"I am very familiar with the owner of this gym. Every time I work out, I go to him."

"This boss is also a former fitness coach, and many celebrities in the entertainment industry like to hire him as a personal trainer."

When it comes to this, Actor Yu also talked to Liu Shishi:"Shishi, you also know the boss of this store!"

Hearing this, Liu Shishi thought for a moment:"KH, oh~ it's that big brother!"

When it comes to this, Liu Shishi said again:"After he retired from the circle, it seems that he opened several gyms in Shanghai, and the business is pretty good!"

Actor Yu nodded:"Yes, but among his chain of gyms, this one is the largest, and this is also his headquarters!"

""I see!" Liu Shishi nodded.

The main thing was to mention someone familiar, so Liu Shishi chatted briefly for a few words, and then stopped talking and continued to eat her meal.

The audience was confused by the conversation between Actor Yu and Liu Shishi. Bai Lu, Reba, Song Yuqi, and Hua Siyuan were all curious about who the owner of this gym was.

Many celebrities in the entertainment industry like to ask him to be a personal trainer, so it seems that he is also somewhat famous in the entertainment industry.

In the entertainment industry, celebrities pay special attention to body management. He is one of the best coaches who can catch the eyes of celebrities.

After hearing the name of the gym, Yang Mi, Yang Chenglin, and He Jiong immediately thought of who the owner was.

Although the other party is no longer in the entertainment industry, he is indeed famous in the entertainment industry.

After hearing what Actor Yu said, Cheng Yan curiously asked back:"Actor Yu, do you also exercise regularly?"

When saying this, Cheng Feiren secretly complained:"I didn't see it! I felt weak when I shook hands yesterday!"

Actor Yu smiled and replied:"But there are abdominal muscles!"

He touched his lower abdomen under the shirt. After the shirt was pressed against his abdomen, the lines of his abdominal muscles were indeed faintly visible.

Although it was not very obvious, it was a small achievement.

"If you are going to continue training in the afternoon and we happen to be together, I can introduce the boss to you. He is very passionate about fitness. You should chat! Cheng

Yan nodded after hearing this and had no objection.

Movie Emperor Yu looked at Liu Shishi and the others and asked,"Do you want to go to the gym together this afternoon?""

Liu Shishi thought about it and decided to go and have a look. She also loves fitness. She often doesn't keep fit. How can she be in the entertainment industry if she is fat?

Since she has to go to that gym sooner or later, why not take this opportunity to meet that gym? Say hello to an old friend.

Bai Lu, Song Yuqi, Reba, and Hua Siyuan thought about it and decided to go together.

They all had the same idea as Liu Shishi, and they all wanted to see her for lunch. They all decided to go to the gym with them, and the smile on Emperor Yu's face was a little brighter.

He was really familiar with the gym owner. Usually the owner was very busy and would not show his face easily. Only old friends in the entertainment industry could invite him. Of course, I still have to give my face.

Thinking that when the time comes, I can introduce the boss to Cheng Yan and the others, so I can pretend a little bit.

Since everyone has decided to go to the gym, Bai Lu suggested:"I'll send a text message to Qin Yan later to see if he wants to." Don't go to the gym with everyone!"

Thinking that 7 of the 8 people are going to the gym, if Qin Yan is not informed, he will be alone.

Reba also thought of Qin Yan immediately, but Bai Lu brought it up first, so she could only She nodded in agreement.

Even if Bai Lu didn't say anything, she would inform Qin Yan herself. Liu Shishi and Song Yuqi nodded without thinking when Bai Lu mentioned it. They immediately replied that they should inform Qin Yan whether he was going or not.

They should tell him.

If Qin Yan doesn't go, then forget it. Everyone who has had lunch doesn't know where Qin Yan has gone. When

Movie Emperor Yu saw the four girls, he immediately thought that Qin Yan was unhappy. It was easy to find a topic to take the initiative, but he didn't expect it to be around Qin Yan in the end.

At this time, he said with a slightly sour tone:"Qin Yan....From the looks of it, he probably doesn’t like working out!"

Just think about it, if Qin Yan loves fitness, can he sleep so late and wake up?

People who love fitness are very self-disciplined.

Who loves fitness as much as him.

Cheng Yan said bluntly at this time:"I think Qin Yan should have practiced , when I shook hands with him, it was obvious that he gave me a different feeling. My intuition told me that he was quite fierce, and his explosive power was definitely very strong!

Hua Siyuan interrupted:"No way, I didn't see it at all.""

In Hua Siyuan's eyes, Qin Yan's careless demeanor is so fierce. It's just a joke. How can he be as strong as himself?"

Movie Emperor Yu nodded, but he didn't realize that Qin Yan was very strong.

Little did he know that the audience was joking at this moment.

[Qin Yan is really good, okay? Movie Emperor Yu, go to the beach and watch Qin Yan play!]

[Wow, I saw Qin Yan’s abdominal muscles during that smash just now. The lines are so beautiful!]

[Oops, I didn’t expect Qin Yan to play so fiercely!]

[Ah, Qin Yan's husband is so manly. I admit that I am envious of his body!

Yang Mi secretly sighed when she saw a certain barrage. She was envious of her husband's body every day.

Tianxian sister and Yang Chenglin were both delighted when they saw Qin Yan playing ball. They didn't expect Qin Yan to have such a good figure.

After Qin Yan came out of the villa, he chose to walk on the beach as soon as possible.

The beach is particularly clean and delicate. The sand is spotless and exudes a platinum color. It is quite comfortable to walk on it barefoot.

Standing on the beach and looking at the blue sea in the distance, white seagulls are flying over the sea, and my mind suddenly becomes much broader.

There are not many people on the whole beach. After all, the price of this seaside resort is very high, and those who can come here are either rich or noble.

Most of them are of high status. Some people walk around when they see Qin Yan with several cameramen. It can be seen that some individuals have no interest in being on camera.

Of course, some people will say hello when they see Qin Yan, and some people can even call out Qin Yan's name.

Obviously, these people are watching the variety show"Heart-beating Love".

Qin Yan was walking leisurely on the beach when he was attracted by a few people playing beach volleyball. He found it interesting to watch them play volleyball, so he stopped to watch for a while.

Until someone left for something, the remaining two men and one woman could not make up for a game, and they were short of one!

The man wearing sunglasses finally noticed Qin Yan and shouted,"Dude, do you know how to play beach volleyball? Do you want to play with us?" The other woman also smiled and shouted,"If you don't know, I can teach you!"

She seemed quite enthusiastic.

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