Hua Siyuan has been a judge in music variety shows so many times. Isn't Qin Yan showing off his skills in front of Guan Gong?

He suddenly became interested and was not in a hurry to waste a few minutes to listen to Qin Yan sing.

At this time, all the audience, the people in the heartbeat observation room, and even the cameramen of the program were stunned. No one expected Qin Yan to perform singing. Judging from his personality, he doesn't seem to be the kind of person who likes to show off.

If he was the kind of person who liked to show off, he would have started showing off in front of everyone a long time ago, and would not have waited until now.

"This Qin Yan, his personality is really unpredictable!" Zeng Pingping secretly complained.

The audience didn't understand why Qin Yan suddenly wanted to sing. Although Hua Siyuan's singing was not very good, he was famous for his sharp tongue. It was really unwise to sing in front of Hua Siyuan. As a music judge, he could criticize you to pieces.

Liu Shishi, Bai Lu, Reba and others had no idea what Qin Yan was up to. They always felt that Qin Yan's smile was meaningful, and he didn't seem to be holding back anything. Ignoring the strange, curious, and puzzled looks of the people around him, Qin Yan took off his slippers and sat cross-legged on the sofa, holding the microphone and covering one eye like the middle school boy just now.


At this moment, Qin Yan was like having a seizure, making crazy noises and convulsing all over.

Hua Siyuan couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he saw this scene, while Bai Lu, Reba, Liu Shishi, Cheng Yan, and Yu Yingdi were trying their best to hold back their laughter. Even the cameramen's faces turned red because they had to hold back their laughter.

As soon as Qin Yan opened his mouth, everyone knew what song he was singing. Wasn't this Hua Siyuan's"Cancer" that had caused a sensation before?

"Ah ah ah ah ah~~~~"At this time, Qin Yan was completely in high spirits, scratching his head and rolling around on the sofa, looking very devilish.

The audience laughed wildly and slapped the table wildly

[Mom, why is Qin Yan so funny! I laughed so loudly in the bathroom that my mother thought someone's goose had escaped into our house.]

[I thought Hua Siyuan was already invincible when he sang"Cancer", but I didn't expect Qin Yan to be several levels better than him. It made me laugh to death.]

[I laughed so hard that I fell to my knees. My family thought I was going crazy.]

[Close to the face, I would like to regard Qin Yan as the strongest]

[Hahaha, those fairies who like Hua Siyuan, come and listen to your brother's famous song, this is definitely not unlucky]

[It's so funny, Qin Yan uses his actions to prove what bad luck is]

Everyone had to admit that Qin Yan's singing and movements were N times more exaggerated than Hua Siyuan's at the beginning. Those who didn't know thought that Qin Yan needed an ambulance.

Everyone in the love observation room had red faces because of trying not to laugh. Yang Chenglin finally couldn't help but lowered her head. From her crazy shrugging shoulders, everyone knew that Yang Chenglin was laughing wildly.

She couldn't help but sigh that Qin Yan was so funny, he really didn't have any burden at all!

Liu Shishi, Bai Lu and others still couldn't help but laugh with their backs to the camera. They felt that they would be suffocated to death if they didn't laugh anymore.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh~~~~"Qin Yan's increasingly crazy behavior broke Hua Siyuan's defense. He really wanted to snatch the microphone from Qin Yan's hand.

Qin Yan's music made him feel that it was really difficult to evaluate.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that Qin Yan had the top skill"Sound Immersion SSS" awarded by the system!

As Qin Yan sang more and more happily, the stars above the seaside villa were gradually covered by dark clouds. A flash of lightning streaked across the sky, like a crawling ant fiercely carving footprints in the sky.

With a loud bang, the lightning exploded like fireworks, illuminating the sky as bright as day.

The lights in the villa flickered due to this electromagnetic interference.

At this moment, the flickering villa made Qin Yan look particularly evil. Hua Siyuan, who had just approached Qin Yan, heard the thunder and saw Qin Yan singing and looking at him strangely.

With a cry of"Ah~", Hua Siyuan was frightened and sat on the ground.

At the same time, he suddenly felt something hot under him.

The flickering villa didn't last too long. Qin Yan had almost finished singing"Cancer". When his singing was about to end, all the lights in the villa returned to normal and stopped flickering.

At the same time, a thunderstorm began to fall outside the villa.

When Qin Yan finished singing, everyone only saw Hua Siyuan's figure fleeing to the second floor. At the same time, Reba noticed that the carpet where Hua Siyuan had just sat was wet for some reason.

Qin Yan didn't expect Hua Siyuan to be so frightening. You know, he just used a little bit of his immersive sound skills.

Everyone was just laughing just now. Except for Hua Siyuan, no one thought the singing was so scary.

The people in the program group thought that it was normal for people living by the sea to have unpredictable weather. Thunderstorms often occur by the sea. Director Zeng Pingping looked at the weather forecast and she knew there would be this thunderstorm.

But she didn't expect that the rain would fall just when Qin Yan was singing, which really added a lot of atmosphere to Qin Yan just now.

The stage effect was simply too explosive.

The audience sighed that when Hua Siyuan sang"Cancer", everyone only felt that he was magical. Unexpectedly, when Qin Yan sang, the weather helped him and he looked a little handsome.

By the way, some people are curious, when Hua Siyuan fled just now, did his pants get wet?

At the end of the song in the villa, Bai Lu smiled and praised Qin Yan, saying that the talent show just now was really interesting.

Qin Yan himself was puzzled. He couldn't figure out why the two programs he performed were so dark, so where was the fun?

What he meant was so direct. Since someone didn't want him to be well, they might as well die!

Anyway, after the talent show, Qin Yan said that he could finally wash and sleep.

Unexpectedly, the program team still organized everyone together at the end, but they still had the most important link to go on.

That is the heart-warming text message.

Qin Yan, Cheng Yan, Hua Siyuan who changed his pants, and Yu Yingdi, four men, were called to a room, while Liu Shishi, Reba, and Bai Lu, three girls, were called to the living room.

Men and women were separated.

The program team wanted to record their reactions to the heart-warming text messages.

The last task for Yang Mi and Tianxian Sister before they get off work is to guess who everyone is going to send their heart-warming text messages to!

By the way, no one has reacted to Qin Yan's singing of"Cancer" just now. Qin Yan's talent has left a deep impression on everyone.

The audience is curious whether Qin Yan's singing of"Cancer" will cause psychological trauma to Hua Siyuan!

Anyway, Hua Siyuan, who has changed his pants, is now sitting far away from Qin Yan.

"There were exactly seven of us at the scene, and each of us drew a card. Whoever drew the card would guess who he would send a heart-beating text message to, and the person who guessed correctly would receive a heart-beating gem!"

"Later in the show, those who have accumulated more heart-beating gems will be eligible to enter the heart-beating villa to interact with these male and female guests!"

He Jiong looked at the seven people around him and took out the seven cards with a smile.

Everyone knows what He Jiong meant by interaction.

The observers in the past also had this link. At the end of the program, which observer would be moved by the gem? If you have more, you can enter the Heartbeat Villa.

On the one hand, he can make candy at close range, and on the other hand, he can personally design a game for the person he makes candy to complete. It is interesting to think about it before. The fairy sister was not interested in the Heartbeat Stone. Interested.

And now she suddenly wants to earn more heart gems.

She wants to enter the heart house and design some dirty games to trick Qin Yan.

She feels that it would be interesting to see Qin Yan break his defense. look.

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