Chapter 0114 – Obito: Asma, follow me!!!

Shiraishi doesn’t know what the relationship between Sarutobi and Asma is.

But Shiraishi remembers that Asma left Konoha halfway.

Above Asma, there is an older brother, and Sarutobi likes Asma’s brother significantly more than Asma.

“Could it be that Uchiha Obito wants to trick Asma into joining the Xiao Organization?”

“In this case, it should prove that my strategy of blaming Konoha is successful in the affairs of the Mist Hidden Village.”

“This is Uchiha Obito’s revenge on Konoha.”

Shiraishi knows Uchiha Obito and knows that Uchiha Obito is a very vindictive person.

Uchiha Obito invited Hinata Hiashi to join the Xiao Organization, you can take Uchiha Obito as an explanation that he took a fancy to Hinata Hiashi’s white eyes, but Asma, is there anything to be desired?

As an elite upper Shinobi, but in fact, this elite upper Shinobi is somewhat moisture.

Among the elite upper ninja of the entire ninja world, how many can Asma rank? A ninja with a reward of tens of millions of taels.

Within Konoha, Asma is inferior to Kakashi and Matkai.

The ability and upper limit of Darui of Yunyin Village are also stronger than Asma.

Even if it is Loess that does not meet Onoki’s expectations, Asma is not an opponent before, and even more so now after Loess has gained the power of heavy mud to hold horses.

Maji of Shayin Village can kill the moonlight wind in seconds, Asma may not be able to do it.

Perhaps Asma can win, only a few elites of Wuyin Village can endure.

For example, the black hoe Thunder Tooth that was defeated by some shinobi.

Therefore, Shiraishi could not think of a reason why Uchiha Obito invited Asma to join the Sho Organization, unless it was revenge.

Uchiha took the soil to resent Konoha because of the dried persimmon oni mackerel, who is the representative figure of Konoha?

Ape flying sun chop.

It is very likely that this is the idea of Uchiha Obito.

“You Konoha cut off the person I want, I will take your son of Konoha’s Hokage away!”

The sky is getting darker.

Asma was a little drunk, the moment she stood up, her steps stumbled, there was no one around, Asma walked straight in the direction of home, and at this time, a figure appeared in front of Asma.

Asma was startled suddenly, and the wine woke up a lot.

“What people?”

Asma stared warily at the mask man in front of him, ready to strike at any time.

“Don’t be nervous, I’m not malicious. Uchiha waved his hand. ”

“I just wanted to talk to you.”

“Talk about what?”

“Talk about your future.”

“My future?”

Asma’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Are you willing?”

Uchiha Obito’s tone became agitated, “As the son of Hokage, however, you have never been valued by your father, and your father’s eyes are all on your brother. ”

“Even if you return to Konoha, your father will see your nephew more than you.”

“You became an elite shinobi by relying on your own strength, but in the eyes of others, you became an elite shinobi by relying on your father’s relationship, and you are far inferior to Kakashi.”

“Even your father doesn’t value you as much as Kakashi.”

“It’s as if Kakashi is his son and you’re the outsider.”

“Obviously, you didn’t get any benefit from your father’s relationship, and it was even bad.”

“You endured a lot of things you shouldn’t.”

“It’s so unfair to you.”

Asma’s momentum converged slightly.

Because of Uchiha Obito’s words, it came to Asma’s heart, Asma thought so, but in Konoha, no, Asma couldn’t find a single person who identified with him in the entire Fire Country.

Asma was unwilling and very dissatisfied.

However, there is no way.

Many times, Asma would rather be either the son of Sarutobi Hinata or an ordinary Konoha ninja.

That way, Asma feels that she will have a happier life.

Over time, Asma once wondered if he was really a waste. Am you really useless?

Because he is a waste, he can’t get his father’s like? That’s why my father prefers Sarutobi Shinnosuke?

Konoha Maru’s talent is also stronger than his own? Kakashi is really much stronger than himself.

Shame on yourself as your own father?

It is precisely because of this that Asma will leave Konoha, flee Konoha, and come to the capital of the Land of Fire, a place far from Konoha, where a quiet life looks.

During that time, Asma had a good time.

Looking back now, I was the happiest time I’ve ever had.

It’s a pity that there was infighting in the twentieth.

Some people advocate that in the country of fire, a daimyo is enough, the daimyo is supreme, there is no need for a Hokage, and they want to assassinate the Hokage, but Asma is the son of Ape Flying Sun after all.

Even if he didn’t get the likes and attention of Sarutobi Hinata, Asma still didn’t want to see his father killed.

So a battle broke out with that part of the twentieth.

Split in twenty, Asma returned to Konoha.

Asma told the twentieth thing to Ape Flying Sun, thinking that he would get his father’s praise and approval, but Ape Flying Sun Chopper didn’t say anything.

