Qiao Qiao smiled slightly when she heard Fu Hua's words, looking very indifferent.

Fu Hua originally thought that his overly realistic words would shake Qiao Qiao's state of mind, causing his perfect dream to change or even be shattered.

But... Fu Hua observed carefully and found that the 'ideal land' in Qiao Qiao's heart was still perfect.

Although Qiaoqiao is an idealist, he also understands the cruelty of reality.

But even though he understands the cruelty of reality, Qiaoqiao still firmly believes that a world where "everyone is equal" will eventually come.

"Monitor, you are absolutely right."

Qiao Qiao was unfazed by the honor and disgrace, and said calmly: "In today's resource-scarce world, people can't even save their own lives. Talking about an ideal society where 'everyone is equal' is a bit unrealistic, so why not eat minced meat. "

"But...as long as we use the power of technology, everything here will be realized!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiao Qiao lightly snapped his fingers and said, "Prometheus, let the squad leader see the resource extraction process in this world."

"Yes! Captain!"

Prometheus nodded in reply.

Then, Prometheus took control of the entire spaceship and began to speed up its voyage.

As the sailing speed reached its maximum, suddenly the entire spaceship seemed to travel through time and space, arriving at a planet several light years away.

Feeling the huge bumps caused by the time jump, Fu Hua looked a little panicked.

But Qiaoqiao looked extremely excited and ran to the window at the front of the spacecraft.

"Qiaoqiao, you suddenly brought me somewhere!"

Qiao Qiao ignored Fu Hua's complaints and looked at the black planet in the distance intently.

"Monitor, don't be so impetuous."

Qiao Qiao said leisurely: "Calm down."

"Come watch the end of this planet with me!"

Hearing Qiao Qiao's words, Fu Hua frowned slightly.

Although she wanted to complain that Qiaoqiao ignored her own wishes and acted at will in the dream she controlled.

But she was deeply attracted by Qiaoqiao's words.

You know, even if Fu Hua lived for fifty thousand years.

But he has never really seen the end of the planet.

Fu Hua approached the window with an anxious mood, only to see that the blue planet outside the window had disappeared.

What replaced it was...a planet with a dull surface and full of dead silence.

Seeing this scene, Fu Hua said in confusion: "Strange...is this the end of the planet?"

"Shouldn't it be expanding?"

Hearing Fu Hua's words, Qiao Qiao nodded slightly and said, "I didn't expect you, monitor, to look so old-fashioned and know physics?"

Qiao Qiao's words made Fu Hua feel very angry. He rolled his eyes at him and said, "Do you think of me as an eighty-year-old grandmother?"

Fu Hua's words successfully amused Qiao Qiao.

Of course I won't treat you as an eighty-year-old grandmother...

You are now over 50,000 years old.

Compared with you, a man in his 80s doesn't even have sperm.

Qiao Qiao complained secretly in her heart, but she did not break the disguise that Fu Hua tried his best to maintain.

Age is often a sensitive topic for women.

Especially, for women without Viva…

"Generally speaking, planets do heat and expand before they break apart, just like the sun does now."

"Although the sun is expanding very slowly, it is indeed getting bigger."

"After it expands to its limit, it will collapse, lose all heat, and turn into an icy planet."

"But that's death in its natural state, and today I'm going to show you the broken stars."

"The planet... looks like it's broken?"

After hearing Qiao Qiao's words, many question marks appeared on Fu Hua's head.

Could it be that... a comet is about to hit this planet, causing a planet explosion?

Fu Hua looked out of the bridge window, but he didn't see a comet, not even a larger meteorite.

It's just that...in the dark sky where she looked, there were spaceships of various sizes parked.

There are too many of these spacecraft to count.

Seeing this scene, Fu Hua seemed to understand something and asked Qiao Qiao beside him: "Are they...also here to witness the end of this planet?"

Chapter 527 The appearance of broken stars

In a corner of the vast Milky Way, a desolate and dead planet is spinning, like a bee gathering honey, orbiting a blazing star.

There are hundreds of spaceships parked around this dead planet. They seem to be looking forward to the beautiful scenery of this planet's destruction just like Qiao Qiao and Fu Hua.

This vast sea of ​​​​stars is all a perfect dream made up by Qiao Qiao's heart.

In this sea of ​​stars, Qiao Qiao is like a god. Just a slight change of thought will cause earth-shaking changes here.

As the owner of this mental space, Qiaoqiao naturally knows what is about to happen to that desolate planet, and also knows the intentions of these spaceships parking here.


Qiaoqiao said calmly: "The pilots of these spaceships also look forward to the end of this planet with us."

"It's just... they are completely different from me." Qiaoqiao said: "We are just passers-by in this world, just travelers watching the doomsday scene. And they are the initiators of the planet's doomsday."

Hearing Qiao Qiao's words, Fu Hua blinked in confusion: "You mean... these humans want to destroy this planet?"

Qiaoqiao looked at the desolate ancient planet in the star sea and said with excitement:

"Destroy the old and decayed things, create new and advanced things, destroy the old and establish the new. This is the pioneering of mankind."

Why do these humans want to destroy this planet...

Is it to obtain some resources?

