Chapter 0113 – Konoha: Iwain Village is really a great evil!!!

Uchiha Obito felt that he was lucky.

The dried persimmon ghost mackerel was not invited to join the Xiao organization.

However, there is such a existence as Hinata Hiashi, who has a high probability of being seduced by himself, and in terms of personal strength, Hinata Hiashi may not be as good as a dry persimmon ghost mackerel, but Hinata Hiashi has white eyes.

The effect of white eyes is very strong.

No matter which ninja village, let them exchange an elite Shinobi for a blank eye, they will be willing.

Wuyin Village is not even willing to pay not only one dried persimmon ghost mackerel, but even both.

Uchiha Obito forced Hinata Hinata to force Hinata by kidnapping Hinata when Hinata Hiashi already looked miserable, making Hinata Hiashi look even more miserable.

During the time that Hinata was considering, Uchiha took the soil and hesitated whether to make a move on Reiko Hinata.

Unexpectedly, Hinata Hiashi and his wife took the initiative to go to the front.

Especially Reiko Hinata, when she first went to the front, she encountered an accident and was killed by the Iwain ninja, and even the corpse Konoha did not help Hinata Hiashi to snatch it back.

Uchiha Obito felt that the plan was going well.

“I thought about it.”

Hinata Hiashi looked at Uchiha Obito and said, “I’m willing to join you, so what do I do next?” ”

This was discussed between Hinata Hiashi and Shiraishi.

Both felt that there was a high probability that Hinata was in Uchiha’s hands.

Then Hinata Hiashi agreed to Uchiha Obito’s invitation, which is the best choice

Hinata can only die if Hinata joins.

However, in this way, the connection between Hinata Hiashi and Konoha, and Hinata of Konoha, is basically broken.

Hinata Hiashi is left with only the retreat of Iwahide Village.

Put all my hopes on Shiraishi’s commitment and character.

It has to be said that this is a gamble.

But Hinata Hinata had no better choice.

“I think Baishi is credible, but Yanyin Village, after all, it is Yanyin Village, if the fireworks can establish an intimate connection with someone in Yanyin Village, it will be better than Ningci.”

In this world, men are much more important than women.

There is no equality between the two sexes.

Even if Ning Ci married a member of Yanyin Village, it didn’t mean that Ning Ci really became his own person in Yanyin Village.

But Hanabi marries a member of Iwain Village, which means that Hanabi has become Yanyin Village’s own person.

In Hinata’s mind, Shiraishi’s appearance subconsciously appeared.

“However, it all depends on Hanabi herself, I can’t be so selfish and force Hanabi to do what she is not willing to do for the sake of my own security.”

“It’s not what a proper father should do.”

“Originally, I was not a qualified father anymore.”

“It’s true for Hanabi and Hinata.”

Uchiha Obito smiled after receiving an affirmative answer from Hinata Hiashi.

“Go to the Land of Rain, and when you arrive in the Land of Rain, someone will contact you.”


Uchiha’s figure disappeared.

After a while, Hinata Hiashi’s figure also disappeared and left the temporary station of Konoha’s ninja army.

Soon someone found out.

After all, Hinata Hiashi is not a small character, it is an elite Shinobi, and he has white eyes.

And Hinata Hiashi has just experienced such a miserable thing.

“Hinata Hiashi is missing.”

“Maybe I can’t open it.”

“I don’t know where I went.”

“Suddenly, it disappeared.”

“To be honest, if it were me, I wouldn’t be able to think about it.”

“It’s miserable.”

“Or find a place where no one is and go into seclusion.”

“Either end your life.”

“The patriarch of the Hyuga clan actually fell into this situation in such a short time.”

“Where is there any stability in this world?”

“Yanyin Village is the Great Evil!”

The news came back to the Hokage building.

Ape Fei Ri frowned.

“Still missing? Too weak! ”

Sarutobi shook his head and looked at the dark ninja below.

“Go and order people to look nearby, Hinata Hinata’s life and death are small, but the white eyes can’t be easily lost.”

“Yes, Naruto-sama.”

After Hinata Saburo heard the news, he was silent for a long time, and his heart became more vigilant.

“I must not repeat such a path.”

When an elder of the Hyuga clan heard the news, he felt a little pity.

“If only Hinata Hiashi disappeared and Reiko was still there.”

“That was the most beautiful woman in our Hyuga clan back then.”

“Even now, I am older, but the charm is not diminished, and even more charming.”

The elder closed his eyes, apparently thinking about something not very healthy

The Hyuga family completely disappeared from Konoha, and Hinata Hinata, Reiko Hinata, Hinata Hinata, Hanabi Hinata, and Ninji Hinata all left Konoha.

However, it doesn’t seem to have much of an impact.

Not many people care.

This is still now.

After a while, there will be more people who forget about the Hyuga family

At that time, the Hyuga family was as if they had never appeared in Konoha

Shiraishi glanced in the direction of the Hyuga clan’s station, and his mood was a little delicate, because of his arrival, this world has undergone too many changes.

Kabuto did not become a subordinate of Orochimaru.

Wuxian was not thrown into the box of bliss, he was still alive, and he died without action.

Dragon Tongue followed Wuxian and joined Yanyin Village.

Kai is still alive.

The dried persimmon ghost mackerel joined Yanyin Village and did not join the Xiao organization.

Hinata Hiashi joins the Shō organization, but is actually Shiraishi’s undercover agent.

