Liu Tianxian didn't know why she had such a mentality at this time. Maybe she also felt that Qin Yan was so mean that he deserved to be beaten!

Yang Mi was the first to draw, thinking silently that she had drawn Qin Yan. She has been Qin Yan's pillow for so many years and knows Qin Yan's character very well.

After drawing the card and turning it over, the camera focused on the card in Yang Mi's hand. The photo that appeared on it was Liu Shishi's profile picture.

"It turned out to be...Shi Shi!!"

Yang Mi felt a bit overwhelmed the moment she saw Liu Shi Shi's profile picture. It was not easy to guess who she would send the love message to! Some people mentioned Qin Yan's name in the comments, and some mentioned Yu Bowen, the actor.

The chances of these two people are very high.

To Liu Shi Shi, one is someone who cares about her, and the other is someone she cares about.

After a brief thought, Yang Mi replied:"I think Shi Shi will send the love message to Yu Bowen."

He Jiong couldn't help but be curious:"Why? In fact, through all the details, I think Qin Yan has a greater chance of winning!"

Yang Chenglin added:"Since Shi Shi entered the Love House, she has been rejecting Bowen with every word.���After Qin Yan helped Shi Shi at dinner, I saw that Liu Shi Shi was very interested in Qin Yan and helped him twice."

Du Haitao, Xiao Hao, and Wen Guixia all felt that Qin Yan had a better chance of winning.

The time when Qin Yan silently helped in the kitchen really added points in their eyes.

On the surface, Qin Yan was not serious in all kinds of ways, but at the critical moment, everyone unexpectedly felt that Qin Yan was really reliable and a particularly interesting male guest.

Sister Tianxian silently waited for Yang Mi to explain.

Yang Mi held Liu Shi Shi's card and did not confuse everyone for too long:"Although Shi Shi rejected Yu Bowen in various details, Qin Yan was also rejecting Shi Shi throughout the whole show."

"Shi Shi helped Qin Yan twice, but was rejected mercilessly by Qin Yan. If it were me, I would definitely be angry."

"It was impossible for Shi Shi not to see that Qin Yan was rejecting her. If she had a strong sense of self-esteem, she would not be able to get close to him in the short term."

"Hua Siyuan and Cheng Feiren could tell that Shi Shi was not interested in them. She had no interaction with these two people."

"I think that although Shi Shi will send a text message about her heartbeat to Yu Bowen, she is definitely not attracted to Yu Bowen."

"It was just a simple courtesy. She didn't know who to send it to, so she might as well send it to an acquaintance named Yu Bowen to speed up the process."

Yang Mi's analysis made everyone in the room nod, and they all felt that Yang Mi's analysis was very reasonable.

Although Liu Shishi and Qin Yan interacted the most, the key is that Qin Yan should not give Liu Shishi face, when meeting such an ordinary person with a little self-respect. I can't stand it.

Liu Shishi is a goddess in the eyes of so many people, so she doesn't have to keep talking about it in front of an unknown student. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that she is just playing for fun.

So heavy?

Yang Mi felt that as a goddess, it was enough for Liu Shishi to hit the wall twice in front of Qin Yan.

It was not that Yang Mi deliberately belittled her lover. It just suddenly occurred to me that when I first met Qin Yan, Yang Mi had already won numerous awards as an actor, and her reputation and net worth were not low at that time, so she needed a lot of people around her. A good-looking artist signed a contract. When Yang Mi saw Qin Yan while dining in a restaurant, she was shocked at first sight.

Qin Yan was the first boy Yang Mi fell in love with. At that time, Yang Mi vowed in her heart that she would sign Qin Yan. , so the big star Yang Mi turned into a talent scout and silently ran to Qin Yan's table. Qin Yan still had no idea of entering the entertainment industry, not to mention that Qin Yan was still young at the time.

He refused without mercy, no matter who you were, it didn't matter who you were. Yang Mi was proud and arrogant at that time, and because of her status, she was always cheered by everyone, and this was the first time she met her. Such a shameless brat.

At that time, Yang Mi was just like Liu Shishi now, speaking with a bit of self-righteousness. This time, Yang Mi was so angry that she swore she would never want to talk again. Meet this person later....Later, Yang Mi couldn't help but ran to find Qin Yan again.

If you ask Yang Mi how she felt at the time, she could only answer that it was because she was cheap. She didn't like anyone but Qin Yan.

Looking back, it was the right decision for her to desperately pursue Qin Yan at that time.

In Yang Mi's eyes, Liu Shishi has always been indifferent, thinking that she is not as cheap as she was at that time.

After all, Qin Yan's performance this time is much more hateful than Qin Yan at that time. When

Liu Shishi and Qin Yan first met, she couldn't tell how handsome he was. Now Qin Yan has an alternative red hair, and all his advantages can be said to be hidden.

And this goddess who is the focus of everyone's attention has a lot of people chasing after her with just a wave of her hand, so there is no need to pay for it.

As soon as Yang Mi made the decision, the program team played the clip of Liu Shishi sending a heart-warming text message separately.

The content of Liu Shishi's heart-warming text message

『I was wrong about the talent show just now, I'm sorry.

Thank you for your help in making the pepper scrambled eggs. Without you, I would never have been able to make such delicious pepper scrambled eggs.

I will get up very early tomorrow, let me make amends with breakfast. What would you like to eat? I'll make some extra for you in the morning. 』

After editing the text message, Liu Shishi rarely showed hesitation, but finally she mustered up the courage to send the text message.

It was the first time that everyone saw the shyness of a little woman in this confident goddess.

What surprised everyone was that the person Liu Shishi sent the message to was Qin Yan.

Yang Mi was so upset that she couldn't help but stand up.

"Really send it to Qin Yan!!"

Yang Mi was surprised and at the same time almost going crazy with joy. At this moment, she couldn't help secretly sighing. It turns out that Liu Shishi and she are completely the same!

Yang Chenglin, He Jiong, Xiao Hao, and Du Haitao also couldn't help but sigh when faced with this scene. It all exploded, and everyone sighed that they were shocked.

What impressed everyone the most was that Liu Shishi was so good at not revealing who she was in the heart-pounding text message, but her words made it obvious that anyone with a little bit of brain could do it. She guessed it was Liu Shishi.

At the end of the text message, she also left Qin Yan some room in the name of breakfast. In this way

, if Qin Yan wanted to reply, he didn't have to think about how to reply, he could just continue the topic of breakfast.

They admired how powerful Qin Yan was, and how he could make Liu Shishi fall back on him again and again, and the barrages even exploded.

[This, Goddess Shi Shi, is still talking about this? My heart is broken!]

[Damn, Qin Yan is awesome]

[The good guy bumped into me, I swear to charge CP for me!!]

[Hahaha, Yang Mi was dumbfounded. She thought Shi Shi would give up, but she didn't expect Shi Shi to be so determined.]

[Wow, Goddess Shi Shi took the initiative to ask me out for breakfast, I’m so envious]

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