Until she was selected as a participant in the Desire Gem development program.

She successfully implanted the Desire Gem, but she did not gain a power comparable to the Herrscher as planned.

Instead, she lost all her power as a Valkyrie, even lost her legs, and became a cripple who couldn't walk. She was forced to undergo inhumane human experiments, and had to force a smile in front of scientific researchers.

Sometimes, she even felt that it would be easier to die than to live like this...

Now, Hollander is Wendy's only hope in pain and despair.

As long as I see Hollander and tell her about the pain I suffered at the New Zealand base and the inhumane experiments, she will definitely help me escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

Lady Youlandel is a Valkyrie with outstanding beauty, integrity, bravery and omnipotence. She will definitely not abandon herself!

"Dong dong——!"

Just when Wendy was thinking about letting Hollander take her out of the New Zealand base, there was a sudden knock on the door, which made Wendy turn pale with fright.

Hedwig, the assistant in charge of managing Wendy, slowly opened the door and saw a slender figure lying on the hospital bed.

Wendy did not collapse to the ground now, but was lying on the hospital bed as usual, still holding the book in her hand.

Wendy raised her eyes to look at Hedwig who walked in the door, with a gentle smile on her face. It was impossible to tell that she was crying angrily because her legs were paralyzed just now.

"Miss Hedwig, it's not time to change the dressing yet, why are you here suddenly?"

Hearing Wendy's words, Hedwig pushed her wheelchair to Wendy's bedside and said, "The new director of the institute has issued an order to completely freeze the desire gem development plan starting today..."

Hearing that the development plan for the Desire Gem was frozen, a light flashed in Wendy's eyes, and the smile on her face seemed to become a little more real: "Since the development plan for the Gem has been frozen...can I go back to St. Freya Academy?”


Hedwig shook her head and said, "Dr. Edward said that Miss Wendy has a precious gem of desire buried in her body and must not leave the base for even half a step."

Edward Swift.

He is a top scientist at the New Zealand Research Institute and one of the leaders of the Desire Gem Development Project. Back then, he and former director Oppenhamer implanted the Desire Gem into Wendy's body and conducted many experiments on her.

"Oh..." The smile on Wendy's face dimmed slightly, but she quickly cheered up and asked, "Then when can the desire gem be taken out of my body?"

"How is this possible?"

Hedwig was stunned when she heard this, and sneered as if she had heard a joke.

"Miss Wendy, the desire gem can only remain stable if it is implanted in your body. If it is taken out of your body, it will immediately react violently with the outside world. The burst of energy will not only destroy the base, but even New Zealand. will be razed to the ground.”

While packing Wendy's luggage, Hedwig said: "Dr. Edward will not take the gem out of your body anyway, but there is no need for you to continue to live in the hospital now. You will come to the base with me next." In the dormitory."

Hedwig had been immersed in packing her luggage and did not notice that Wendy's face behind her became extremely pale and gloomy, her silver teeth biting her red lips tightly.

She didn't expect that she had endured it for so long and finally waited for the day when the longing gem development project came to an end.

But after the plan ended, instead of being able to return to St. Freya Academy, take out the Desire Stone, and gain freedom and liberation, she would be kicked out of the hospital.

Once she was kicked out of the hospital, it meant...the base had completely given up on treating Wendy, and there was no longer any hope of standing up.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Wendy...but she can't fall out with Hedwig and the others now, so she can only continue to endure it...forcing a smile.

After packing her luggage, Hedwig carried Wendy, whose legs were paralyzed, into a wheelchair, pushed her to the door of a remote and dilapidated dormitory at the base, and then turned around and left.

Wendy was now completely alone, and even her only pet...the white rat in a cage was taken away by Hedwig and thrown into the incinerator.

At the door of the dormitory, Wendy was sitting alone in the cold wind. The thin hospital gown on her body could not resist the biting cold. She was shivering all over because of the cold. She hugged her shoulders with her hands and rubbed them hard to preserve the temperature.

Wendy looked at the tall buildings in the distance with trembling eyes, then changed direction, slowly pushed the wheelchair with her hands trembling from the cold wind, and headed towards the central area of ​​the New Zealand base with firm eyes.

I must meet Lady Youlandel...

She is my only hope now...

Chapter 110 Qiao Qiao and Wendy’s first encounter in the rain

Outside the New Zealand base office building.

Wearing a white hospital gown, Wendy came to the entrance of the research center where Hollander was located, looked up at the tall building in front of her, and pushed her wheelchair to enter the door.

But suddenly, two Valkyries in charge of security blocked Wendy's path with weapons in their hands. They looked down at Wendy, who had disabled legs, and said, "Miss, who are you? This is a base. You can’t just let people pass through the research center.”

Hearing the Valkyrie's voice, Wendy's pretty and haggard face showed a sunny smile. Although she didn't like the scientific researchers in white coats in the base, she had a good impression of these girls who were also Valkyries.

...To this day, she still misses her days as a Valkyrie at St. Freya Academy, so she has a natural affinity with these Valkyries.

