Disgusting, as always!

Liu Shishi thought she was going crazy!

Seeing all the customers eating Qin Yan's grilled skewers so deliciously, Liu Shishi doubted herself. Was it me who was wrong?

Or the whole world?

Don't tell me that Qin Yan bribed hundreds of customers to collectively deceive him. They ate the unpalatable grilled skewers and pretended to be delicious just to tease him?

Qin Yan was so generous? ? ?

Unconvinced, Liu Shishi went to the snack shop next door and bought a lot of snacks. Under the puzzled eyes of the audience, she tasted biscuits, shrimp crackers, squid shreds, instant noodles, etc....

All the snacks still had the familiar taste.

Qin Yan's skewers were just so unpalatable.

Liu"890" Shi Shi had always believed that the unpalatable skewers were Qin Yan's doing, but it was a sudden incident that she took the skewers from the girl's hand just now!

It was because she didn't believe that Qin Yan had guessed her thoughts that Liu Shi Shi was so confused at this moment.

"Should I let others try the skewers in my hand?"Just when Liu Shishi had this idea, Qin Yan's voice came again.

"Sister, the skewers are almost out again!"

"Are you tired? If you are tired, we can take a break and stop selling for the time being!"

Qin Yan's voice just fell and the customers who were still queuing wailed.

"Ah, we finally got the queue!"

"We've been waiting in line for a long time!"

"We can't do this, we've been standing for a long time!"

Seeing so many customers wanting to eat skewers, Liu Shishi simply put down the skewers and stopped thinking about them. She squatted beside the basin and began to skillfully skewer the skewers.

While skewering, she said,"I'm fine, not very tired!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Yan sighed,"Why do I suddenly feel a little guilty?"

At this time, Liu Shishi said while skewering,"Why do I think your skewers are so bad? ?"

"Maybe people have different tastes!"Qin Yan said with a smile.

He had to admire Liu Shishi's ability to withstand pressure. He had been working hard with him for most of the day, cleaning, hanging out, and doubting himself....

After taking a look at the remaining ingredients and the customers currently in line, Qin Yan felt that it was almost done.

Originally, he was mentally prepared. If Liu Shishi's attitude was not very good, he would buy more ingredients and work vigorously for the whole day.

But now Qin Yan thinks Liu Shishi's sister has a pretty good character, and if they are friends, Qin Yan thinks she is very reliable.

He simply didn't plan to purchase the ingredients and would close the stall immediately after selling the ingredients.

Another day passed, so happy!

Finally, Qin Yan shouted to all the customers in line:"Thank you all for coming to support me, but I don't have much ingredients.""

"The customers at the back, please tell the newcomers to stop queuing. Our current ingredients can only satisfy those currently queuing."

Qin Yan's decision is just right for all customers.

At least those who queued for a long time can eat skewers. I can only say sorry to those newcomers.

Of course, everyone understands, after all, Qin Yan and Liu Shishi are also human beings The two of them have been busy for most of the day, and they can only blame the late arrival.

Qin Yan's eyes are like rulers. With a quick glance, he can tell how many skewers are left and how many customers will be waiting in line. After sending them all away, there should be one or two skewers left. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing that Qin Yan’s skewers are coming to an end, there are only 5 skewers left in Qin Yan’s hand. -At the 6th string, I didn’t expect Liu Genghong and Wei Wei to come.

"Oh, it's too late, too late! Qin Yan, do you have any more skewers?"

"Geng Hong, we are indeed here late. You see, Qin Yan doesn’t have much left. Let’s eat it next time we have a chance!

Qin Yan looked at the skewers in his hands and smiled:"Not too late, not too late, just right!""

After handing out the skewers to the remaining customers, the remaining two skewers were given to Liu Genghong and Wei Wei.....

"knock off!!!"

Qin Yan didn't even have time to taste the whole kebab, so they were all sold.

Liu Shishi tasted two or three skewers anyway.

Just now Qin Yan asked Liu Shishi if she wanted to eat more. She had already eaten too much. He shook his head decisively and refused to eat.

After taking the skewers, Liu Genghong and Wei Wei clamored to give Qin Yan money. Qin Yan refused to accept the QR code since they were all friends, so Liu Genghong didn't take it from them yesterday. Qin Yan didn't charge for two skewers when it came to his own clothes.

After tasting Qin Yan's skewers, they were both surprised and intoxicated by the food.

I was impressed. I didn't expect that Qin Yan was not only good at cooking but also so good at cooking.

Qin Yan took a look at his income and found that leaving aside the rent, the cost of ingredients, and all the miscellaneous expenses.

"Not bad, we actually made more than 2,000 yuan today!! I can’t let your hard work go in vain today, we will share half of it when we meet."

3.8 on the Internet. At first glance, 2,000 yuan may not sound like much, but in fact, for most people, this is more than half a month's salary.

Liu Shishi deeply realized that Qin Yan's 2,000 yuan is more than she earns 20 million. Difficult.

Liu Shishi glanced at Qin Yan and shook his head:"Take the money, I'm not short of money either."

The next second, something beyond Qin Yan's expectation happened.

"Sister Weiwei, I want to eat skewers again. Can you let me have a bite of that one in your hand?"

Seeing this scene, Qin Yan's heart was shocked.

"No way, this woman has such a tough character? ? ?"

PS: The tenth update is over, good night everyone!!.

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