People are devouring, a new talent every month

Chapter 299: Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python, fighting against Chaos-level monster!

There is more than one chaos-level beast entrenched in the Liuyan Sea with a vicious reputation. These powerful beasts are also known as the "overlords" of Liu Yanhai.

Thanks to the special terrain of Liu Yanhai, even the Chaos Lords among practitioners have nothing to do with these Chaos-level beasts.

Jindi Lake is 80 million miles long and wide. It is so vast and endless that there is no end in sight. It is the home base of one of the "Overlord" level beings, the 'Jindi Burning Sky Python'.

Inside Jindi Lake.

A huge golden-scaled python is sleeping in a meandering coil, and in the lava lake not far in front of it is a golden ganoderma-shaped treasure of heaven and earth gestating.

"Huh?" Suddenly, a two-headed lava dragon appeared outside its lair, quickly attracting the attention of the golden-scaled python.

"It's you, why are you here looking for me?" The Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python quickly recognized the origin of the two-headed dragon.

"Master, my king was ordered by the master to monitor the practitioners who passed by. This time we encountered an extremely heaven-defying eternal true god. My king speculates that he may be an infinite god!" The two-headed lava demon dragon quickly followed the king's instructions. The order was given to report intelligence to the master.

Although the king is powerful, he is still not as good as this master. Sometimes he will obey the master's orders and inquire about some intelligence information.

"The eternal true god who has achieved an infinite divine body?" The cold triangular snake eyes of the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python suddenly flashed with murderous intent, but it did not act impulsively because of this, but looked at the messenger, "Tell me the specific situation in detail. "

"Yes, Lord!" The scene observed by the two-headed demon dragon King Immediately explained everything clearly.

"To deal with a group of lava demon dragons, you need to fight slowly. There should be no Chaos Lord among them. If it is the Chaos Lord, there is no need to bother at all. It can be easily suppressed with one move. Well... Since that's the case, tsk tsk..."

This Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python has a unique hobby, which is to devour practitioners. Even those with extremely powerful divine bodies comparable to secret treasures can be eaten and digested by it and strengthen their own divine bodies. For practitioners, it is the ultimate delicacy.

In addition, during the Eternal True God period, it was almost killed by a heaven-defying Eternal True God, so even after being promoted to the Chaos level, it still hates these practitioners extremely, especially the particularly evil Eternal True God.

"Ha, the genius of the cultivator, my favorite food... is the genius of the cultivator!" Soon, the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python started to move.

It was born in this sea of ​​flowing flames, and was born to be able to shuttle and hide in this violent wave of flames, and it was also extremely good at "fire escape".

Even if it really bumps into a Chaos Dominator-level practitioner, it will still have the confidence to escape unscathed.

"Master, there doesn't seem to be much danger in this Flowing Flame Sea. Except for those lava dragons last time, there are no new attackers. It's so boring." In the golden ancient city, I looked at the same world of fire outside with some boredom. .

The first time you watch this spectacular scene, it can really shock you, but after a long time, it will only become boring and boring.

"At our speed, we should be able to cross this Liuyan Sea in two or three years. If you have such free time, why not study your sword skills first?" Lu Ming glanced at me unhappily.

"It is indeed difficult to master the swordsmanship of the Chaos Realm. It would be great if I could devour more resources." I said still unsatisfied.

It has indeed been promoted to the realm of chaos, but it is still far from the peak of this realm, and it is still far away from the realm of the God King.

"Well, there's something going on!" I suddenly became alert.

After all, I have broken through to the realm of chaos, and my normal perception ability is much stronger than Lu Ming.

"That's it?" Lu Ming immediately activated his 'Chong Ming Eye' and looked over.

Active exploration using the 'Chong Ming Eye' also requires energy, and Lu Ming does not turn on the active state all the time.

Right in front of the two of them——

"Hua Hua Hua~~"

The blazing fiery red ocean, with waves and heat waves.

In the thick golden mist, one could vaguely see a giant python with orange-gold scales all over its body and a fiery red spiral horn on its forehead. At this time, the golden-scaled python was coming with a sea of ​​fire all over the sky. , those dark golden eyes were looking in the direction of Lu Ming and me.

"This is? The Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python!" Lu Ming used the ability of 'Chongming Eye' to spy on the enemy's true form before me, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

The Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python is an extremely powerful chaos-level beast.

Alien beasts are powerful because of their bloodline talents.

