In a blink of an eye, sixty-four years have passed since Lu Ming left Beili City.

On a Wanren Mountain far away from the border of the Machinery Country, a shining light burst out from the space-time teleportation array, and space-time distorted, followed by two figures.

The two figures were a three-eyed young man with a pair of golden wings behind him, and a werewolf warrior who looked like a servant. There is no doubt that they are Lu Ming and the king of the beasts, Wu.

"This is Wanren Mountain." Lu Ming and Wu walked out of the teleportation array and looked into the distance.

As far as the eye can see, there are towering mountains towering into the sky, and each peak here is like a blade inserted upside down in the earth, with extraordinary momentum.

"Finally arrived at Wanren Mountain." Wu said in a somewhat cheerful mood, "Master, the next is the most dangerous 'Liu Yan Sea'."

"Well, after Liu Yan Sea, it's not too far from Sand Country." Lu Ming also nodded.

There are three original universe human warriors who came to the Origin Continent from the Universe Sea: Lu Ming, Yuanzu and Luo Feng.

Among them, the original ancestor descended in the ancient country of Thunder, which was too far away. Luo Feng, who lived in the country of Sand, was relatively close.

However, even so, it took about sixty-four years to reach the Wanren Mountain...

During this period, Lu Ming and Wu passed through many dangerous areas and passed through five countries other than the country of Machinery.

During this period, the two of them also took the time and space teleportation array several times to travel.

But some places must rely on flying and space shuttle to move forward! That's why it took so long. They also encountered some dangers on the way, some of which were harsh environmental dangers, and even some bandit forces who wanted to rob and kill Lu Ming and his men, but for Lu Ming and his men, it was not a problem.

Dare to rob and kill Lu Ming and Wu? Those guys really asked for their own death.

"From the country of Machinery to the country of Sand, the most dangerous place on the way is the Liuyan Sea." Lu Ming and Wu stood side by side on a tall blade mountain, looking at the void in the distance.

The area covered by the Flowing Flame Sea is too huge, and the entire sea area has a great suppression on time and space, so if you want to cross the Flowing Flame Sea, you can only fly slowly by yourself.

Huh, huh, huh!

Suddenly three streams of light flew in the distance, and soon appeared in front of Lu Ming and his group. They were three eternal true gods with powerful auras. The three eternal true gods seemed to be of different races, two men and one woman.

"Two gods." The leader was a rather burly man who came over with a smile, "Come to Wanren Mountain, but do you want to shuttle through the Flowing Flame Sea?"

"Yes." Lu Ming nodded and did not deny it.

The burly man immediately smiled and said, "We saw you two from afar leaving the space-time teleportation array and staying here, so we guessed that you were going to travel through the Flowing Flame Sea. I believe you two are also very aware of how dangerous the Flowing Flame Sea is, and the travel time is very long... So the eternal true gods who want to travel through the Flowing Flame Sea will unite and set off together."

"We already have three people now, plus you two, there are five eternal true gods. After a while, we will be able to gather 10 eternal true gods. By then, our chances of survival in the Flowing Flame Sea will definitely increase greatly. I wonder what the two gods think?" The burly man and the other two were very friendly at this time.

The journey from the Machinery Country to the Sand Country is indeed quite long and dangerous, and the Flowing Flame Sea is definitely the most dangerous! Even with Lu Ming's strength, he can't be careless.

"I appreciate your kindness, but I'm in a hurry and I have to enter the Flowing Flame Sea now." Lu Ming glanced at the three people and shook his head slightly.

In the wild, such temporary teams to deal with crises happen from time to time, and there are occasionally betrayals during the period. After all, most of them were just strangers who had never met before.

If Lu Ming was just an ordinary Eternal True God, perhaps joining such a large team would be a good choice. After all, the inside of Liuyan Sea is indeed very dangerous, and a lone Eternal True God may fall if he is unlucky.

However, his current real strength is far beyond that of ordinary Eternal True Gods. In addition, he has Wu, who has actually reached the level of Chaos Master, following him, so he will not worry about the dangers in Liuyan Sea.

"You two, the dangers in Liuyan Sea are really..." The burly man wanted to persuade him again, but Lu Ming and the others had already flown away quickly.