War breaks out between Konoha and Iwahide Village.

“It’s all messed up.”

“Some of the stories I’m familiar with may never happen, and the world is already going in a completely different route, but it’s not a bad thing.”

If Shiraishi’s strength is weak, then Shiraishi definitely wants the plot to remain unchanged.

But Shiraishi’s strength is not weak, and he can change the plot with his own ability, why follow the plot step by step?

Reiko Hinata was knocked with a muffled stick, put on a hood, and was sent to Iwahide Village.

When she arrived at Iwahide Village, Reiko Hinata’s hood was taken off.

Reiko Hinata looked at the strange scene and was very alarmed.

“Where is this?”

“What are you going to do to me?”

“I’m Hinata’s wife!”

A Iwain ninja stepped forward.

“Reiko-senpai, this is exactly the arrangement of the old foot-senpai.”

A handwritten letter was taken by the Iwain ninja and handed to Reiko Hinata, saying, “This is a letter written by Hiashi’s seniors himself, you should be able to bear the handwriting on it.” ”

Hinata Reiko was surprised, but still took the letter and opened it.

Then the pupils shrank sharply.


Hinata Hiashi wrote clearly in the letter, making it clear that he had reached a cooperation with Iwahide Village, and that he allowed Hanabi and Ninji to join Iwain Village, because he was worried about the future of the Hyuga clan in Konoha.

Worried about being like Uchiha.

In this way, the fire is reserved for the Hyuga clan.

Hinata was not kidnapped by Iwahide Village.

It’s a mysterious organization.

He wants to go to this mysterious organization to rescue Hinata, and when Hinata is rescued, he will come to Iwahide Village to meet with Reiko Hinata and Hanabi and Ninji.

The Hyuga clan who created Iwahide Village.

Letting Reiko Hinata come to Iwahide Village is also his own arrangement, worried that after he leaves Konoha, Reiko Hinata will suffer unfair treatment in Konoha, in Hinata…

Reiko Hinata finished reading and fell into a long silence.

Too much, too much information.

For a while, Reiko Hinata couldn’t accept it at all.

The Iwain ninja on the opposite side waited patiently.

After a long time, Reiko Hinata digested the information almost completely, and she brushed it from beginning to end, looking at the Iwain ninja on the opposite side, slightly owed.

“Thank you.”

“No need to thank me.”

The Iwain ninja said, “If you want to thank you, just thank Shiraishi-sama, the rest of us don’t have such strength.” ”

“Now that you know, I’ll take you to meet the other two of your Hinata.”

The Iwain ninja led the way in front and led Reiko Hinata to the training ground.

Ninji and Hanabi are there.


The first time Hanabi saw Reiko Hinata’s appearance, her eyes lit up, and Reiko Hinata ran over.

Hearing the voice, Ning Ci also looked to this side.

For Reiko Hinata’s appearance, Ninji was a little surprised.

However, Ninji and Reiko Hinata did not have any feelings.

Because Ninji resented Hinata Hiashi in his heart, thinking that his father’s death had something to do with Hinata Hiashi, Hinata Hiashi could not get rid of this responsibility, and took Hinata Reiko with him.

But it’s better than Hinata, after all, Reiko Hyuga is also a member of the Hyuga family.


Reiko Hinata hugged the fireworks tightly.

“Mother, I can’t breathe.”

Reiko Hinata quickly let go.

“I’m sorry.”

Reiko Hinata crouched down, looked at Hanabi, and asked, “Hanabi, are you doing well here?” ”

“It’s good, it’s just a little boring.”

Hanabi said, “But it’s great that you’re here, Mother-sama, what about Father?” Is he coming? ”

The two spoke again, and after that, Reiko Hinata stood up and walked towards Ninji.

“Ningci, long time no see.”

Ning Ci lowered his head.


“Call me aunt.”

Hinata Reiko sighed and said, “I know you have a grudge against Hiashi, your father’s affairs, but in fact, Hinata doesn’t want to see it, but at that time, he can’t help it.” ”

“He is not yet the patriarch of the Hyuga clan.”

“But no matter what, the day difference is to die for the sake of the sun.”

“We owe you that.”

Ning Ci didn’t speak.

The Iwain ninja said: “Reiko senior, the village has allocated a courtyard for Ningji and Hanabi to live in, which is not small, so you can stay directly in that courtyard.” ”

“Nothing else, I’ll leave first.”

Reiko Hinata turned to the Iwain ninja.

“Okay, thanks.”

After that, turn to Ninji again.


Shiraishi sat on the second floor, drinking tea while looking down, opposite Lao Zi, both of them were disguised, and they were using the identity arranged by Hinata Hiashi before.

A figure entered Shiraishi’s line of sight.

The son of Sarutobi Sunchop, Asma.

Shiraishi noticed that Asma’s mood seemed to be a little wrong, and the whole person looked very low.

After a while, Asma walked to the tavern next to it.

Drink dry.

Such a state has only been seen by Shiraishi in people who are in a very bad mood.

Suddenly, Shiraishi noticed another figure, hiding in the corner wearing a mask, looking in the direction where Asma was, Shiraishi recognized the identity of the other party.

Uchiha with soil.

“What does this Uchiha want to do?”

“Kill Asma?”

“This is something that the original plot does not have, and there is no reason for Uchiha to take the soil for the time being.”


Shiraishi thought of a possibility, and his expression became strange…

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