao Qiao actually dreamed of such a world where people live freely regardless of race.

Seeing the universe in front of her, Theresa smiled slightly, feeling very satisfied.

The reason why she founded St. Freya Academy was to let the Valkyries live a happy life.

Qiao Qiao's dream is obviously greater than Theresa's. He hopes that people all over the world, regardless of population, culture, skin color... can live a happy life.

Fu Hua stood on the bridge of the spaceship, looking at the magnificent building formed by countless orbits connecting the disk.

Magnificent space cities have been built on the Earth's orbit, the Moon and Saturn, and people live carefree in the city.

Countless spaceships left the port in a mighty manner, and turned into a ray of light in an instant, as fleeting as fireworks, heading towards the distant galaxy.

Looking at the bizarre space scene, Fu Hua said in surprise: "What a beautiful world..."

"Is it?"

Qiao Qiao said proudly while sitting in the commander's seat of the spaceship.

Since the beginning, Qiao Qiao has always dreamed of using his power to change the world.

In the depths of his heart, he has imagined countless times the scene of rapid development of science and technology and harmonious coexistence of people of all nationalities.

This scene is actually the blueprint Qiao Qiao made himself.

If one day, he can master enough power to influence the entire human civilization, he wants to construct such a world with advanced technology and equality for all.

Unexpectedly, the blueprint he constructed in his heart was actually materialized in the form of this dream.

Looking at the scene of his dream coming true, Qiao Qiao still felt very excited even though he knew it was just a dream.

Because it was the most perfect dream in his mind, Qiao Qiao had a thorough understanding of everything in this universe.

It can be said that in this world, Qiao Qiao is an omniscient and omnipotent god.

He sat in the commander's seat and snapped his fingers lightly.

In the blink of an eye, a petite silver-haired girl with a face as delicate and cute as a doll suddenly appeared.

The girl's silver twin ponytails are as curved as a croissant, her eyes are as bright as scarlet feathers, she wears long rabbit ears, tight clothes, and black stockings on her thighs, dressing up like a rabbit.

Fu Hua was speechless when he saw a girl dressed up as a bunny girl who looked exactly like Bronya.

Classmate Qiao, are you having such fun?

Prometheus dressed as a bunny girl brought Jojo a glass of expensive red wine.

Qiaoqiao held a transparent glass in her hand and asked about the scent carefully, then took a sip.

The next moment, Qiao Qiao's eyes flashed with surprise, and she exclaimed: "The color is fresh and full, the aroma is rich and intoxicating, and the taste is soft and mellow. It is indeed a good wine!"

"Squad leader Fu Hua, would you like to have a drink too?"

Qiao Qiao said very generously.

It’s a dream space anyway, and you don’t need to spend money to eat or drink. Happiness comes naturally, and there is no need to think about money at all.

Fu Hua shook his head coldly and said, "No need!"

Hearing Fu Hua's cold voice, Qiao Qiao frowned slightly, put down her wine glass, and carefully observed her delicate and beautiful face.

He didn't understand...why Fu Hua, who had been admiring the sea of ​​stars with him just now, suddenly became so indifferent.

Suddenly, Qiaoqiao noticed that Fu Hua's eyes had been staring at Prometheus next to him. Ya

It was at this moment that Qiao Qiao remembered.

Prometheus's face looks exactly like Bronya's, except that his pupils are burgundy.

Realizing why Fu Hua was unhappy, Qiao Qiao couldn't help but laugh out loud and said, "Squad leader, are you jealous?"


Hearing this, Fu Hua pursed his lips and said with a blushing face: "I... didn't!"

Seeing Fu Hua's duplicity, Qiao Qiao felt very happy inside.

Qiaoqiao is very clear about the ability of his 'Charming Eyes'. The more powerful a woman is, the greater the effect of her Charming Eyes.

It is impossible for a powerful Valkyrie like Fu Hua to be indifferent to herself.

Qiao Qiao said with ease: "I don't want to cause you any useless misunderstanding."