"I want to see Lord Youlandel."

Wendy's request made a Valkyrie with short hair as red as flames and dark skin look a little embarrassed. Another beauty with ice skin and long black hair like jet jade said coldly: "Meet you in this base. There are too many people in Youlandel. If you don’t have a pass, please leave quickly. We don’t want to make things difficult for you.”

The implication of this black-haired beauty was that if Wendy didn't leave, they would start driving her away.

But Wendy finally waited for the opportunity for Hollander to come to the New Zealand base. If she let this opportunity slip away in vain, she might never be able to escape from the vicious hands of Edward's scientists.

Wendy grabbed the sleeves of the ice-muscled beauty and begged her, "You heard me say that I had met Youlandel at the Destiny Headquarters before, so you just said that Wendy, the A-level Valkyrie, wanted to date her. Meet."

As Principal Teresa's most proud student, Wendy had gone to the Destiny Headquarters with her before, and had the honor to meet and exchange a few words with Hollander.

It's just... At that time, Hollander was only focused on teaching Teresa a lesson and asking her to handle business documents, and she didn't know that she couldn't remember herself at that time...

Wendy didn't know whether Youlandel still remembered her, but now she could only take a gamble.

The black-haired girl looked at Wendy, who was wearing a hospital gown and simply dressed in a wheelchair, and sighed helplessly: "A-level Valkyrie is an elite force of destiny, how can you, a disabled person, Maybe it’s an A-level Valkyrie?”

As she spoke, the black-haired girl impatiently shook off Wendy's delicate white hands, and gestured to the red-haired girl next to her with her eyes. The two of them pushed the wheelchair to change the direction, trying to drive Wendy out just like that.

"No...it's not like that!" Wendy grabbed the wheel of the wheelchair with both hands and struggled not to leave. She looked back at the two Valkyries, her eyes so aggrieved that she was about to cry: "I am really a destiny A-level Valkyrie. Just ask Master Youlandel!"

Seeing that Wendy was still messing around, the two Valkyries looked at each other, shrugged helplessly, and wanted to carry Wendy and the wheelchair out of the door.

But at this moment, Wendy saw the figure of Youlandale from the corner of her eyes, a blond beauty with a slender figure and exquisite facial features.

"Lord Youlandale...please save me!"

Hollander was walking in the lobby of the scientific research center, wanting to go to the office to discuss with Qiao Qiao the recent unusual occurrences of Honkai Beasts in New Zealand. He was not aware of Wendy outside the door at all.

Seeing Hollandale walking further and further away, Wendy struggled desperately with her body held by the two Valkyries, but she couldn't go any further. She tried her best to reach out and couldn't touch the blond beauty in her eyes. ...

Wendy watched Hollandale go away, as if looking at a strand of spider silk hanging down in the abyss, trying her best to grab it, but she couldn't reach it no matter what.

Wendy, who had been tortured by the experiment, felt that the last hope in her heart was completely shattered.

"Youlandel! Stop!"

Wendy suddenly seemed to touch the spider thread hanging in the air. She clenched her slender hands. Her originally delicate and watery expression became extremely cold, and there was a cold chill between her eyebrows, as if she was a different person.

A strange gust of wind gathered around her body. Thousands of wind breaths converged into an unstoppable air flow that surged upward. Even the two Valkyries holding Wendy's body were blown away by the sudden strong wind. go out.

The Valkyrie was pushed back a few steps by the strong wind. She was puzzled by the inexplicable phenomenon in front of her. Even Youlandel, who was originally thinking about something, noticed the movement at the door and turned around.

The manic Qianfeng disappeared in an instant like a flash in the pan, and Wendy fell to the ground with her legs paralyzed. The astonishing wind just now seemed to be just an illusion.

When the strong wind stopped, dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky and it began to rain heavily. The rain fell on Wendy who was lying limply on the ground, soaking her clothes and hair.

The black-haired girl looked at Wen Chidi, who was still unable to move despite being soaked by the rain. Her tight affection instantly relaxed and she said with a chuckle: "Look...she is just a physically disabled girl."

The other Valkyrie nodded in agreement.

Wendy looked a little dazed as she watched the two Valkyrie slowly approach her. She didn't know what she had done in a hurry, but after releasing Qianfeng, she felt that her whole body was weak and she couldn't do anything. Strength, if this continues... I will have to be driven away by these two Valkyries.

Hollander slowly walked to the door, but suddenly a white car stopped at the entrance of the office building. Hedwig, who was wearing a white coat, got out of the car and walked out with security guards wearing protective suits in the heavy rain. The car came and caught Wendy just before the two Valkyries made a move.

Seeing that people from other departments were intervening, the two Valkyries said with gloomy faces: "Who are you, dare to rob someone in front of the director's office building?"

In the heavy rain, Hedwig held a red umbrella in her hand, looked at the captured Wendy with satisfaction, and said slowly, "We are Dr. Edward's men. This girl is a patient who lost in our laboratory. We are here to take this lady back on Dr. Edward's orders."