"Are these two fools in a hurry to reincarnate? We kindly pulled them into the team, but they didn't appreciate it at all!" A short green-skinned Eternal True God made a hoarse and unpleasant voice, very dissatisfied with the actions of the two Eternal True Gods just now.

"It's hard to persuade the damned ghosts with kind words, let them go." The burly man was also in a bad mood. The three could only continue to stay nearby and wait for the next batch of eternal true gods to come.


In the night sky.

The Golden Ancient City shuttled through the void again and again. After more than a day, Lu Ming and his companions finally arrived at the edge of the Liuyan Sea.

"Liuyan Sea!"

The Golden Ancient City was quiet. Lu Ming and Wu Du looked far ahead. It was a chaotic and turbulent sea of ​​fire. Even at the edge, they could feel the waves of fire waves hitting the palace.

"According to the news recorded in the Yanfeng Guild Hall, even if the ordinary eternal true gods took the flying boat secret treasure, they would need to fly for more than 800 years to cross the Liuyan Sea. The area of ​​the territory covered by the Liuyan Sea is indeed large enough." Even with Lu Ming's extraordinary perception ability, he could only cover a small corner of the Liuyan Sea.

"Haha, Master, usually the Eternal True God can only travel by flying boat, but we have the 'Ten Thousand Worlds Escape Order', so it doesn't take so long to rush through this Liuyan Sea!" Wu stood next to Lu Ming, looking relaxed.

The 'Ten Thousand Worlds Escape Order' has reached the level of Chaos Realm in terms of space escape. That is to say, there is a good time and space suppression inside this Liuyan Sea, so the Ten Thousand Worlds Escape Order can only teleport at a close distance.

If it were in other areas, it would be possible to travel through the void. With the help of the 'Ten Thousand Worlds Escape Order', it would be faster to travel.

They had only rushed from Beili City to Liuyan Sea in just over 60 years, and the 'Ten Thousand Worlds Escape Order' played an indispensable role.


The divine power was once again infused into the mechanical secret treasure 'Ten Thousand Worlds Escape Order', allowing the brilliant golden ancient city that Lu Ming and the others were riding to instantly travel through the void and directly crush into Liuyan Sea.

The golden ancient city occasionally traveled through the void, but more often it flew at high speed.

Hualalalal~~~~The waves of flames slammed against the ancient golden city.

"I heard that there are many strange creatures in this Liuyan Sea, and even Chaos-level beasts are dormant in it." Lu Ming stared outside, and two nine-colored aurora suddenly shot out from his eyes, exploring the movements inside the Liuyan Sea in front of him.

The method he used at this moment was named "Double Eyes". This is not a special pupil technique, but the effect is more powerful than any eye technique, because the so-called "Double Eyes" is actually the innate ability contained in the incarnation of the Chaos-level beast "Double Bird".

It's just because of the special ability of the perfect divine body "invisible and formless", he doesn't have to really incarnate into the form of "Double Bird" to use this innate ability.

With the blessing of "Double Eyes", his eyes at this moment are definitely much stronger than other eternal true gods who have practiced top pupil techniques.

"Master, I am here. Even if a Chaos-level beast appears, it is just a dish delivered to your door." Wu spoke confidently on the side.

"Don't be careless. There are many so-called overlord-level beasts in Liuyan Sea. They use the terrain and environment to make them not easy to mess with." Lu Ming had already collected intelligence about Liuyan Sea.

The entire Liuyan Sea has a special terrain and environment. It is a paradise for some lava creatures. There are many strange creatures such as lava beasts and volcano giants living in it. The best of them can use the "power of heaven and earth" to exert super combat power in their own nests.

"Something is happening!" Lu Ming's pair of divine eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the nine netherworlds, and he instantly found the first batch of attackers.

"Roar--" A dull roar sounded.

I saw a black-colored red-scaled dragon with a pair of bat-like wings appearing out of thin air from the flame wave, waving its claws and rushing towards the Golden Ancient City.


Lu Ming, who had been waiting for the other party to come to him, immediately swung the purple-gold spear in his hand. Where the spear passed, the surrounding space seemed to solidify.



I saw lava dragons emerging from the surrounding flames. They all had flesh wings similar to bat wings, with extremely sharp fangs and claws.

"So many lava dragons!" I couldn't help but scream.


