Those who happen to be good at exam subjects will get better grades.

  Instead of being good at exam subjects, your grades will be worse.

  But maybe the comprehensive ability of the latter is actually stronger than that of the former.

  Conditions are limited.

  To be able to do this is already doing the best you can.

  After all, Shayin Village is just a village, and it is also a village that faces many problems and enormous pressures all the time, both inside and outside the village.

  "let's start."

  "Two hours."

  "Don't cheat."

  "Otherwise, if you are caught by me, I will directly cancel your qualification for the exam."

  Sand Roll sat on the podium.

  Shiraishi glanced at the curly face.

  Shajuan's words are not about cheating, but because cheating is caught by him, then it means that cheating is okay, and it's fine if you don't get caught, because this is also a kind of ability.

  Ninjas need this ability.

  Shiraishi recalled the scene of the joint examination between Konoha and Sandyin Village.

  In the written test that time, there were not a few people who cheated.

  There are very few people who can be caught.

  Shiraishi didn't think Morinoi couldn't see it.

  After all, Ibiki Mori is a special ninja, and that's what he's good at.

  But just, see it, don't say it.

  Those cheating methods have been approved by Ibishi Mori. .

Chapter 33

  "But neither me nor Temari need it."

  Baishi is not the tail of a crane, the name of genius is not limited to the talent of the puppet master, but all-round, but in other aspects, it is a little worse than the talent of the puppet master.

  But it is also much stronger than these ordinary ninjas.

  As for Temari, as Sandamura said, it was probably really bad luck.

  In this era, I met Shiraishi.

  A genius far above others.

  It is both fortunate and unfortunate to live in the same era as such a person.

  Fortunately, they can see the power of that real existence with their own eyes.

  And unfortunately, they will never have a chance to reach the top.

  Because above them, there is bound to be a white stone standing higher.

  There was a sound of pen strokes.

  The students began to answer questions.

  Time passed little by little.

  Most of the students are working hard on their answer sheets.

  Only a small part of them moved some strange thoughts.

  Sand Roll lowered his eyes and looked down.

  Some students cheated.

  The sand roll's eyes stared at the past.

  A small action, Shaju can be forgiven, and will not be so strict in implementing what he just said.

  Sha Juan glanced over, which was a reminder.

  Or, the student stops there.

  Or, the student comes up with a higher level of cheating.

  Otherwise, with such reckless cheating, Sha Juan would have to bring the other party up.

  Compared with stopping, Shaju expects these students to come up with a higher level of cheating skills.

  But let Sand Roll disappointed.

  These students simply do not have that ability.

  Sand roll subconsciously looked at Shiraishi.

  If there is anyone who can come up with cheating skills that have fooled Sand Roll, then there is only one possibility, and that is Shiraishi.

  But soon, the sand roll withdrew his sight.

  Because Sand Roll realized that Shiraishi didn't need to cheat at all.

  "It's so good in every aspect, what an enviable talent."

  Sandy sighed.

  After that, a figure caught Sand Roll's attention.

  A little fat man.

  Sand Roll has seen this little fat man once before.

  That cheating skill can really only be described as clumsy.

  Sandroll warned once.

  But this time, the little fat man came again.

  And it's still such a clumsy cheating technique.

  Sand rolls can't stand it anymore.

  But it's not just me, the teacher, who sees it.

  Many students have seen it below.

  Once the story of letting the little fat man succeed in cheating spreads out, how can he be a teacher?


  Little Fatty didn't expect Shajuan to call his name, and was taken aback.

  "Old, teacher..."

  "Go out by yourself."

  "Teacher, I don't."

  "When I'm blind?"


  The little fat man still wanted to struggle.

  However, Sand Roll didn't want to give Fatty a chance.

  With such clumsy cheating skills, are you mocking yourself, the invigilator, for being blind?

  The sand roll came directly to the side of the little fat man and slipped the little fat man out.

  The bell for the end of the exam rang.

  Shiraishi has already completed it, and even less than half of the time, Shiraishi has already completed, and the rest of the time is just chakra training.

  This practice can be carried out anywhere, so there is no need to submit papers in advance.

  Shiraishi didn't want to ask for this privilege from Sand Roll.

  Although Shiraishi knew that if he wanted it, the sand roll would definitely be given.

  "The exam is over, stop writing and hand in the paper!"

  A test paper was sent to the hands of the sand roll.

  In the afternoon, the exam items were the use of ninja tools and sand clones.

  In addition to the sand roll, another teacher appeared.

  In the last mock exam, Sand Scroll had Shiraishi to help.

  But not this time.

  Shiraishi himself is going to take the exam.

  It was a female ninja who came. Listening to the conversation between her and Sandy, it was like a ninja who had retired from the ninja team. All teammates and captains died during the mission.

  My heart was greatly beaten, and I could not continue the mission.

  Therefore, he was assigned to a ninja school as a trainee teacher.

  "A whole squad, almost wiped out?"

  Shiraishi glanced at each other.

  The other party noticed Shiraishi's gaze and looked over.

  A deep sadness filled the eyes of this man, and it seemed to have lost its color.

  "The chance of a ninja dying is really too high."

  "But this is the era."

  "Everyone in this era has to face the problem."

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