Hearing Professor Wang's words, He Jiong, Yang Chenglin, Du Haitao, and Xiao Hao all praised Yang Mi for her accurate judgment of people. This time, she really guessed it right.

Qin Yan's alternative dress was not to cover up his humbleness, but to deliberately cover up his excellence.

"Qin Yan bought so many ingredients, but he was still so low-key. He had no intention of claiming credit in front of the two female guests!"

Yang Chenglin said that she had begun to look at Qin Yan differently!

Liu Tianxian watched the live broadcast quietly, with a look of great interest.

Her mother could feel that her daughter was aroused, and it was not necessary for her to watch the love drama on a regular basis. She would be so focused.

And the way she is now shows that she is interested in Qin Yan.

In the Xindong Villa, Bai Lu and Reba have no objection to Qin Yan going upstairs to rest. They are all new to each other. It's normal!

You will gradually get to know each other, given time.

The audience felt that if it were another male guest in this situation, they would definitely want to spend more time with the two beauties.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yan was completely interested. Queque, many people looked at Qin Yan and sighed that he was a man. As soon as Qin Yan left, Bai Lu and Reba got on very well with each other. One of them was lively and the other was carefree. It seemed that they had endless things to talk about.

After returning to the room to rest, the two of them remembered that they had not chosen a room when they mentioned the room.

In this way, the two of them visited Fenfen's private theater and then visited every room on the first floor. From time to time, I touched the pianos, guitars and other musical instruments in the villa.

I saw that these were prepared by the program team for everyone to show their talents. After looking around, Reba was a little hesitant to choose which room, but Bai Lu was very decisive. Made a decision

"I want to choose this double room on the third floor!"

Bai Lu glanced at Qin Yan's closed door. She didn't seem to hesitate. She felt that this double room was tailor-made for her.

Seeing this, director Zeng Pingping became interested.

"There were so many rooms for her to choose from, but she chose the third floor without hesitation. I wonder if it was because Bai Lu had a good impression of Qin Yan? At least he didn't hate him!"

All the audience noticed that when Bai Lu made the decision, she subconsciously looked at the door of Qin Yan's room.

You know, when she first met Qin Yan, Qin Yan, this lively guy, made Bai Lu carry a suitcase.

This first impression would definitely not be much better if it were someone else.

Regarding the distribution of the rooms, Bai Lu could not have failed to understand the intention of the program team.

There will be at least one person of the opposite sex on the floor where the room you choose is located. Bai Lu and Qin Yan have had contact, although not for a long time, but most girls care about the first impression! If the first impression is really bad, anyone will choose another floor. Other male guests haven't come yet, and you will have more doubts about the future if you change to another room. The feeling of anticipation.

It’s like opening a blind box.

Qin Yan is an already public male guest. In the view of the program team, Qin Yan has not yet shown how good he is in front of Bai Lu and the others.

The remaining three have not been made public yet. Many people probably can’t resist the temptation of this blind box!

If Bai Lu chooses a single room on the second floor, there will be two opposite sexes on her floor. Who wouldn’t have a surge of hormones?

And now Bai Lu’s intention seems to be giving up this feeling of expectation. Her performance at least proves that she thinks it’s not bad for her room to be next to Qin Yan’s room.

In the eyes of all the behind-the-scenes staff, this is definitely a good sign of heartbeat.

"Wow, if I were Bai Lu, I still don’t know what the advantages of Qin Yan are. I might choose another floor!"Yang Chenglin admired Bai Lu's decisiveness.

He Jiong couldn't help but smile and asked:"Now that you know Qin Yan's excellence, will you choose another floor?"

"I will definitely choose the room on the third floor!!"Yang Chenglin admitted with a laugh.

Married women are really bold!

He Jiong looked at Tianxian Jiejie and Yang Mi and asked,"What if it's you two?"

Unexpectedly, the two goddesses answered in unison without thinking,"Choose the third floor!" The two people answered in sync, and looked at each other after answering, as if they were surprised that the other party would make the same choice as themselves. The audience was shocked at this time.

[Oh my god, Qin Yanqiang, just a photo makes two goddesses like him so much!]

[↑Qin Yan in the photo is really handsome!]

[Although Qin Yan in the show is dressed very strangely, his character is so interesting and he is very real!]

[Qin Yan's non-competitive look is really charming! ]

In Qin Yan's eyes, his personality should be very unpleasant, but he never expected that his reputation would change so quickly.

Qin Yan's mobile phone was installed with surveillance software and blocking software by the program team. Now he cannot watch the live broadcast at all, let alone receive all relevant information about Heartbeat 6.

At this time, Reba in the villa did not expect that Bai Lu would be so decisive in choosing a room. Faced with Reba's curiosity, Bai Lu explained

"I love to talk. If you let me sleep in a room by myself, I would be too bored."Bai Lu's explanation seems to everyone to be reasonable.

Some people are really not used to being alone and like to have some company around them all the time, especially girls. Many girls want someone to accompany them when going to the toilet.

Seeing Bai Lu make a decision , Reba immediately answered without much thought:"Then if you don't mind, I'll share a room with you, and we can chat when we go to bed at night!""

In the eyes of everyone in the program team, Reba is indeed a big penguin character and reliable.

It seems that she is not very interested in the next male guest, but she is more interested in Bai Lu, who is very chatty in front of her.

Big penguin character People who value friendship more, she prefers to interact with people of the same sex. In the love scene, people with this personality often like to be the wingmen of (brothers/best friends)!

In short, in the eyes of director Zeng Pingping, the current passion is���The character is just like a textbook penguin.

After Bai Lu and Reba decided to live on the third floor, the third floor where Qin Yan lived was officially full.

Qin Yan slept until about 6 pm, and was still awakened by a gentle knock on the door.

He opened the door and found Bai Lu standing outside alone.

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