Chitu suddenly stopped being angry, after hearing the words of middle age, because Chitu realized that it was impossible for a person like middle age to be reasonable.

Middle age has completely sunk into his own world.

He doesn’t like the Land of Fire, he doesn’t like the Land of Thunder.

Instead, he simply hates Tsuchinoku and Iwahide Village.

Chitu picked up the kunai in his hand, stabbed it to the heart of the middle-aged, withdrew it, blood splashed, and Chitu dodged the position in time, so that the middle-aged blood could not splash on his body.

Middle-aged blood, red earth felt very dirty.

The middle-aged eyes widened sharply.

Before he said that he was not afraid of death and begged for death, but when death really came, the middle-aged man showed a fearful expression, and even showed a trace of regret in his eyes.

But what exactly to regret, Terracotta does not know.

I probably regret my birth.

Hate your parents.

I hate that I was born in the Land of Earth.

It’s over.

Both middle-aged and young adults were killed.

The rest of those people, Akato did not pursue it, because they did not do anything to the corpse of the Iwain ninja, the things on the corpse of the Konoha ninja, they took it.

However, the concept of terracotta is slowly changing.

This is the first time Terracotta has experienced something like this.

Before, in the view of Terracotta, Iwain Village, the country of earth, is a one-minded existence, everyone is working together, in the same direction, to make Yanyin Village, the country of earth become better.

But now, Terracotta has found that this is not the case.

Not everyone is worth giving their all.

Shiraishi returns home.

“If my last speculation was correct, another elf would have woken up today.”

Shiraishi had some anticipation.

On the one hand, it is expected that their own speculations can be confirmed.

The other aspect is to look forward to the awakening of the new elves.

Close the doors and windows, lie on the bed, and sink your consciousness into the mental space.


A familiar, crisp voice sounded.

Shiraishi quickly looked over.

Stone skins fell, revealing the true appearance of the elves.

“Big Rock Snake.”

An elf who is relatively familiar with Shiraishi, the main attributes are rock attributes and ground attributes, usually living underground, can eat rocks, and the speed underground is very fast.

“How should the big rock snake match?”

Shiraishi still feels that the match between elves and ninjas is based on the main characteristics.

As for the lava snail, the snail chose black soil.

The characteristics of the two are actually correct.

One is the fire attribute and the rock attribute, and the elves with dual attributes.

One is the fusion of fire attributes and earth attributes, and the fusion of molten blood succession boundary.

Shiraishi felt that such a fusion, even if the lava snail did not have it, should be what the lava snail yearned for.

That’s why lava snails are so excited when they touch black soil.

“To put it simply, the attributes of black soil are compatible with lava snails, and talent, for the matching conditions of lava snails, is excellent, so it will be so.”

The elves choose ninjas, and in Shiraishi’s opinion, it is a bit like a blind date.

In the beginning, it was the elves who took the initiative.

After all, the number of elves is small, the number of ninjas is large, and elves can choose among many ninjas.

However, when they meet a good enough ninja, the elves become more active and don’t want to miss out.

“The Great Rock Snake is a rock attribute and a ground attribute.”

“The counterpart is Tudun.”

“The skills of the Great Rock Snake are mainly rocks and physics.”

“And the physical correspondence can probably be regarded as physical skills.”

Shiraishi pondered for a moment.

“There are too many such ninjas in Iwain Village, and they are basically ninjas of this type.”

“Is it possible to find a few excellent earth ninjas at random and get the choice of the Great Rock Snake?”

The next day, Shiraishi went to the training ground.

Along the way, Shiraishi meets many Iwain ninjas, some of whom have gone on a mission to return to the village and prepare to go to the Tsuchikage Building to report to Onoki.

Some are patrolling ninjas.

Among these ninjas, there are many excellent people.

Some have already reached the upper Shinobi level.

However, Shiraishi sensed that the big rock did not seem very interested.



The moment Onoki saw Shiraishi, he had already guessed what was going on with Shiraishi, and Onoki also speculated about the time interval between the elf awakening.

Shiraishi didn’t deliberately hide this aspect from Onoki, it didn’t make sense.

“Teacher, the elf awakened this time is called the Big Rock Snake, the characteristics of the Big Rock Snake are relatively ordinary, and there is nothing very special, so this time, it may be necessary for the teacher to be a little troublesome on your side.”

“What do you want me to do?”

Shiraishi said, “I hope that the teacher can let the ninjas in the village who are good at earth and physical arts come to the earth shadow building one after another, and I will guard the next room.” ”

Onoki nodded.


The two had the same idea.

The elf matter does not need to spread for the time being, there is no need to let too many people know, except for those who have to know, it is best for others not to tell anyone.

“I’ll arrange it now.”

Onoki paused and said, “But it may be a little long, I can’t use the same reason, I have to make up different reasons, and too many people come at the same time, it will also cause suspicion.” ”

“Shiraishi, the information that you were selected by the Inheritance Stone has been obtained by those spies lurking in the village, but fortunately, the Inheritance Stone did not show much before.”

“So they care less about that.”

“Otherwise, countless people must have already shot at you Shiraishi.”

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