Practitioners of all races, on the other hand, master secret techniques and can use powerful weapons.

Even understand the nature of the law.

At the same level, exotic beasts are generally no match for practitioners.

But among the strange beasts, there will occasionally be extremely powerful individuals who dare to confront practitioners of the same level head-on!

Such strange beasts that dare to confront practitioners head-on are very rare, and the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python they encountered this time happened to be one of them!

"You were able to detect me in advance, but unfortunately, you had no time to escape." The one-horned golden-scaled giant python raised its head and roared, and the roar echoed everywhere in the surrounding sea of ​​fire world.

Hua Hua Hua~~~~

This huge golden-scaled giant python suddenly vibrated and rushed towards the direction of Lu Ming and the others. The world of fire along the way also rolled violently.

"Master, do you want me to take action?" A voice sounded in Lu Ming's heart. It was the world beast king Wu who was eager to try after being bored for a long time.

"Let me fight it first, and you wait until the critical moment to cut off its retreat!" Lu Ming looked at this chaotic beast with a terrifying aura. Not only was there no fear in his heart, but he was also a little excited.

"I can't find an opponent in the realm of eternal true god. Only fighting with the existence of the chaos realm can bring me pressure and let me fight to my heart's content!" The golden wings behind Lu Ming spread out.


With the blessing of the "Wings of Chaos Creation", Lu Ming's figure instantly soared into the sky, and his speed immediately soared to nearly that of the golden-scaled giant python!

"Huh, the speed is quite fast." A cold light flashed in the dark golden eyes of the golden-scaled giant python, and it immediately sprinted over at an even more amazing speed. The red spiral horns were even more terrifying with blazing flames, which directly penetrated Lu Ming's tiny body.

Lu Ming's figure was like a ghost. He used the Yuan embryo Wuji gun in his hand to sweep towards the spiral sharp corner, and avoided the fatal blow. Then he fluttered his wings and turned into a golden flash, rushing directly to the vulnerable part of the belly of the golden scale python.

The Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python has a special "devouring" ability. It can continuously devour external objects to strengthen its flesh and blood scales, and even reach a level comparable to the same level of secret treasures. This also makes them not afraid of the weapons of practitioners in the fight.

After all, their scales themselves are equivalent to an extremely powerful armor-type secret treasure.


Lu Ming rushed directly to the belly of the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python, and the Wuji gun in his hand immediately performed the strongest move in "Three Life Lights" "Meteoric Light". A golden spear force that seemed to want to bring all things to an end condensed on the tip of the spear, cutting through the sky and piercing the belly of the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python. Its scales are like a solid armor secret treasure, and in fact it is indeed comparable to an ordinary chaos-level armor.


The tip of the spear pierced the scales, barely causing a small crack in the outermost layer of scales, but it quickly recovered as the golden light flowed.

"Wow~~~~" The huge body of the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python suddenly flew, and the huge body was like a whip, whistling across the sky, and a huge flame phantom appeared in the space.

Too fast, too huge.

Lu Ming had no time to dodge, and could only use the Wuji Spear to resist. The huge body of the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python directly hit Lu Ming's gun.

"Bang!" With a sound, as if a huge whip whipped a fly away, Lu Ming only felt a force of impact sweeping through his body, and he couldn't help but fly backwards, hitting the sea of ​​fire in the distance, plowing a deep trench of tens of thousands of kilometers long in the sea of ​​fire!

"What a hard body, it took my attack head-on, but it didn't die, and even the injury was very minor?" The Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python was a little surprised.

You must know that it is a Chaos-level beast, and it is also very good at frontal fighting. It did not hold back at all in that attack just now.

This Eternal True God actually took such a blow head-on?

"Boom!" The golden wings flew across the sky, and Lu Ming quickly rushed out of the flame world again.

Of course, he was safe and sound. He himself was a perfect divine body, and he had undergone three complete body refinements. This made his divine body comparable to the top-level Eternal True God's secret treasures. He was also wearing the mechanical secret treasure "Chaos Pioneer"! Even if he didn't use his spear skills to resist, he could still withstand it. Not to mention that after the previous precipitation, his current spear defense is also extremely powerful... But this Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python is a Chaos-level beast after all, and is stronger than him in all aspects.

Not only is the opponent's attack speed and reaction speed faster, but the impact force brought by his moves is also too strong, so he can't help but be blown away.