Lava dragons rushed towards the Golden Ancient City and rushed straight towards Lu Ming. The Yuan Embryo Wuji Spear in Lu Ming's hand turned into a violent spear shadow like thunder, sweeping diagonally towards the head of the lava dragon. The lava dragon stretched out its left claw to block in front of me.


The spear tip and the claw collided, and there was a crisp collision sound.

"According to the intelligence about the Flowing Flame Sea, the hardest parts of these lava dragon creatures are their claws and fangs, which are no less than the eternal true god's magic weapon. They are really hard enough." Lu Ming turned the gun body very easily.

Puff! How could these lava dragon creatures with low intelligence resist such mysterious gun skills? One shot directly smashed the opponent's head.

Immediately afterwards, the body of this lava dragon completely disintegrated and dissipated, leaving nothing behind.

Lava dragons are not alien beasts...

They are a special kind of creatures bred by a certain kind of unique alien beast in the Flowing Flame Sea. They have extremely low intelligence, a bit like the lava demon gods in the universe sea.

Whether it is a cultivator or an alien beast, even the indigenous residents of the origin continent are all intelligent creatures. Although this "lava dragon" is powerful and even has an attack power comparable to the eternal true god, it has extremely low intelligence.

"According to the information from the Flame Wind Guild Hall, these lava dragons are just some warriors that have been bred. They are a bit like the Zerg warriors bred by the Zerg Queen. Most of them are just cannon fodder. Only a very few who have special opportunities can be transformed." Lu Ming killed these lava dragons while secretly looking for the master who controlled them.

In the Origin Continent, creatures similar to the Zerg Queen are not particularly rare.

There are many kinds of creatures that can be cultivated by practitioners themselves. The most famous one is called "Jem Egg", which is even as precious as an embryo.

After being bred, the Jeem Egg is very weak, but it has unlimited growth potential. If it is cultivated... it can be similar to the Zerg sea tactics, or it can be elite. It is many times stronger than the breeding and cultivation capabilities of the "Zerg Queen".

For some children of large families with poor comprehension, cultivating a Jeem Egg can greatly improve their combat power.

"These lava dragons have no self-awareness, which is far inferior to the world beast warriors I bred." I communicated with my master through soul transmission.

Compared with the lava dragons and Jie fighters (the name of the warriors bred by Jiem eggs) with low intelligence, the world beast warriors I bred are all extremely intelligent, and even have good growth potential.

"This strange beast that can control a large number of lava dragons is indeed cunning. When you want to catch prey, you only need to rely on your own men. If you encounter a tough guy, you can even choose to stay away from it." Lu Ming used his gun skills to kill a large number of lava dragons that were rushing towards him. After only a short fight, about a hundred lava dragons were wiped out.

However, even with the blessing of "Zhongming Eyes", Lu Ming still did not find the real owner who controlled these lava dragons, which shows the other party's caution.

After slaughtering the lava dragons that were attacked by light, the Golden Ancient City continued to travel through the flames at high speed.


At the same time

In a chaotic void far away from the Golden Ancient City, surrounded by dense lava dragons, in a huge nest that looks like a lava cave, there is a towering creature. At this time, the wise eyes of this towering creature are looking in a direction far away.

In addition to breeding lava dragon warriors, this towering creature also has an extremely rare ability called "consciousness descending", which allows it to descend its consciousness to its own "sub-body" at any time when it is inconvenient to move.

It is precisely because of this that it clearly sensed the Golden Ancient City not long ago and the extremely powerful Eternal True God.

"You killed hundreds of my children, but I can't let you go easily." The towering creature has been lying in the nest all the time, and quickly summoned a special lava dragon with two heads.

Unlike those lava dragons with only ordinary eternal true god combat power, this mutated lava dragon is strong enough to rival a top eternal true god.

In addition, the wisdom of the mutated lava dragon has also improved a lot.

The reason why it allowed its warriors to devour the eternal true gods of the past was that it hoped to produce more such elite warriors.

"King, what do you want?" The two-headed lava dragon crawled outside the nest and looked at the "king" respectfully.

"Go to the "Liyang Lake" to pass on a message to that old snake, saying that we have discovered a monstrous eternal true god genius here." Liyang Lake is the lair of a hegemon-level monster in the Liuyan Sea.

"Yes, King!"

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