When the Valkyries mentioned the name Edward, the two Valkyries' faces changed. You know, Dr. Edward was the second-in-command of the New Zealand Institute before the former director passed away.

Originally, everyone thought that Director Oppenheimer had died, and he must have inherited the position of director. Unexpectedly, Elhaisen, the originally cynical prince, actually came back and directly took the appointment letter to grab the position of director.

But because Elhaisen had recently returned to the institute and his foundation was unstable, most of the researchers and security guards in the base were more willing to listen to the respected Dr. Edward.

The few security guards Hedwig brought were tall and wore white protective clothing. Through the transparent part of the protective clothing, some artificial organs could be clearly seen.

It can be seen that all these security guards are Dr. Edward's cyborgs, who are taking the route of technological ascension.

Even if the Valkyries with enhanced bodies fight against them, they may not be able to gain an advantage.

Hearing that they are Dr. Edward's people, the two Valkyries can only bow their heads respectfully and say, "Since they are from Dr. Edward's institute, please take care of your own people and don't run around."

Seeing the two Valkyries let them go, Hedwig smiled slightly. Since her goal was achieved, there was no need for her to continue to threaten with words. After all, although El Haisen had just returned not long ago, he was also the leader of the New Zealand base.

"Okay, I will never let this little girl run around again."

Hedwig held a red umbrella in her hand to block the rain, and her eyes secretly glared at Wendy who was being ruthlessly beaten by the rain. She never thought that a disabled person like her would dare to run away while she was away.

If Director El Haisen knew about her affairs, Dr. Edward would have to blame herself.

Hedwig raised her hand and ordered the cyborgs, "Take this girl away quickly, and don't cause trouble for Director Elhaisen."

After receiving the order, a cyborg carried Wendy on his shoulders like carrying rice and took her away.

Yulandel had walked to the door, but did not see Wendy. She only saw heavy rain outside and a group of people in white clothes leaving. She asked the two Valkyries guarding the door in confusion, "You two, do you know what happened here just now?"

"It's like this..."

The red-haired Valkyrie was about to speak when the black-haired Valkyrie suddenly blocked her mouth with her hand. She saw that Yulandel's expression was completely different from the indifference when she saw Wendy. She showed an excited smile on her face, like a dog who wanted to keep his eyes on Yulandel.

This black-haired Valkyrie had a completely different attitude towards different people than most people. She naturally drove away Wendy, whose identity was unknown, according to the rules, and she wanted to show herself as much as possible to the strongest Valkyrie of destiny. After all, Yulandel was the idol of all Valkyries. As fans, they were naturally obsessed with her.

"Yulandel, it's nothing serious. It's just that everyone in the next door research institute got lost and was found back..."

Hearing the words of the black-haired Valkyrie, Yulandel nodded lightly with an indifferent expression. She looked forward and saw a group of people in white clothes. Under the cover of rain, she didn't see Wendy, so she wanted to turn around and leave without any gain.

"Don't... don't go... save me!"

Wendy, who was carried on the shoulders of a cyborg, made a weak sound.

But when Wendy looked at Youlan Daier and turned her head away, her eyes suddenly became dim, and her outstretched slender hand fell in disappointment in the air. The last glimmer of hope in her heart was completely shattered. The whole person was carried on someone's shoulders like a lifeless corpse, and the rain beat and wet her whole body.

"What do you want to do to that girl?!"

Just when Wendy felt that she would never escape from Dr. Edward's palm, a voice suddenly came from behind her.

Wendy heard the voice, lying on the shoulder of the modified man and turned her head to see a girl in a white coat holding an umbrella in her hand, standing in the hazy drizzle. She was tall and slender, with white skin like jade, and her pair of purple eyes were shining with a strange light. The cold and beautiful face was more fresh and hazy against the background of the rain, just like the immortal immortal in the legend.

Qiao Qiao held a black umbrella in his hand, looking at these strange researchers and cyborgs with sharp eyes, and then his eyes fell on Wendy's pretty smiling face, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. He had been looking for Wendy for a long time, and he must not let these people take him away from him.

[You stand in the hazy drizzle, blocking the cyborgs who want to take Wendy away. What should you do next? ]

[Option 1: Watch Wendy die without saving her, and give way obediently. ]

[Option 2: Block the cyborgs' steps without moving, and say to them provocatively: "Let go of that girl, let me come!" ]

[Option 3: Smash all these cyborgs into scrap metal and take Wendy away. ]

Chapter 111 Qiao Qiao, who has bad intentions towards Wendy

Qiao Qiao did not hesitate to kill El Haisen, put on his coat, and pretended to be his identity to enter the New Zealand base, just to get the body of the Wind Herrscher before Anti-Entropy, Destiny, and the rest of the World Serpent.

Now someone dared to snatch Wendy from his territory, and Qiao Qiao naturally didn't want to suffer this loss.

I choose 2 and 3!

[You hold an umbrella in your hand and sternly say to the cyborgs in white protective suits: "Let go of that girl, let me come!\

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