After returning to Konoha, Asma was very unhappy.

Going home, going to the Hokage building, even more unhappy.

Asma would rather be outside with friends.

But when he saw Kakashi, Asma was depressed again.

Asma saw Sarutobi Hinata’s attitude towards Kakashi, and did not treat Kakashi as a subordinate, but as his own junior, as if he were a blood relative.

The same attitude towards Sarutobi Shinnosuke back then.

Such an attitude, Asma has never received from the body of the ape flying old chop.

This made Asma jealous.

However, Asma still can’t help it.

Asma has already accepted his fate, the jar is broken, he can’t get his father’s favor, so he doesn’t want to be extravagant, and he is talked about by others behind his back, so he will talk about it with others.

Asma is ready to pursue a female ninja, and then marry, and the whole life will pass like this.

My own life, already like this.

Asma decided to pin all her hopes on her future children.

You must not treat your own children the way your father treats himself.

But now, Asma finally met the first person who identified with her.

“What exactly are you trying to say?”

Asma’s tone softened.

Uchiha noticed the change in Asma’s tone and revealed a smile.

“I can give you a chance!”

“Follow me.”

Uchiha turned around confidently.

Asma hesitated, but followed.

The two came to a remote corner.


Uchiha took the soil to look at Asma on the opposite side.

“Asma, can you tell me, what do you want most?”

Asma was silent for a moment.

“What I want most is to prove to my father that I am not a waste, I am strong, I want to prove to the people in the village that the reason why I can become an elite superior ninja is not because of my father’s connections.”

“It’s that I’ve completely reached this strength.”

“I want to prove that my strength is stronger than Kakashi.”

Uchiha Obito’s eyes flickered.

Especially when he heard the last sentence, Uchiha Obito thought it was funny

Uchiha recalled the scene when he and Kakashi were teammates.

He is the crane tail among the three.

Kakashi is a genius.

And now, his strength far surpassed Kakashi.

Uchiha Obito couldn’t help but think – if Asma became my follower, I would raise Asma to be stronger than Kakashi’s, then what would Kakashi’s expression be?

It must be interesting.

“I believe in you, you can do it, now you just lack a platform, but I can give you this platform and let you do what you want to do.”

Uchiha Obito said.

“Come with me and leave Konoha, you’ll have everything you want.”

“Leave Konoha?”

Hearing this, Asma was stunned for a moment, and then realized that something was wrong, and she unconsciously followed the words of the person on the other side.

Speak your heart.

Even if this person is the only person in the world who identifies with him, this is also undeserved.

I don’t even know the true identity of the other party.

The other person knows themselves very well.

In Asma’s heart, vigilance reappeared.

“That’s right, leave Konoha, Asma, stay in Konoha, you will never prove yourself.”

“Only by leaving Konoha will you have a chance to prove yourself.”

Uchiha Obito saw Asma’s hesitation, and his tone became even more agitated.

“In Konoha, no matter how good you are, no matter how strong you are, their impression of you will not change, here, you can’t prove yourself.”

“And, Konoha needs you to do this.”

Uchiha took the soil and said: “Iwain Village launched a war against Konoha, Konoha’s strength is not as good as Iwain Village, but the Sunahide Village of the Konoha Alliance has no intention of supporting. ”

“What will happen to Konoha in the future?”

“It’s not just a ninja village problem in Iwahide Village.”

“It’s a problem for the entire ninja world.”

“For the sake of profit, there is constant strife.”

“People fight between people, and countless tragedies have been brewed.”

“We are all people who have suffered misfortune, we are all trying to change the world, and our ultimate goal is to calm all the wars in the ninja world and make the world peaceful.”

“Asma, we can help you become stronger.”

“Imagine what your father would think of you when Konoha was in extreme crisis and you suddenly appeared to save Konoha from danger?”

“What will the villagers of Konoha think of you then?”

“Isn’t that what you want?”

And stay in Konoha, the entire Konoha will collapse in the hands of Iwahide Village.

“Come with us.”

“With us, you can become stronger, and you can become the savior of Konoha.”

“Asma, you have such potential, I have observed you for a long time.”

“Ordinary people, I won’t invite him at all.”

“It’s like Kakashi.”

Asma couldn’t help but start imagining.

I have to say that the contents described by Uchiha Obito are what Asma yearns for, and Asma can’t help but get excited in her heart when she thinks of such a scene.

However, Asma still has some doubts about the identity of the Mask Man.

“Can you tell me your true identity?”

“Who are you?”

Asma is already impressed.

In this world, the first person to identify with Asma, makes Asma naturally feel a little close, and what Uchiha Obito describes is what Asma wants

Asma felt her heart beat fast.

But I don’t know that this is actually a pig killing plate…

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