Fu Hua hasn't finished consuming Qiao Qiao's words.

Qiao Qiao's eyes suddenly lit up as she looked at the gray planet, and she said excitedly: "Fu Hua, don't talk or blink."

"This is a beautiful scenery that ordinary people cannot see up close in their lifetime. If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

Hearing Qiao Qiao's words, Fu Hua immediately turned his head to look at the slowly rotating planet.

I saw that many cracks glowing red suddenly appeared on the dark surface of the planet.

Those cracks continued to grow like vines, quickly covering the entire planet.

The next second, Fu Hua suddenly saw a brilliant white light.

A few seconds later, a loud 'bang' sound came.

The gray planet that was spinning slowly just now exploded like a balloon, and its brilliant light illuminated every corner of the galaxy.

Even though Fu Hua had lived for 50,000 years, this was the first time she saw stars shattered.

Seeing the shattered appearance of the stars, Fu Hua was so surprised that he opened his mouth slightly, his eyes full of novelty.

In Fu Hua's understanding, even the strongest warriors of previous civilizations could not destroy an entire planet.

Even the strongest Kevin can only destroy a city at most.

Even the Herrscher can only destroy human civilization.

Destroying an entire planet, in Fu Hua's opinion, is simply a power comparable to that of a god.

After the planet was shattered, the spaceship carried by Qiao Qiao and Fu Hua was parked in place, motionless.

But the other spaceships around were like sharks that smelled blood, swarming towards the debris of the stars.

Fu Hua frowned slightly when he saw this scene and said, "What are they doing?"

Qiaoqiao looked at the spaceships cruising among the ruins of the planet, using their thick mechanical arms to collect scattered debris, and explained very enthusiastically:

“They are reaping the fruits of their labor.”

Hearing Qiao Qiao's words, Fu Hua was stunned for a moment, but still said with some disbelief: "Are these humans destroying a planet just to collect some star fragments?"

"This is not a star fragment." Qiaoqiao said with a fervent smile: "This is a very precious mineral resource."

"This planet is an uninhabited and desolate planet, but it has a lot of mineral resources inside."

"People who have mastered the power of science and technology plant bombs inside the earth and blow the entire planet into pieces to obtain the resources they need."

After hearing Qiao Qiao's words, Fu Hua's expression changed slightly, and he was deeply shocked.

"Destroying a planet just to obtain resources?"

Qiao Qiao heard Fu Huazhong's confusion and disgust, but ignored it and said calmly:

"That's right, after mastering the technology of interstellar navigation, people left their home planet and went to the boundless universe. Through continuous development, they obtained nearly unlimited resources."

"Isn't it wonderful that the resources obtained by destroying this planet will be used by humans to build new homes?"

In Qiaoqiao's view, humans are creatures with consciousness.

And no matter how huge the planet is, it is just a dead thing without consciousness.

As long as resources can be obtained to make human society happier and better, then... even destroying the entire planet is a matter of course.

After feeling Qiao Qiao's people-oriented and purely ideal thinking, Fu Hua's eyes widened and he froze on the spot, lost in thought for a while.

It must be said that Qiao Qiao has very great and beautiful dreams in her heart.

But he is not a saint.

While he has a great dream, he also has the ambition to realize it, and has the courage, strategy and ability to realize his ideal...

If Qiao Qiao is really given a chance to gain power and decide the fate of all mankind, he might... really lead mankind to the stars and the sea...

With such an outstanding talent, it’s no wonder that both Otto and Theresa want to bring him under the command of Destiny.

If he were allowed to go to another camp besides Tianming.

Whether it is reverse entropy or the world snake, it is a huge loss to Tianming...even an irreparable blow.

"If you can continuously obtain resources in this way, your ideal world may really be realized..."

Fu Hua originally thought that 'Utopia' was just an unattainable dream in Qiao Qiao's heart.

But now it seems that the dream that Qiao Qiao longed for may be the right path that human beings should take.

"It's a pity that there is collapse in this world..." Fu Hua's eyes suddenly became lonely and he said: "Human history has long shown that the more advanced human technology is, the stronger the power of collapse will be."

"If mankind really develops to the point of becoming an interstellar civilization as you dream..."

Fu Hua's face suddenly turned cold, and he warned Qiao Qiao: "Then what awaits mankind may not be an utopia full of hope, but it may also be a ruined future."

Once upon a time, in the previous era where Fu Hua lived, there were scientists as outstanding as Qiao Qiao among the Fire Chasing Moths.

Without exception, they firmly believe that technology can make the world a better place.

But in the face of the power of Honkai, interstellar travel, which originally represented "exploration", has become one of the ways to preserve the fire.

Qiao Qiao's ideas are not wrong, it is better to say that Fu Hua quite agrees with his advanced thinking.

However, if the problem of Honkai is not solved first, the development of technology will always be a double-edged sword for mankind.

Chapter 528 Qiao Qiao: Squeeze Honkai!

The advancement of technology often makes people's lives more convenient and leads to a better life.

But things usually have two sides. Since the advancement of technology has many advantages, it will naturally have disadvantages.

For example, the development of artificial intelligence will make many workers unemployed.

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