At this time, Qin Yan was sleepy-eyed and his hair was messy. Bai Lu wanted to laugh at the first sight of Qin Yan. She was speechless where this scrawled puppy came from, and she didn't pay much attention to her own image.

This is a love story, brother!

I didn’t see the other male guests dressed more fashionably and maturely than the last one.

Facing Qin Yan's curiosity, Bai Lu explained with a smile:"Except for one female guest downstairs, all the other guests are here."

"We are discussing what to have for dinner. Come down and discuss dinner with us!"

Qin Yan is indeed a little hungry after a good sleep. He wants to go down and meet everyone!

Although Qin Yan is not going to talk to the female guests, all the male guests are gathered downstairs. Qin Yan wants to know if these boys are good. If we get along better, he won't feel bored anymore during the filming of the show. It would be nice to play games or play basketball with each other.

Thinking of this, he took the lead and walked downstairs. Bai Lu looked at Qin. Yan Yan's slovenly look couldn't help but say,"Your collar is messed up, and your hair is messed up."~!"

As Bai Lu spoke, she stretched out her beautiful white hands to help Qin Yan adjust his collar and smooth his hair at the same time!

Director Zeng Pingping couldn't help but exclaimed"Wow" when she saw this!

This is the first candy she got in this season of"Heartbeat Love"!

Du Haitao was surprised:"Wow, now it's time to get started, it's a bit annoying!"

Yang Chenglin commented:"Bai Lu really has a good impression of Qin Yan.~!"

Wen Guixia explained:"Because Qin Yan didn't put pressure on Bai Lu like other male guests, Bai Lu would be particularly relaxed when she was with him."

Yang Mi was calm on the surface, but in her heart she was already eyeing Bai Lu.

She had never come into contact with Bai Lu before. In her eyes, Bai Lu was far more reliable than Reba.

Reba knew Yang Mi completely.

If Bai Lu really has a crush on Qin Yan, she has no problem with it. If Bai Lu has other intentions for Qin Yan, then she will be wary of Bai Lu.

Everyone had various thoughts on the close relationship between Bai Lu and Qin Yan, but most of them suddenly felt that the two of them were quite compatible together.

When all the guests gathered to discuss what to eat next, Bai Lu was the first to think of Qin Yan.

It was she who took the initiative to go to the third floor to wake Qin Yan up. She now subconsciously felt concerned about Qin Yan.

It was as if she was afraid that Qin Yan would not fit in with others.

And now Bai Lu has taken the initiative to help Qin Yan tidy up her clothes, which is really a plus in a relationship!

In fact, in Bai Lu's opinion, her operation is pretty good. She only regards Qin Yan as a friend now. She prefers to make friends.

Just now, she helped Qin Yan adjust his collar. It was just a small concern between friends.

For example, if you see a grain of rice on your friend's face, as a good friend, you must kindly remind him. If you don't remind him and instead wait to see him get into trouble, you're not a good friend.

Of course Bai Lu had to admit that Qin Yan was definitely the most special among the male guests in his eyes.

She had interacted with the other three male guests, and they were all gentlemen and very polite to Bai Lu.

When Bai Lu's water glass is empty, someone will take the initiative to refill it. When Bai Lu feels that the sofa is a little uncomfortable, a male guest will thoughtfully hand her a pillow.

When encountering this kind of situation, Bai Lu would politely say thank you.

When meeting these gentleman male guests, Bai Lu will be more reserved and afraid of being embarrassed in front of them.

But Bai Lu would not feel this way at all in front of Qin Yan.

Will she be embarrassed again by Qin Yan? ?

In front of Qin Yan, Bai Lu would feel like a bad student finally seeing a bad student, so she would subconsciously relax in front of Qin Yan.

After Bai Lu finally rolled up the collar of Qin Yan's polo shirt, making the camera crew feel comfortable, she didn't expect Qin Yan to stand up his collar chicly while going downstairs.

Seeing this, the cameraman wanted to vomit blood. Zeng Pingping couldn't help but pound the table in the director's room:"Ah ah ah, why is he so obsessed with his collar? How does this look good?"

Zeng Pingping looked at Qin Yan and thought. My obsessive-compulsive disorder is almost being forced out.

Bai Lu felt that Qin Yan's move was a silent protest against him. She was laughed out of anger for a moment, and couldn't help but show off her fist and hit Qin Yan.

"You are such a nagging person, I worked so hard to fix your collar!"

[Wow, this is starting to be flirting, knocking, knocking!]

[Hahaha, Qin Yan made me laugh to death. He is really different from other male guests. The other male guests are all gentlemen. Qin Yan is so indebted.]

[The two of them are so funny together, so fun and sweet]

Even Tianxian sister smiled knowingly when she saw this scene.

Yang Mi looked at this scene and didn't say Bai Lu wanted to hit him, she wanted to hit Qin Yan. She had been with Qin Yan for several years, and she had to admit that Qin Yan was really annoying sometimes.

In the villa, Bai Lu's words and actions were directly seen by everyone on the first floor. Everyone was surprised. When everyone felt restrained because they just met, how could someone start flirting! Hey!

He just arrived at the Novice Village, how come it seems that a big guy has already passed it quickly? ? What surprised everyone the most was Qin Yan's alternative outfit. His super saturated red hair made the guests who saw him for the first time call it eye-catching.

Stand-up collar polo shirt, big shorts, sleepy eyes, and walking with a bump.

I always feel that every detail of Qin Yan's body is touching everyone's aesthetic minefield.

Others are cautious for fear of touching mines, but this guy is just reckless, jumping wherever there are mines!!

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone in the program group, compared with Qin Yan's poor performance, Bai Lu stood beside him and was set off like an angel.

Bai Lu, who was delicate in heart, could get these details the most. She couldn't figure out whether Qin Yan's personality was like this or he was deliberately creating a program effect for herself.

If Qin Yan was the latter, Bai Lu would be very grateful.

When Qin Yan went downstairs and scanned the four new guests, he was a little surprised. Where did the program group invite these four people from!!

They were all celebrities.

He could foresee that when the audience saw these four people, the excitement would definitely be mobilized instantly.

As Qin Yan expected, when the audience saw these four big guys for the first time, the barrage had already exploded.

It took a lot of effort for everyone to calm down their excitement.

Even He Jiong and Yang Chenglin stood up in surprise when they saw the guests. Yang Mi and Liu Tianxian were no exception. These four people were really too valuable.

You know, the third female guest of the Heartbeat House is as well-known as Yang Mi and Liu Tianxian.

As soon as this goddess appeared, Reba and Bai Lu were nervous, because this actress is too famous.

Liu Shishi!!

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