【Seeing Wendy shyly avoiding your gaze, you seemed to be aroused by her. You lifted Wendy's face like a dandy, with the corners of your mouth slightly raised, and said playfully: "This little girl is so beautiful. I want to take her home to be my wife... and love her well."】

【As soon as you finished speaking, you took Wendy from the shoulders of the cyborg, put her in a wheelchair, and wanted to take her away. 】

【Wendy was also surprised by the action of wanting to take her away. Although you spoke frivolously and it was obvious that you came for her beauty and body with bad intentions, she did not feel any discomfort or disgust in her heart... and even felt a little happy. 】

【If any other man had said this to Wendy, she would have definitely yelled, "Psycho, is a pretty girl your wife?"】

【But considering the current situation, even if you kidnap her and take her home as your wife, it would be much better than being abused as an experimental subject by Hedwig and the others...】

【Wendy peeked at your handsome face from the corner of her eye, and her face turned red when she saw your purple pupils. If she could be favored by a handsome man like you and spend a night with you, it would be her good luck...】

【Hearing that you wanted to take Wendy back to her room, Hedwig panicked and hurried forward, trying her best to dissuade you : "Director Elhaisen, you can't take Miss Wendy away. She is an important experimental subject of the Desire Gem Project. She was sent here to participate in the project by the direct order of the Destiny Headquarters. Except for the Bishop, no one has the authority to take her away from Lord Edward's institute." 】

【Wendy is an experimental staff member of the Desire Gem Development Project, and this plan is directly formulated by the Desire Headquarters. Although you have suspended the funding and talent support for the project with the authority of the director, causing the Desire Gem Development Project to stagnate, you cannot really abolish this experimental project that the Desire Bishop focuses on, nor can you decide the fate of the experimental subject. 】

In other words... Qiao Qiao's authority as the director of the New Zealand base is under the authority of the Desire Bishop, and he cannot directly cancel the Desire Gem Development Project.

Although Qiao Qiao suspended the project with the authority of the director, it was just a delaying tactic. As long as the Desire Gem exists, the Bishop will never agree to completely abolish the plan to develop the gem.

Just as Qiao Qiao hopes that the Desire Gem development will be completely frozen, Dr. Edward and other institute elders, as the responsible persons for the development plan, must hope that it will be restarted again.

Whether Wendy, the host of the Desire Gem, is in the hands of Jojo or Dr. Edward will determine whether the Desire Gem development plan will be restarted.

If Jojo violently snatches Wendy, the host of the Desire Gem, from Dr. Edward, he will most likely be considered to be harming his fellow Destiny members and deliberately sabotaging the Desire Gem development. If he is discovered, he will inevitably be punished by the Destiny headquarters and may even lose his position as director.

【Hedwig knew Elhaisen's character, he didn't dare to confront the Destiny Headquarters, so she smiled smugly and said, "Director Elhaisen, if you know what's happening, leave the experiment behind and leave quickly."】

【You knew that leaving Wendy behind and suspending the development of the Desire Gem would go against the order of Bishop Destiny, and would inevitably attract Dr. Edward's competition, but you still refused to give in. You pushed Wendy's wheelchair in your hand and looked back at Hedwig with cold eyes: "I said... I fell in love with this lady at first sight, so I must take her home!"】

【Feeling your sharp eyes like a cold blade, Hedwig felt that the water vapor around her became particularly cold, and her whole body trembled slightly. She knew that as the director, you had the final say in the New Zealand base, but if you were allowed to take Wendy away, Professor Edward's temperament was cold and cruel, and he would definitely make her pay a heavy price. ]

[Hedwig clenched her teeth and clenched her lower lip. She was determined to stand firm and ordered the cyborgs in protective clothing: "Stop Director Elhaisen and take back the experimental subject!\

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