"At least, there's no harm in that."

  On the other side, Shiraishi was thinking about his next puppet.

  Now Shiraishi has two options in front of him.

  One is the agency White Tiger.

  One of the four spirit beasts of the Mo family.

  However, there are two types of white tigers.

  One is the zero white tiger, and the other is the other white tiger.

  No. [-] White Tiger is very strong and has many special abilities.

  As for the other white tigers, they were made by imitating the No. [-] white tiger, and their abilities and combat power would be much weaker than those of the No. [-] white tiger. Compared with the mechanical snake, each had its own advantages and disadvantages.

  "In the case of the same body size, the difference in strength between the two is not very big, and both have the possibility of winning."

  "Mechanical snakes will have an advantage in frontal collisions."

  "The white tiger is better at fighting and more flexible."

  "Both are stronger than iron spiders."

  Baishi does not have a white tiger, so if you make a judgment, you can only make a judgment based on the picture in your memory.

  It was Gongzuoqiu who had the upper hand at first.

  But in the end, it was the White Tiger that won.

  "Having both the Mechanic Snake and the Mechanic White Tiger at the same time, my overall strength will be much higher than it is now."

  "However, there is another option."

  "Three-foot-winged bat!"

  Shiraishi looked up at the sky.

  Many people yearn for the sky and envy those birds. They can fly freely in the sky. Compared with the ground, the sky will be much wider, but even ninjas are very rare.

  Only a very few special abilities have this ability.

  And the three-foot-winged bat can let Shiraishi do it.

  "Flying has great advantages for ninjas."

  "You can make the enemy's attack completely miss you."

  "And your own attack can fall on the enemy."

  Shiraishi recalled some images.

  That was the scene where the red sand scorpion led Deidara to attack Shayin Village. Just Deidara alone made the entire Shayin Village devastated.

  Not because of how strong Deidara's clay bombs are.

  But because Deidara can fly.

  Gaara is the only one who can take action against Deidara.

  Apart from that, none of the other ninjas from Sandyin Village could attack Deidara.

  Sand Hidden Village will be so passive. .

Chapter 32

  The three-foot-winged bat is a kind of flying mechanism, imitating the shape of a bat.

  Corresponds to the Vermillion Bird in the Mohist organization.

  "However, I don't really need a flying puppet that much right now."

  "After graduating, I followed my mother-in-law Chiyo to practice ninja instead of leaving the village and performing tasks."

  "In addition, the three-foot-winged bat can improve my strength, but I don't really need such a strong three-foot-winged bat, I only need an ordinary three-footed-winged bat."

  "If the resources prepared by mother-in-law Chiyo are used to create a white tiger, I will be able to create a relatively large white tiger, which will improve me even more."

  "This choice seems to be better."

  There was another reason Shiraishi didn't say.

  That is, the white tiger is still a puppet that everyone can recognize in this world.

  And the three-foot-winged bat can fly, which is a bit epoch-making.

  Shiraishi didn't want the Sanzhang-winged bat to appear so early.

  This is not necessarily a good thing for Shayin Village. Whether it is the name of the land of wind or other ninja villages, once they see the appearance of the three-foot-winged bat, they will definitely have some other ideas.

  "Then choose, the White Tiger."

  Shiraishi made a decision.

  There was a commotion at the gate of the ninja school.

  Not open yet.

  But there were already a lot of people gathered at the door.

  Some are students and some are parents.

  Because today is the day of the graduation exam.

  Graduating from ninja school means entering a completely different stage of life.

  Before graduation, I didn't have any worries. I went to get out of class, got out of class, made friends, and became emotional because of minor conflicts... but it was basically impossible to encounter anything too extreme.

  But after graduation, it was completely different.

  more difficult training.

  There are likely to be life-threatening ninja missions.

  Once you become a ninja, casualties become commonplace.

  No matter which ninja village it is, there will be death every year.

  Many have just graduated.

  Most of the students are looking forward to their graduation soon and they are looking forward to becoming a qualified ninja as soon as possible.

  But if they give their parents a choice, they will hope that their children will never graduate.

  Enjoy the time of campus life at Ninja School for a lifetime.

  But this is not realistic.

  Ninjas die every year, and when they die, they need to be replenished.

  If the village is to be stable, then there must be sacrifices.

  Shiraishi glanced at it.

  This scene reminded Shiraishi of the college entrance examination in his previous life.

  "Big Brother Shiroishi, come on!"

  Kankuro stood on the other side and waved at Shiraishi.

  "Thank you."

  Temari glanced over.

  Kankuro's expression stiffened.

  "Come on, sister, too."

  There is no Gaara next to him, so he probably skipped class again.

  "The door is open."

  The school gate opened, and everyone entered in an orderly manner. After crossing the school gate, the students separated one after another. Shiraishi and Temari walked towards the location of the sixth-grade classroom. The students of a class gradually gathered together.

  When all the students are seated.

  Sand roll, came in from outside.


  Sha Juan looked around for a week and said, "Students, today's graduation exam, I hope everyone can go all out, do their best, pass the graduation exam smoothly, and become a real ninja."

  "I won't say more than that."

  "Everyone has been preparing for this day for a long time."

  "Then let's start now."

  A test paper was handed out.

  The entire graduation examination is divided into two parts.

  Written test in the morning.

  Ninjutsu test in the afternoon.

  There will be two contents, one is the use of ninja tools, and the other is the sand clone.

  Compared with the last mock exam, it is a little less.

  But exams are like that.

  It is impossible to have so much time and energy to cover everything.

  All knowledge points and ability points have been assessed?

  That's impossible.

  No matter which world it is, this kind of test will only examine some knowledge points and ability points, but it will not tell you the direction before the test, so if you want to take the test, you must master everything as much as possible.

  Of course.

  This may lead to some injustice.

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