Sister Tianxian found Liu Shishi's texting interesting. She found that she was right to participate in the dating show this time. This season is much better than the previous ones.

Various points were unexpected, and they looked strange to Sister Tianxian.

It took Yang Mi a long time to accept the fact that her guess failed.

The person He Jiong drew was Cheng Yan, Cheng Feiren. He couldn't help laughing. In He Jiong's opinion, this question was too simple. No one had to think about it. Cheng Feiren's heart-warming text message would definitely be sent to Bai Lu. Sure enough, the program was announced, and Cheng Feiren really sent the text message to Bai Lu. In the text message, he praised Bai Lu for her cute smile and said that he was very happy to wash dishes with Bai Lu.

In fact, everyone knows that Cheng Feiren and Bai Lu didn't interact much when washing dishes. Bai Lu's attention was all on Qin Yan.

Xiao Hao drew the card of Bai Lu. Yang Chenglin sighed when she saw this:"Oh, I wanted to draw Bai Lu. Her target is too obvious."

Everyone agreed that Bai Lu would send the heart-warming text message to Qin Yan.

Sure enough, in the program, Bai Lu smiled and edited the text message, and sent it to Qin Yan without hesitation.

『Today I met interesting people who helped me carry my luggage, ate delicious food, drank delicious sodas, listened to wonderful suona, and made interesting friends. Let’s go to bed early....Wild boy! 』

Seeing this, Tianxian sister was touched by Bai Lu's cuteness.

Yang Chenglin covered her mouth and laughed softly:"It's so interesting, it's like a girlfriend sharing every bit of happiness with her boyfriend, so sweet!"

Yang Mi couldn't help but sigh when she saw this.

"Boys should all like this kind of straight-forward approach, right?" Yang Mi thought secretly.

She felt that she and Liu Shishi should learn this, otherwise they wouldn't have been rejected by Qin Yan as soon as they met!

Seeing Bai Lu's text message, many netizens frantically brushed"Confession to Xuan Yan CP" in the barrage.

The person Du Haitao drew was Actor Yu, which was also easy to guess in everyone's eyes. If Actor Yu gave up on Liu Shishi after hitting a wall a few times, he wouldn't have pursued Liu Shishi for so many years.

In the show, Actor Yu really sent the text message to Liu Shishi. In his opinion, what happened today didn't matter. No matter how much Liu Shishi rejected him, he always thought that one day he would catch up with Liu Shishi, and watch her calm and composed appearance become as pleasant as a little bird and bow down in front of him....Just because of movement.

That's right, he just covets the other person's body.

The text message sent by Movie Emperor Yu was very long, full of words and phrases about the peerless beauty, the most beautiful woman, the beautiful woman, the beautiful woman, the beautiful woman, the beautiful woman, the beautiful woman, the beautiful woman and the middle-aged woman, and how she complimented Liu Shishi's poems.

What he sent to Liu Shishi was a song, which was exactly the one he and Hua Siyuan made just now. He polished it himself before sending the text message.

Wen Guixia frowned when she saw the person she drew. When everyone looked over, they realized it was Di Lieba!

"It's hard to guess who Reba will send the text message to!"He Jiong commented.

Yang Chenglin, Yang Mi, Du Haitao and others all felt it was difficult to see Dilireba, because her personality was too slow to respond to love.

Today, she interacted the most with Bai Lu, and she was not the type to take the initiative to talk to boys.

No one could tell which male guest Reba had a crush on.

If the program had the option to send the message to the same sex, everyone thought Reba would definitely send the message to Bai Lu.

Reba's personality had stumped even the expert Wen Guixia, and she finally decided to take a gamble!

"I think Reba would have sent the text message to Hua Siyuan even if it was just for courtesy. After all, Hua Siyuan kept looking for Reba to interact with her today, played guitar for her several times, and even ate next to Reba!"

Wen Guixia thought, even if Reba didn't like Hua Siyuan, she should be interested in his guitar!

Who would have thought that when the text message was released, everyone was surprised that Reba sent the text message directly to Qin Yan

『You are so good at playing suona!!』

"It was indeed a polite text message!"

Yang Chenglin shouted with a smile. Everyone expected that Reba didn't like any male guests, but what everyone didn't expect was that Reba actually liked the suona more than the guitar.

In fact, Reba also likes the guitar, but She feels that Hua Siyuan's guitar is not very good, but Qin Yan's suona is definitely the best. Qin

Yan has already mastered the suona skill, and it is currently at the SSS level. It can only be said that Reba has a really good sense.

When Hua Siyuan saw her card, Yang Chenglin was very confident:"Needless to say, Siyuan will definitely send the text message to Reba! He was so attentive in front of Reba today."

Regarding Yang Chenglin's answer, Liu Tianxian, Yang Mi, Du Haitao, Xiao Hao, and He Jiong all had no objections. When they met for the first time today, Hua Siyuan really interacted with Reba a lot.

Mainly because Liu Shishi was praised as the best actor He didn't have a chance to interact. Bai Lu's eyes were always on Qin Yan, and he couldn't find a chance.

After the results were announced, Hua Siyuan's heart-warming message was sent directly to Liu Shishi!

『The scrambled eggs with chili are so delicious. Sister Shi Shi's cooking skills make me kneel down. If I have the chance, I hope Sister Shi Shi can teach me cooking skills. I have always dreamed of being a good man who manages the house.』

"What the hell? ?"Yang Chenglin held her head, never expecting that Hua Siyuan would turn around.

Faced with Hua Siyuan's decision, few people in the observation room did not comment too much. Some people secretly criticized Hua Siyuan in their hearts. Butterfly. It can be said that you are eating from the bowl and looking at the pot!

[Awesome! Hua Siyuan sent a text message to goddess Shi Shi, and actor Yu was absolutely furious when he saw it.]

[Damn it, Hua Siyuan actually wants to steal the home of the best actor Yu, I'm laughing so hard]

[Hua Siyuan is really two-faced!]

[↑Don’t think that our Xiaohua is something dirty, okay? Our Hua just wants to learn cooking, and he works really hard!]

[Wow, our little flower is so outstanding. Boys who like to cook are so charming.]

[Hua Siyuan is really working hard, and the way he poached girls is so charming, hahaha!]

Many netizens are so dissatisfied with Hua Siyuan, not because he sent text messages to Liu Shishi.

Everyone has the right to pursue love, the key is that Hua Siyuan did something that everyone felt was not authentic. If he liked Liu Shishi, he should pursue her openly. On the surface, he kept his distance from Liu Shishi because he was afraid of Yu Yingdi. It is really despicable to do small things behind her back.

If Hua Siyuan was not afraid of Yu Yingdi's reputation at all, and competed with him openly, maybe Hua Siyuan could really gain a wave of goodwill.


PS: Thanks to [3126..】Thank you for your encouragement, Mr....

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