"It's worthy of being a Chaos-level beast. Even with the divine power of my perfect divine body after three body refinements and the blessing of the mechanical secret treasure, I can't keep up with its speed." Lu Ming looked solemnly at the golden-scaled giant python in the sky in the distance.

Compared with the difference in speed, in terms of attack, he just secretly used the now more mature "Three Forces in One" method "Heavenly Heart Wuji", which can increase his attack power by an additional 81 times!

Although his attack power is still weaker than that of the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python after the increase, Lu Ming's spearmanship has already reached an incredible level at this moment, and has entered the "Chaos-level" level in the true sense!

"It seems that you have an extremely powerful protective treasure on you, which can actually block a few of my moves!" The winding golden-scaled giant python in the sky looked down below, and the sound was booming.

Compared with the beasts that only rely on their own talents, practitioners always come up with some strange things, whether it is a secret treasure, a formation, or a puppet, each of which is very difficult to deal with.

In the eyes of the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python, Lu Ming must have used some special protective treasure just now, which gave him such great power.

But no matter how powerful the protective treasure is, how many times can it be used?

"Master, do you have the confidence to defeat it?" My soul asked in voice transmission.

Lu Ming's expression was serious: "It's a bit troublesome. It doesn't move, but when it moves, its whole body is flexible and agile like a long whip, weird and unpredictable. I was blown away before I could dodge." He had already reached the limit level of the Eternal True God in the Way of Light. His body movement speed was already very exaggerated, but he was still blown away by the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python at will. Lu Ming understood that in terms of body movement speed, the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python was still better than him.

"Unfortunately, my "Heavenly Heart Wuji" can only be used for spearmanship for the time being..." "Heavenly Heart Wuji" was born out of the secret art of "Heavenly Sword", because "sword" and "gun" are both close combat weapons, it is not difficult for Lu Ming to deduce it.

If you want to create a "three-force integration" method for defense, body movement, and soul level, the difficulty is not an order of magnitude.

"Big!" Lu Ming suddenly shouted.


Lu Ming's body suddenly began to surge, and his divine body directly surged like an ancient divine mountain, hundreds of millions of kilometers high. Many mountains in the sea of ​​fire world could not catch up with his toes. Even if a large city like Beili City was placed in front of him, it would appear extremely small.

"Bigger?" The Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python stared at Lu Ming with interest.

Among practitioners, as long as they have achieved the existence of infinite divine bodies, they can do whatever they want, but the larger the body, the greater the world suppression they need to bear!

But now Lu Ming can grow to such a huge and exaggerated size, which shows the strength and specialness of his divine body.

In fact, even the current trillion kilometers altitude is still not Lu Ming's limit, he can still become taller.

But at present, this size is the most suitable height for him to exert his strength.

From Lu Ming's perspective at this moment, the golden-scaled giant python, which was originally extremely exaggerated in size, is only the size of an earthworm. It is much smaller than Lu Ming's feet.

After all, although the alien beasts can also expand their divine bodies, if they blindly grow larger, they will also be severely suppressed by the world, and the size they can maintain is naturally limited.


According to the "Yuhua" method, Lu Ming's divine power suddenly burned to the limit. Maintaining such a majestic divine body consumes divine power quickly. Under extreme burning, Lu Ming consumes about one ten-thousandth of his divine body reserves every breath. Of course, in this state, his strength has increased several times again!

This is his most crazy state!

"Kill!" Lu Ming's majestic divine body held the Wuji Spear, and the power continued to gather, and finally condensed into a golden and thick spear-shaped energy. This spear-shaped energy contained a magnificent power like the sun across the sky, and it was extremely terrifying. As Lu Ming stabbed it angrily in front of him, this thick spear-shaped energy also suddenly erupted! Like a volcanic eruption, the momentum suddenly erupted.

"You dare to fight me head-on? You are really looking for death!" The Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python was extremely angry, and then it also swooped up and rushed directly to Lu Ming head-on. It did not dodge at all, and it was disdainful to dodge.

"Tear it." The fiery red spiral horns of the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python shot directly into the sky and attacked Lu Ming.

When the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Python rushed to Lu Ming, the restrained and thick spear-shaped energy stimulated by the Wuji Spear also exploded to the peak, as if it had turned into a dazzling golden star, like a volcanic eruption, all the power erupted, and directly collided with the spiral horns.

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