"This girl is not Bronya, but the artificial intelligence Prometheus that I imagined."

Qiaoqiao looked at the silver-haired girl beside him and said, "Prometheus, say hello to monitor Fu Hua."


After saying that, the expressionless girl bowed deeply to Fu Hua and said, "Hello, Mr. Fu Hua."

"I am the master's exclusive artificial intelligence Prometheus." The silver-haired girl said in a cold voice: "As long as it is the master's order, I will fulfill it. It is my honor to serve the master."

Looking at the respectful girl in front of him like a doll, Fu Hua finally believed that she was not Bronya, but an artificial intelligence.

"It seems... I just misunderstood."

Qiao Qiao smiled and said: "In this world, everyone does not want to work."

"Everyone will have an artificial intelligence or robot like Prometheus around them."

“The resources and labor required for human life are all completed by artificial intelligence.”

After hearing Qiao Qiao's explanation, Fu Hua completely accepted the existence of Prometheus this time.

In a world where technology is highly developed, it is indeed very natural for humans to have artificial intelligence robots assisting their lives.

If technology is highly developed and humans are still busy working and as tired as dogs, then what is the point of developing technology?

Chapter 526 Qiaoqiao: I have a dream

Fu Hua looked at the artificial intelligence Prometheus dressed as a bunny girl and said helplessly:

"Classmate Qiao, you are thinking about some random things in your mind all day long."

"Squad leader, don't be so rigid in your thinking."

Qiaoqiao raised his well-jointed hand and gently touched Prometheus' chin, smiling and saying: "As long as everyone has a powerful helper like Prometheus around them, then human beings will be liberated from tedious labor. Do whatever you want to do.”

Qiaoqiao stood up from the captain's position, holding a glass filled with high-end red wine, and said with great enthusiasm:

"I want to create a world without war, without oppression, without discrimination, where everyone is equal."

“In that world, people used the power of technology to get rid of heavy labor.”

"Everyone can live freely according to their own wishes."

"Everyone is the master of his own world."

"This is my dream!"

Qiao Qiao smiled and looked so enthusiastic that Fu Hua was deeply shocked.

In the last reincarnation, when he met Qiao Qiao, he was obviously of excellent background, extraordinary intelligence, and powerful, but he was always depressed and looked like he was burdened with a lot of things.

In that reincarnation, Qiao Qiao had many secrets buried in his heart, and even if the other party was Fu Hua, he was unwilling to tell them.

Even under Qiao Qiao's disguise, Fu Hua once regarded Qiao Qiao, who was transformed into the Third Herrscher, as an evildoer who wanted to destroy the world, and tried his best to eliminate him.

Fu Hua didn't understand until he received the letter left by Qiao Qiao.

It turns out that Qiao Qiao has always been the senior who taught him 'Taixu Sword Intent' by the lakeside of the dojo, and he has never changed.

He was willing to bear the power of the third Herrscher and face death just for Fu Hua and the whole world.

Perhaps... if he was born in a world without collapse, Qiao Qiao's original personality should be so optimistic and cheerful.

Fu Hua looked at Qiao Qiao's eyes, which were filled with a hint of confession, and nodded gently, saying:

"Mr. Qiao, your dream is indeed very beautiful."

"If possible, I also hope to live in your fantasy, a world without war, oppression, discrimination, and equality for all."

"It's a pity..."

Fu Hua's eyes dimmed, and she said in a deep voice: "Although this dream looks beautiful, it is too unrealistic and impossible to achieve."

Fu Hua seemed to have heard something, and said: "Just like St. Freya Academy, the original intention of Principal Theresa was to allow everyone to receive equal education, gain knowledge, and grow."

"It's a pity...educational resources are ultimately limited."

"Most people in this world cannot withstand the power of Honkai, and only a few people can have Honkai adaptability and learn to control it."

"There are differences between people, and limited resources must be given to those who work hard, are gifted, and have a wealthy family."

"Only those with the highest comprehensive qualities can stay in St. Freya and receive education."

"This is the most basic law of the world, 'survival of the fittest'."

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