At this moment, Qin Yan didn't have Bai Lu, Liu Shishi, and the others around him, so he was naturally more relaxed. Qin Yan, who was a little bored, happened to have itchy hands.

Qin Yan couldn't help but stepped forward:"I know a little bit, come on!"

Qin Yan has not tried the SSS level volleyball rewarded by the system so far. No one usually fights with Qin Yan, and Yang Mi, a little hottie, is not very good at it. Even if she is good at it, she can't beat Qin Yan.

Qin Yan looked at the three people in front of him and thought they were quite powerful.

As soon as Qin Yan passed by, the man in sunglasses on the opposite side served first to test Qin Yan's weight. The ball drew a parabola and headed straight towards the right corner of Qin Yan's court.

If the opponent is not confident, he will never dare to play that position. As long as he can't control the ball well with a little effort, it will easily go out of bounds.

Looking at the opponent's ability to control the ball, they have already become proficient. Knowing that the ball would not go out of bounds, Qin Yan moved quickly in the next second, and his vigorous figure made a flying dive to save the ball.

The moment the ball was lifted up, it was heading steadily towards the female partner on his side.

The man in sunglasses looked at this scene and sighed:"This girl is really beautiful!"

The woman is not weak either. Seeing the ball flying towards her beautifully, she hit the ball quickly and watched the ball go straight up. Qin Yan probably understood women's level.

In Qin Yan's opinion, the opponent's strength was not bad, and the second pass created a good opportunity for him.

When he came to the ball, Qin Yan jumped up quickly, and the hem of his clothes was lifted up because of the high movement of his right hand. At this moment, the camera just captured Qin Yan's sexy abdominal muscles.

This scene directly made the female viewers watching the live broadcast jealous.

Boys are even more envious of Qin Yan's good figure and his muscular lines should not be too graceful. This body is the body that countless boys dream of.

Director Zeng Pingping even lamented that this figure is simply in golden proportion.

As Qin Yan hit the ball hard, the ball made a loud bang and flew towards the opposite field. The man in sunglasses on the opposite side and his partner did not have time to save it.

It’s because the ball is too fast!

Seeing Qin Yan score a point with just one hit, his female partner smiled and sighed:"Wow, Qin Yan, I didn't expect you to be so good at playing. It's so awesome! This smash is so cool!"

Qin Yan knew this through the woman's words The three of them knew each other.

At the same time, after a simple contact, Qin Yan also recognized the man in sunglasses.

The man in sunglasses took off his sunglasses and shook hands with Qin Yan with a smile:"Hello Qin Yan, we have all watched this season of"Heartbeat Love", and we all think you are so interesting."

"My name is Liu Genghong, the one next to me is Dacheng, and the one next to you is my wife, you can call her Weiwei!"

It's Liu Genghong indeed!!

Qin Yan didn't see much about Liu Genghong's wife on the Internet, so he didn't recognize her at the first time, but Liu Genghong would occasionally learn about his information on the Internet.

Qin Yan learned that Liu Genghong retired from the entertainment industry relatively early.

When he was young, he was a singer, an actor, and a host. He was also very popular for a while. After getting married, he gradually became out of fashion, so he simply announced his retirement from the entertainment industry.

Because Liu Genghong loves fitness, he took out a small deposit and opened the first"KH Training". With the help of the connections in the entertainment industry, he gradually became bigger and bigger.

Now you don't say how rich Liu Genghong is, but he is also doing well in Shanghai.

He is already in his 40s, but now he looks about 30 years old.

His wife Weiwei (Wang Wanfei) is almost 40 years old, and because her husband urges her to exercise every day, she still looks young, and she has a particularly good figure in yoga pants.

Dacheng next to him is one of the coaches in Liu Genghong's gym.

The gym coaches, both male and female, played beach volleyball with the couple just now.

Anyway, their gym is a cooperative gym for Qin Yan's program group. Qin Yan is always welcome to work out, and it's free.

The four of them chatted while playing beach volleyball.

Qin Yan and Weiwei were on one team, and Dacheng and Liu Genghong were on another team.

Qin Yan never used his full strength from beginning to end. In his opinion, it was enough to just move around, and it wasn't a game.

Even so, Liu Genghong and the other two still lost more than they won.

Liu Genghong lamented more than once that Qin Yan was too fierce, and his attack was so strong that he couldn't be stopped. Dacheng next to him was at his peak, and he could fight a few moves with professional volleyball players.

As a result, he had no power to fight in front of Qin Yan.

Everyone could see that Qin Yan didn't use his full strength.

Although Weiwei could play beach volleyball, her physical fitness was far inferior to the two people on the opposite side. And now her cooperation with Qin Yan was simply amazing.

No matter how bad her pass was, Qin Yan could save it or even score.

By looking at Qin Yan's abdominal muscles, Weiwei knew that Qin Yan had absolute explosive power. Her family runs a gym, so she has seen a lot of muscles.

She can tell at a glance which muscles are developed by taking drugs and which muscles are developed by fitness.

Liu Genghong's sharp eyes can also see that Qin Yan's muscles are definitely not simple. Qin Yan

's muscles are not as big as the Hulk's. He is the kind of person who looks thin when dressed and has muscles when undressed. He has a perfect and standard oriental man's body.

Each muscle is very tight and looks very strong and hard. Such strong muscles cannot be developed by simple exercise.

Only those who have practiced kung fu, experienced striking training while exercising, and experienced fighting can make the lines of muscles so tough and beautiful.

Dacheng exclaimed to Liu Genghong more than once:"Boss, the muscles on the opposite side are so beautiful!"

As a coach, Dacheng naturally has muscles. His muscles are different from Qin Yan's. Dacheng's muscles are a little bigger.

He is the kind of person who looks strong no matter what he wears. He is far less tall and elegant than Qin Yan.

Qin Yan played beach volleyball with three people for more than an hour, and the four of them were very happy. The female audience was particularly feasted for the eyes.

Qin Yan's wig fell off easily, so later he simply threw it aside and didn't bring it with him. Anyway, there were no female guests here.

When he was sweating profusely, he just took his shirt and wiped his face.

Every time he showed his abdominal muscles, the female audience would be excited, and some even clamored to lick the screen and take screenshots.

Zeng Pingping didn't expect that Qin Yan's irregular work and rest schedule also had benefits. When the other guests were taking a nap, she was able to film Qin Yan playing beach volleyball.

The audience loved watching it.

At the same time, the audience also got to know Liu Genghong and his wife again. At that time, both of them were well-known in the entertainment industry and had many friends.

Weiwei was once the beauty pageant champion in Hong Kong when she was young.

No wonder Yu Yingdi and Liu Shishi said they knew the owner of the gym.

When they were tired of playing, Liu Genghong, Dacheng, and Weiwei would sit down to rest, and everyone would stretch their muscles so as not to make them uncomfortable and tight.

Liu Genghong did not forget to chat with Qin Yan:"The posture you used when you jumped up to spike the ball was really professional. I can't do it when I jump up. I feel like something is not right."

"Not only can I not jump high, but after jumping for a long time, my muscles feel a little strained and my knees ache."

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