The middle-aged man sneered.

“At this point, I don’t have anything to say, since I have been caught by you, then kill me.”

“I only blame myself for bad luck.”

“I don’t regret what I did.”

Chitu’s face turned cold.

A punch slammed into the middle-aged lower abdomen.

The middle-aged man’s expression suddenly froze, and his face turned red.

The figure arched into the shape of a large prawn.

The figure of the young man next to him trembled, and he was not lightly frightened.

The middle-aged man grinned, looking a little hideous because of the severe pain.

“I just don’t like the Land of Earth, I just don’t like your Iwain Village, how about it?”

“People who are the land of earth…”

Before Chitu finished speaking, he was interrupted by the middle-aged red eyes.

“Huh, a person from the Land of Earth? What has the Land of Earth done for people like us? What has Iwahide Village done for people like us? You didn’t do anything for us at all, you just depended on us to provide for you. ”

“You are like parasites of the Land of Earth.”

“Who are those soldiers serving?”

“Are we ordinary people?”

“It’s not the daimyo of Tsuchinokoku yet.”

“Who are you ninjas serving?”

“It’s not your earth shadow yet.”

“The resources of the entire Earth Country are occupied by you, and we, ordinary people, can only divide the remaining small part, you are high, and we even have a hard time.”

“If I had a choice, I’d rather I hadn’t been born in the Land of Earth.”

“I wish I had been born in the Land of Fire.”

“Even the country of thunder, the country of wind, and even the country of grass are better than the country of earth.”

“Their country, for ordinary people like us, is much better.”

Chitu was almost fooled when he heard the first few sentences of the middle-aged man, but when he heard the last few sentences of the middle-aged age, he came back to his senses and thought that the bullshit said by the middle-aged man did not make sense.

“The Land of Earth does not protect ordinary people?”

“Then those robbers, criminals, who solved it?”

“Are you guys?”

“Yanyin Village didn’t protect you?”

“That ninja invasion of Konoha, who solved it?”

“Who solved the ninja invasion of Yunyin Village back then?”

Middle-aged with a stalk on his neck.

“That’s for yourselves, those ninjas, and they didn’t hurt us ordinary people, they went for you, those robbers and criminals, but just for taxes.”

“Coming at us?”

Chitu sneered and said, “Don’t you know how many ordinary people those alien ninjas have slaughtered? ”

“That’s because they resisted.”

“If you don’t resist being slaughtered, you promise not? Before the country of earth, an entire city disappeared, and the entire city, old and young, was all killed, and none of them remained, and those babies also resisted? ”

“In the war, it is inevitable that there will be manslaughter, and in those ninja villages, it is inevitable that there will be a few scum.”

Middle age defends other ninja villages.

“So, you are really tolerant of other ninja villages, so let me ask you, what bad things have Iwahide Village done to the civilians of the Land of Earth?”

“Even if you don’t recognize the protection of the Land of Earth in Iwain Village, the Iwain ninjas, all of them complete their tasks and take bounties, have they done anything to be sorry for you?”

The middle age was sluggish, but he quickly came up with words of justification.

“Iwain Village is the only ninja village in Tsuchinoku, and is closely related to the daimyo of Tsuchinokoku, and the bounty charged is obviously higher than other ninja villages, which is unreasonable, this is bullying.”

Terracotta’s expression turned cold.

“The mission bounty of Iwain Village is cheaper than that of Konoha and the Land of Thunder, everyone knows this.”

“Ordinary people in the Land of Fire live happier lives.”

“This is not, you want to say the country of thunder, there are still some possibilities.”

“Then the Land of Thunder.”

“But you are not from the Land of Thunder, even if you join the Country of Thunder now, the people of the Land of Thunder will not agree with you, because you are inherently different from the people of the Land of Thunder.”

Chitu said: “The reason why the Land of Thunder is like this is because their country is richer in resources than the Land of Earth, not the people who rule the Land of Thunder and the people who rule Yunyin Village. ”

“Besides, then there is only one country of thunder, what about the country of wind? What about the Land of Grass? ”

“Could it be that their ordinary people also live better than those of the Earth Country?”

“Do you believe it yourself?”

Middle age is anxious.

Chitu’s words made the middle-aged unable to refute it.

The middle-aged country of earth and the village of Iwain are too degraded, but in fact, the situation of the country of earth, the situation of Iwain Village, is already better than most of this world.

Everyone is satisfied, that is impossible.

No matter how you do it, there must be unfairness.

However, the ninja of Iwahide Village is actually the part that is sacrificed.

Otherwise, why would the average lifespan of a ninja be shorter than that of ordinary people?

If all the ninjas of Iwahide Village were to be middle-aged, then it would lead to such a situation.

Too dangerous a mission, the ninjas don’t go.

In danger along the way, the ninjas simply gave up.

In the face of the invasion of other ninja villages, fake expulsion.

If the real interests of Yanyin Village are not involved, they will not make a move.

So, what will happen to the situation in the Land of Earth?

What will happen to the lives of these ordinary people in the Land of Earth?

Robbers, criminals, intruders … The number of these will increase tenfold.

What would ordinary people in the Land of Earth live like at that time?

Is that what midlife looks like?

“Are you just going to be worse than bad?”

The middle-aged man glared angrily at the red earth.

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